Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society


VOL. XXIV, NO. 4ISSN#: 1544-5399 JULY-AUGUST 2024

Director's Letter:
An Introduction to This Issue's Selected Papers

'Page One' Featured Paper: On the Road to Armageddon::
How Our Collective Subconscious Was Distracted
as Our Rulers Led Us Down the Path to War

Is This All a NATO Plot?: The March Toward War:
Global Cultural Menace and the Road to World War III

Commentary: National Sovereignty:
Current Severe Dangers to Freedom & National Sovereignty

Commentary: AI & Machine Intelligence:
Philosophical Commentary Concerning AI and Human Intelligence


An On-Line Library of Hundreds of Previously Published Papers on:

Economics; Sociology; Psychology; Anthropology; History; Archeology; Forensics; Criminology; Security; The Sciences; Technology & Innovation; Robotics; Artificial Intelligence; Medicine; Psychiatry; Technocapitalism; Socioeconomics; Widening Wealth Gap; Nationalism vs. Globalism; Neoliberalism; Neoconservatism; Transformational Marxism; Relativism; Multiculturalism; Critical Theory; et al

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