and the Bibliotheque: World Wide (BWWW) Society
I understand that my inclusion in the BWW Academy of Fellows will include:
I. Official Recognition: I understand that I will be referred to as a BWW Fellow and that I may use the designation BWWFel. after my name (e.g.: correspondence, business cards, et al).
II. Featured Presentation: My inclusion in the Academy of Fellows will include the featuring of my 500-word biography with my portrait photograph as a Featured BWW Fellow of the Month on the BWW Society website.
III. Publication Rights: I will be entitled to submit various papers, essays, dissertations, research findings and other works for publication in The Journal of Global Issues & Solutions (according to Publication Guidelines).
IV. Access & Subscription Rights: I will also be entitled to access all Public and Members-Only sections of the Bibliotheque: World Wide Society website, including Special Reports, the Society's Journal of Global Issues & Solutions, and other restricted sections.
V. Nomination Rights: I will also have the right to nominate colleagues and others to be considered for BWW Society Membership.
On this basis and with these understandings, kindly Confirm my Inclusion in the Academy of Fellows of the BWW Society and The Institute for Positive Global Solutions:
One-Year Fellowship Registration: My registration includes my induction into the BWW Academy of Fellows. I understand that my registration includes all Rights and Privileges cited in Items I through V above.
One-Year Fellow Membership Registration: US$585.00.
One-Year Standard Membership: My registration includes my standing as Standard Member of the BWW Society and the Institute for Positive Global Solutions. I understand that my registration includes all Rights and Privileges cited in Items III through V above.
One-Year Standard BWW Society Membership: US$285.00.
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Bibliotheque: World Wide The Institute for Positive Global Solutions
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