Culture: Autopoiesis:

Lauc's Autopoiesis as a Culture of Love

for a Life of Creativity

by Assistant Professor, Tanja Balažic Peček, Ph.D

Institute of Autopoietic Organization

Slovenia, Europe


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However, the only true freedom is the freedom based on Morality.

Without ethics there is no real freedom, only an illusion of Freedom.

Without ethics there is no creativity, only an imitation of Creativity.

(Emeritus Prof. Sc. Ante Lauc)


Lauc lifelong mission was to achieve Freedom through Love, Truth and Knowledge, as 'Autopoiesis as a Culture of Love'.


1       Introduction

The reason that people are so unhappy in these are: non-ethical economy, as well as the climate change and wars, taking place on the planet Earth. No one in today's world invests in people first, everyone invests in money, said Lauc [4]. He establishes that through philosophy, thinking of freeing a human develops and that only then we can speak about free thinking, which is a whole in a circle of circles. The principle of circularity was developed by Chilean biologists Maturana & Varela [9], who were the first to name it 'Autopoiesis', as a definition of the living, and introduce the theory of autopoiesis. Luhmann [7] says that the autopoiesis theory in social systems presents a conceptual revolution in sociology. Finishing the cycle of a cycle is the Natural law of self-production within the Autopoiesis phenomenon.


Why was Lauc's original synthesis formed? He [5] emphasizes that a human is the one who alone sets themselves personal goals on the way of personal development. He stresses that they have to be rational, natural, efficient and humane. This means material and non-physical contribution of a person in all spheres, with less stress but more love and freedom. Less hate and more harmony create social wellbeing. Investing in people, who will contribute with their knowledge and motivation towards universal progress. A person is an autopoietic being who ensures their quality of life and creation by self- and co-operation in a live autopoietic network. Therefore, what is the Culture of Love actually? Lauc devoted himself to aspects of love and as a driving power of progress pointed out harmonization of processes in free action, with the presence of the highest aspect of love Agape.


Lauc [5] was very critical to the current situation, he said: Currently we are 'enjoying' the 'dominator culture' collective psychological style, we are now the product peddlers, with infantile obsessions materialism as well as this 'dominator paradigm'. He ended his research in the direction of his motto: 'Living in Love'. Pavuna [11] self-confidently interprets his scientific supposition: 'Life is Love in Action.' On the other hand, Ovsenik [10] reminds us of the deep fundamental question about the culture of understanding Love. 


2       Lauc's critical views to achieve 'Culture of Love'

In a critical way Lauc [4] emphasizes economic and political problems and as a consequence states that the society has not devoted enough to autopoietic production, through which we would be able to create topmost products and services. As an opportunity for personal and social development, he suggests that from chaos the autopoietic organization is built, which is based on the cooperation of six teams: biology, philosophy, psychology, technology, economics and law, which are creatively connected. This is an eclectic model, which he later named 'The Tree of Development' as an autopoietic model in the areas of social systems, economies and human development. Inside the model he defines five criteria: economics, ecology, ethics, esthetics and ecumenism, which are important for circulares process of deciding for processing and re-processing in an organization, leading to the final goal of creating good, real and beautiful in the process of production. Circular process realizes four kinds of development as the highest aspects: personal, organizational, economic and cultural.

Lauc [4] defines autopoiesis as a web of self-production, combined from elements which create and realize themselves with their interlinked activity. Only self-referencing of a person is important, with principles of self-education, self-learning and self-organization; everything else is a waste of time, energy, money and nerves. Organization has the ability to create a suitable product in a way that it is great, real and beautiful. He points out that harmonized processes are extremely important in free action for the force of Love as a driving power of progress. This means a material and non-physical contribution of an individual in all spheres, with less stress but more love and freedom. Less hate and more harmony create social wellbeing.


In the cell theory, the law of self-organization can be found, which can help the theory of social development since the existent capitalistic and state institutions are unnatural, mechanic and inorganic, Lauc [5] criticizes. He states that in a great organization everything runs smoothly and that organisms are freer if they are concordant and complete. Only the living is a subject and non living is an object where the laws of thermodynamics are valid, the principles of lower level are unnatural. Malić [8] defines and explains thermodynamics and entropy in his work and also talks about living systems. Lauc [4] is also aware of the importance of metabolism as a life process since he establishes that this is a continuous process of activity which enables growth as also multiplication.  If a human would consider these natural principles, efficiency, humanity and harmony would prevail, which would ensure health against disease, inefficiency, inhumanity and antagonism, stresses the author. Djurdica [2] is aware of the limitations of the existent paradigms. He emphasises out that this knowledge must be used for health or for maintaining health.


In the conclusion about biological impact, Lauc [4] states that an organism is a 'machine' which produces itself totally autonomously with internal interactions based on self-referencing. By understanding the game of coincidences and necessity humankind faces new projects in biotechnology. This is confirmed by Železnikar [12] with his calculation of information hierarchy in a conscious information system. The author states that this is a complex web of information components.


Provocative is Lauc's [4] finding that classic does not accept a dialogue with Nature in which it sees a human as a stranger on the Earth. He is convinced that with new findings a human and Nature can develop a spontaneous free organization. He believes in work and love, in synergy, which we ourselves can form with the help and principles of autopoiesis. It can be formed as a web of self-production, which Maturana and Varela [9] already wrote about; elements with their mutual activity realize the web, as well as autopoiesis itself. In the conclusion, Lauc [4] emphasizes characteristic, happening in the circle of transformations, which can be sensed in Nature. Capra [1] is sure that artists and creative people know how to control unpredictability and loss of control.


It is important that everyone brings love from their home, from their parents, said Lauc [4]. In the education process the professors are only catalysators from Eros and Agape. He determines that most people are still turning around in the vicious cycle of Eros and Tanatos, as they allow the allopoietic environment to ruin them. He points out that the process begins in the heart and that it is necessary that every heart knows what this law is. In legal theory and practice Z. Lauc [6] moves forward and realizes that it is necessary to make a Copernican change, which needs to be recognized, acknowledged, developed and changed at first. He emphasizes that the theory of autopoiesis arises from a cell, he is aware that the cell is the right entity which can follow the self-healing law of Nature as a closed system of communication.

Lauc [4] says that one can honestly love only what is honestly respected. If we are not able to love better people than us, we should at least respect them. Pavuna [10] points out as well that self-liberation is one way to forgive ourselves, consequently love ourselves, our parents, homeland, life and the world around us, and that we are a part of an open society. In the freedom of creation we can develop moral, intellectual and social capital, said Lauc [4]. Ećimović [3] in his 'Philosophy of Life 2017' emphasizes that knowledge and understanding are tools to achieve a better tomorrow and prosperity for the global community of humankind.


3       Original synthesis as 'Lauc's Autopoiesis'

The aim of our contribution is to present Lauc's findings as 'Lauc's Autopoiesis', which rounded up and closed the cycle of cycles from 2000 until today, through a new prism of a post-modern society. Shared vision in the cycle theory as 'Lauc's Autopoiesis' is presented in this conclusion: Lauc discovered through 'the ABCD model' the distinction between envy and (un)fairness of an organization. The gap between material and spiritual is again unified in a whole by the autopoietic organization. In psycho-social dynamics relations of giving and getting gain. He notice that the situation in society, has become much worse than before in the previous millennium.


The results of his research about how to connect the biosphere and the noosphere is 'The Tree of Development' as a model of an autopoietic organization for understanding natural forces. He described it as six qualitative and flexible interdisciplinary teams, from which he defines five criteria and four types of progress from a human to society culture. With a circular process for re-processing and also re-structure an organization we could create suitable products which are great, real and beautiful.


The result his research is proven by the equation of development for the entire progress of moral, intellectual, social, physical and financial capital, but moral capital must always come first. With this we confirm one of the economic factors about optimal allocation of sources where the rate of return into human and physical capital is important. Lauc devoted himself to aspects of love and as a driving power of progress pointed out harmonisation of processes in free action, with presence of the highest aspect of love Agape; he adds that Eros is still an enigma for many people, in theory as well as in practice. 'Lauc's Autopoiesis' is a way how to evolve the cycle of Eros to Tanatos in the direction of Eros to Agape.


On the ground of long-term research he confirms the thesis that a human develops into a self-referencing person, based on the processes of: self-education, self-learning and self-organization. Lauc puts forward two important elements: love and freedom and explains that the first rescues the forces of chaos and wars, whereas the other brings well-being in the sense that this is not working time but free time, the right of every individual. He was dealing with material and non-material contribution and potential of an individual in all environments, with less stress, but more love and freedom. Less antagonism and more harmony, which brings about social welfare. Investing in people who will - with their knowledge and motivation - contribute to general progress. As the most important production in an individual social group, he had for seen production of doctoral works. With motivation and knowledge the possibility of synergy is created, as well as optimal principles for self-learning in the web of creative teams as the most important aspect of self-organization. Limitations in society are old and still valid organizational paradigms which block up the life in love and freedom and hinder human creative potential.


4       Conclusion

Certainly, Lauc had many great ideas how to evolve from an allopoietic to an autopoietic society to solve continuous collisions between nations, causing wars and influencing the climate changes. Lauc's purpose is to make a qualitative jump from an allopoietic to an autopoietic organization and society as a whole, where a self-referencing person is important. Investing in people who will contribute with their knowledge and motivation to universal progress of society.


'Lauc's Autopoiesis' is the original synthesis of his lifelong work and research. Lauc had a very optimistic shared vision about a creative society as a solution for the failing economic situation in the world. The final objective of 'Lauc's Autopoiesis' was to connect science, art, high technology and spirituality, so that we can achieve an 'Autopoiesis as Culture of Love'. This is a humane way to achieve the complete cycle of the Ethical Global Culture.



[1] Capra, F. (2002). The Hidden Connections: Integrating the Biological, Cognitive, and Social Dimensions of Life into a Science of Sustainability. New York: Doubleday.

[2] Djurdica, B. (2011). What is Life-Cosmic Energy: Elixir of Life on Earth. Ljubljana: Alternativa.

[3] Ećimović, T. (2017). The Philosophy of Life 2017, digital booklet (pdf) July, 2017.

[4] Lauc, A. (2000). Metodologija društvenih znanosti. [The Methodology of Social Sciences]. Sveučilišče J.J. Strosmayera u Osijeku, Pravni fakultet. Osijek: Grafika.

[5] Lauc, A. (2016). Transkript razprave o avtopoiezi. [The transcript of discussion about Autopoiesis]. (Interview, August 15, 2016).

[6] Lauc, Z. (2016). Moralitet-Legimitet-Legalitet: zbirka radova. [Moral-Legitimacy-Legality: the Colection of Works]. Osijek: Sveučilišče J.J. Strosmayera, Pravni fakultet. Grafika.

[7] Luhmann, N. (1995). Social Systems. California: Stanford University Press, Stanford.

[8] Malić, D. (1976). Kibernetska termodinamika: Zakonitosti i metode. [The Cybernetic Thermodynamics: Laws and Methods]. Beograd: Gradževinska knjiga.

[9] Maturana, H. R., & Varela, F. J. (1980). Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living. London: Reidel Publishing Company.

[10] Ovsenik, J. (2010). Kakšna organizacija kaže pot iz krize 2008+ (What kind of Organisation should be Reconceived to Trace a Way Out of the Crisis 2008+?). 29. Mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti: Človek in organizacija, Slovenija, Portorož, 24.-26. marec 2010, (str. 1007-1018), Maribor: Fakulteta za organizacijske vede.

[11] Pavuna, D. (2017). Transkript razprave o kvantnih pojavih v fiziki z vplivi na človeka in civilizacijo. [The transcript of discussion on quantum phenomena in physics with influences on a person and civilisation]. (Interview, October 24, 2017).

[12] Železnikar, A. P. (2017). Filozofsko besedotvorje. [Philosophical Word Formation]. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from  



I am very grateful to Emeritus Prof. Sc. Ante Lauc for his lifelong work as also the contributions which he shared to all students as Autopoiesis being a part of every person's pursuit of Love in their daily Life.




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