January-February 2024 Issue: Director’s Letter:



Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society


VOL. XXIV, NO. 1                 ISSN#: 1544-5399           JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2024


New Years Day, 2024


This Issue’s Featured Papers:

Presenting the January-February 2024 Issue:


John Pellam, President & Director

The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society and the Institute for Positive Global Solutions


With my very best wishes to you for a healthy, creative and innovative New Year ahead, I’m pleased to present you with the January-February 2024 issue of the Journal of Global Issues & Solutions.

This issue begins with our Page One Feature Paper in the subject area of
Postglobalization: "The End of NWO-Style Western Hegemony: The Dawn of the Multipolar World Order (MWO): How America's Geopolitical Powerplays Backfired and Ended American Global Hegemony."


This issue continues in the subject area of Geopolitics & Postglobalization:

"A Consideration of  the Sanctions' Positive Effects on Russia's Economy: How the Sanctions on Russia Helped Crush the NWO-style Western Hegemony and Brought About the Dawn of the Multipolar World (MWO)."

Next, also in the topic area of Postglobalization, we present "
Contemplations of the Post-Globalized World: The Primakov Readings: A Look at Things to Come."


The January-February 2024 issue concludes with the paper titled "Russia's Plan to Bring Prosperity to the Developing World: Vitalizing National Sovereignty and Economic Prosperity in Africa and the Middle East."



I’m looking forward to your receiving your comments, observations and remarks regarding this issue’s presentations,

With best wishes,

John Pellam
President & Director
Bibliotheque: World Wide International Publishers
The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society
Email: president@bwwsociety.org
Website: www.bwwsociety.org

About the Journal:

The Journal of Global Issues & Solutions, the official publication of the BWW Society and the Institute for Positive Global Solutions, reviews various aspects relating to Postglobalization (economic, political, cultural, environmental, technological, scientific, et al), as well the arts, humanities, literature, science, medicine, education and other issues. The Journal’s contributors include professors, researchers, and other scholars and academics who are members of the BWW Society and the Institute. The Journal features articles, special reports, proposals, and academic reviews as well as editorials, commentaries, views and opinions of the Society's Members.


Call for Papers: Journal of Global Issues & Solutions:

We are currently accepting papers for publication in the Journal of Global Issues & Solutions. If you would like to submit a paper for review for publication, you are invited to forward your manuscript.

Topics include all aspects related to the Effects (both positive and negative) of Postglobalization, in the realms of Economics, Culture, Science, Philosophy, Medicine, Theology, Education, Technology, Music & The Fine Arts, Psychology and other subject areas.

The Journal features scholarly papers, academic research, commentary pieces and other published works from an expansive range of academics, business leaders, theologians, artists, musicians and other professionals from an array of nations and cultures spanning the globe.

We are currently accepting papers for publication. If you would like to submit a paper for review for publication, forward your manuscript via email to: president@bwwsociety.org.

ACCESS AND REPRINTS: The Journal of Global Issues & Solutions is an OPEN ACCESS publication; authors and principal researchers may freely access their texts on-line, provide access links at will, and print out unlimited reprints without any charge or fee.