Globalization: Cultural Communication: Cross-Cultural Communication in the Age of Globalization Dr.
Andreas Eppink Cultural
Anthropologist, Psychologist, Consultant Malaga,
Spain INTRODUCTION Cultural differences can cause
substantial communication problems and misunderstanding on various levels. We
encounter these cultural differences daily with questions such as: “How can we
successfully negotiate this contract with our Chinese friends, considering both
our wish for efficiency, and their saving face?” “How can we improve the
service and assistance to ethnic minority clients?” “How can immigrants profit
more from the given opportunities in this country?” “Is intolerance an inherent
feature of Western, Eastern or other cultures?” Questions such as these are
abundant. In this article we will not deal specifically with these questions
themselves but with a theory on cultural differences and the impact on
cross-cultural communication. CULTURE’S CONTINUITY The universe, nature, cultures,
organizations, teams, relations in general, and individuals all possess common
characteristics in continuity. Always, this continuity is enhanced by ‘good
chemistry’, which means: - complementing capabilities - complementing goals - the ‘right’ conditions.
The three never stay on their own.
An interrelation always exists between: goals — capabilities — demands
(conditions), or WHAT IS CULTURE? The term “culture” is used in
different ways. Rarely is the emphasis placed on the conditions in which people
(with the notable exceptions of the well-known anthropologist Oscar Lewis in
his study of “The Culture of Poverty”, which Paolo Freire called “The Culture of
Silence”). Often a major emphasis in placed on
capabilities -- even exceptional capabilities -- as are illustrated in a
particular culture’s music, art, language, religion, or traditions, customs,
habits, etc. Generally, if we speak of “Arab”, Japanese”, or “Chinese culture”,
we mean language as our point of reference, while for “Confucian” or “Muslim
culture”, the reference point is philosophical or religious. The problem with
such generalizations is that invariably the many significant subcultures within
these cultures are over-looked. What, by example, should be understood by the
terms “American culture” or “European culture”? In “American culture” the
American-English language could be the feature, while with “European culture”
there is no similar commonality. In both cases we refer to the American or
European society, and their history. In defining what culture is, the
reference to (a system of) “values” is more useful; however, concepts such as
values, norms, ideology, ethics, symbols, style (e.g. of leadership) are quite
abstract. Some authors consider culture a way
to survive, or “the way in which people solve problems” . Although this
approach can be given credence, it is proposed here that the impact of goals
determines (at least to a significant degree) how people perceive reality and
strongly influences their ideas as to how problems can and should be solved. It
is at this point that we are back to values. The relation between goals and
values is strong, as people will follow goals according to their perceptions of
each stated goal’s value and importance, and thus values themselves tend to
become goals for many people. Some goals are formulated -- the so-called formal
goals -- but most are not, the informal goals. Both formal and informal goals have
their origins in basic psychological goals, for which the term Hidden Goals
(HG’s) will be used herein (see chart on following page). . Here we will not
deal with the “why?” and “how?” of these ten (which have been derived them from
the famous classic Hindu scripture, Bhagavad Gita2). (Trompenaars,
1993)1 Cultures and subcultures can be
characterized by their accent on a (more or less) unique combination of H G ’s.
Because each individual follows all mentioned goals in life, and a group,
organization, or culture is formed by individuals, we will find the ten hidden
goals in each of them. Though, not to the same degree; the very variance in
degree and ranking of the H-goals ‘makes’ a culture. (Sub)cultural differences
can be explained by the quite infinite combination possibilities of the HG’s,
in relation to the two formerly mentioned other elements of continuity:
capabilities and conditions (circumstances in time and space3). One
H-goal, or the combination of several, may dominate within a culture (with small
changes in time and circumstances). Within a society, cultural expressions and
productions --such as art, customs, religion and social life in general --are
variations which can defined within a specific combination of HG’s . The ten
Hidden Goals and their outcome are here summarized in key words: CULTURAL CHANGE If the ranking of any particular HG
(or combination of HG’s) changes, then a corresponding culture change occurs as
well. Change is inherent in nature (and culture) for three reasons. First,
because all HG’s are implicated (i.e. as the HG’s are not all compatible, some
degree of struggle occurs between the followers, particularly if obstructing
goals are involved). Secondly, change also occurs if new capabilities are
developed, thereby presenting a new set of circumstances and demands and the
resultant rise or fall of a particular HG’s ranking (in the last century we
have seen amazing cultural changes in Western, Japanese and other Asian
cultures as the Information HG rose, and as education became increasingly
available). The third reason why cultures
inevitably change are external circumstances and influences; these influences
cause changes both in HG-ranking and in overall capabilities (however not all
changes mean discontinuity; remembering that the primary function of culture is
the survival of its participants, we can speak of discontinuity if a culture’s
participants suffer distress and harm, and cannot survive).4 Certain goals can be deemed
“obstructing” if they can never be reached by effort; a culture’s striving to
reach unattainable goals inevitably leads to distortions in reality perception,
which in turn causes discontinuity. Recognizing the fact that obstructing HG’s
are inherent in life, some discontinuity can never be avoided. In the most
extreme cases, if obstructing HG’s rise high in ranking the culture will
collapse, (as occurred in the final period of the Roman Empire and the
communist cultures of the late 1980’s). Due to a restricted point of view
provoked by obstructing goals, most capabilities are developed limitedly or
one-sidedly, while others are bluntly restricted. The resultant negative
economic impact will be clear. POINT OF VIEW AND COMMUNICATION For the first time in history the
United States House of Representatives was shut down to allow health
authorities to check for traces of anthrax. House members were widely
criticized for leaving while the Senate remained in session. The members of the
House even were called “weaklings”. “The unprecedented move underscored the
pressure lawmakers are under to demonstrate they can conduct the nation’s
legislative business during a time of crisis." So could be read in the
Washington papers.5 The judgment of the different
behaviors of the House and Senate members will depend upon each particular
individual’s point of view: Duty, (safety-) Procedures, or Fear. The variety of points of view, or
frames of reference between and within cultures, is reflected within the
various rankings of the various HG’s (or combinations thereof). These
differences ultimately cause the difficulties of communication and
understanding which this article addresses. The following points can be useful
in understanding cultural differences, cultural discrepancies and
(in)compatibility, in terms of cross-cultural communication:
Most cultures, and particularly
subcultures, tend to accentuate one point of view originated from one HG (or a
combination of a few). Communication is essentially translating content into terms
of the HG’s of the cultural audience with which one desires to engage in
dialog. “Good communication” essentially signifies an accurate matching of
HG’s. If one interprets that words or sentences, as such, mean what they say,
one is (only) referring to the HG Information, which often appears to be (but
in reality may not be) As a case in point, the newspapers of former communist
countries - and still in totalitarian states - one must still read beyond the
words in order to hope to grasp some degree of knowledge of what is actually
occurring. The Information HG most commonly
appears in combination with -- and is resultantly overruled by --one or more of
the other HG’s. Therefore, within cross-cultural communication a simple literal
translation will not suffice. The most convenient example is obtained by a look
at the various cultural implications of the basic word “yes”. “Yes” can mean: I
agree with you; I understand you (but this doesn’t automatically imply I agree
with you); I hear you (which doesn’t automatically imply I understand you);
and: I agree and accept the consequences, or I agree and will obey you. What
the real significance of “yes” is varies with the underlying combination of
HG’s. UNDERSTANDING OTHER CULTURES Generally speaking, within a culture
misunderstanding is avoided because of the existence of commonly-shared HG’s.
Between participants of different cultures, however, misinterpretation can
easily arise. Such an example of misinterpretation
concerns the concept of “saving face”, a primary value in Asian and other
cultures. To save face can take various forms, all of which have in common the
intent to avoid offending or appearing to be brusque to others. Smiling under
all circumstances, even if one does not agree or even if one is hurt, is one
form, which by Westerners is interpreted as happiness or agreement. The act of
saving face is mainly based upon the HG-combination of Stability and Goodness
(particularly the sub-factors Duty and Benevolence); Westerners are able to
correct their misinterpretation to the extent that they are familiar with
politeness (that being a weaker pronounced expression of the same
HG-combination). However, not all Westerners will make this correction; in some
Western subcultures the Independence HG (and individual Freedom) predominates;
from this point of view, politeness and saving face are considered mere
old-fashioned, dishonest, relics of a past culture (while conversely, some
Asians, overlooking the Independence HG, will think of Westerners as barbarians).
Much is said about mutual cultural
understanding and mutual acceptance. This idea as such can be interpreted from
various HG’s, including Independence, Goodness, Information, or Social Contact,
and can take corresponding forms. The other HG’s, however, will never allow
that tolerance, and thus mutual acceptance of other cultures can never be fully
realized (nor can cultural relativity in the concept that “all cultures are
equal”). In example, from the point of view of the Control HG -- and to some
extent the Independence HG -- expansion, development, (personal) ambition, and
even “righteous” wars can be tolerated. Within the frame of reference provoked
by other HG’s, particularly Goodness, Stability, and Order, even” righteous”
forms of aggression are far less tolerated Mutual acceptance is quite difficult
if dominating HG’s differ between (participants of) cultures; this is
especially the case if one or more of the obstructing HG’s take a pronounced
place. In example, to save face, as an expression of Stability-Goodness
combined with Approbation, will produce an intolerant Honor code that refuses
all that is deviant or ‘alien’. (Goodness will be narrowly interpreted, and
restricted to what “my people” think is good.). Xenophobia, racism, and an
array of other forms of intolerance prevail by the Honor code, which can be
encountered in Western, Arab, and Asian cultures, as well as within a number of
subcultures. Blood vengeance; oppression of
women, children and other (ethnic or religious) minorities; a significant power
distance based on wealth, caste, class or status can all being defended by
culture-participants as their inalienable cultural marks. Such cultural
attributes are the outcome of dominating obstructing HG’s. If obstructing goals
dominate, the view of a culture’s participants is limited, and by consequence
the interests (HG’s) of others are disregarded. CONCLUSIONS: * Not all individuals follow the
same HG’s. * Different (combinations of) HG’s
cause different points of view, and sub-cultural differences. * Communicating with others means
translating the message in terms of the other’s HG’s. * Understanding other cultures is to
understand their principal HG’s. * To understand does not necessarily
indicate or require acceptance (no one can accept the expressions of other’s
HG’s if these are conflicting with one’s own HG’s). The first characteristic of the
current era is the still-growing extension of information exchange. Thus, in
all societies the Information HG will rise in ranking and influence, will
continue to change cultures, and will continue to make the world more open.
With a true cross-cultural understanding, the world’s minority cultures can not
only survive, they can find all the information necessary to thrive. In fact,
the very characteristic of an enlightened ‘free world’ is the existence and
success of de facto minorities. 1 “Culture” is in this case considered a so-called
contingency factor, and as a determinant factor as well, also primarily an
interaction between conditions and capabilities. 2 Hinduism stated that all things are in continuous
transformation by the three Gunas: mass, movement, and harmony, each of which
is necessarily subordinated to the relation of both others. Human beings can be
characterized by four ‘works’(originally flexible, later fossilized into the
four castes). The four ‘works’ in combination with the three Gunas make twelve
basic constellations, here called Hidden Goals, and for simplicity sake reduced
to ten. 3 Hinduism includes in circumstances of space and time:
birth- origin, term of life, and experience. 4 Symptoms of discontinuity are: unrest, internal discord,
conflicts or “tribal wars”, crisis, “rot in the top”, financial-economical or
other “problems”, undesired take-over, losses, bankruptcy, dissolution; and on
the individual level: distress, harm, and hurt. Symptoms of continuity are:
survival, cohesion and alliances, well-being, growth, flexibility, innovation
and adaptation to new circumstances. 5 Quotation: Washington Post. 6 Watzlawick distinguishes between two communication levels:
that of the literal meaning (content level) and the relational level e.g. power
distance - of those who communicate with each other. Bateson’s remark that a
geographical map is only a representation of reality applies to words and
sentences too. Bernstein, and Douglas, speak of implicit and explicit
communication codes. BWW
Society Member Dr. Andreas Eppink received his Doctorate degree in Social
Sciences in 1977 from the University of Amsterdam, went on to study Clinical
Psychology, and was officially registered as a Psychotherapist. He has worked
as a Management Consultant, especially in the television, advertising, daily
press, family business, transport, and public administration sectors, including
work with the town of Maastricht. Prior to this, as an Anthropologist
specializing in the study of culture, Dr. Eppink was a pioneer in the field of migration
study, in particular mental health and occupation. In 1971 he founded the
Averroes Foundation for the study of these areas. He headed this institute from
1978 to 1983, as it then became state run. He was an intergovernmental expert
of the European Committee for Migration in Geneva, a member of the Board of
Advisors to the Dutch Minister of the Interior, and an expert with different
European committees in Strasbourg and Brussels. Dr. Eppink speaks five
languages and reads several more. [ BWW Society Home Page ] © 2016 The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society |