Cultural Marxism:


Transformational Marxism in Spain and Elsewhere Today


by Dr. Julio A. Gonzalo

Professor of Materials Physics

Madrid, Spain

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To understand the political transformation in Spain of the Marxist parties today it is convenient to go back in time to the years of the Spanish Civil War 1936-39.


In 2004 Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, candidate of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), a party which had been in the opposition since 1996, obtained an unexpected minoritarian victory (164/350) only three days after an Islamic terrorist attack on Madrid’s railroad station. That was the largest Islamic terrorist massacre after that of New York’s Twin Towers, September 11 of 2001.


What did happen in Spain before, during and after the Spanish Civil War? Let us summarize.

Already in 1934 the extreme left (socialists, communists and anarchists) had risen against the right of center elected government of the Republic with hundreds of innocent casualties in Asturias, the Northern Spanish province in which miners were strong and well organized. Since then political demagoguery was on the rise. The next general elections, February 1936, had no clear winner but very soon “La Pasionaria” (Communist Party), Largo Caballero (main leader of the Socialist Party), and Indalecio Prieto (Socialist Party), managed by any means to make the Popular Front (United Extreme Left Parties) a clear winner.


From February to July 1936, after a series of serious disorders, crimes, newspaper suppressions and massive burning of churches, followed in July 13 by the assassination of Calvo Sotelo (leader of Monarchic opposition in the Parliament ) and by the failed attempt to assassinate Gil Robles (leader of the Christian-Democratic opposition), half of Spain (Christian Democrats, Falangists, Traditionalists and African Army) rose in arms against the “dictatorships of the proletariat” aimed up openly by the Popular Front since February.


The half of Spain which rose in arms did so in defense of the individual freedoms and of the integrity of Spain, menaced by the separatists. The other half did line up, consciously or unconsciously with the Popular Front, inspired by Stalin’s Soviet Russia. Madrid’s central Avenue (Gran Vía) was soon named Avenida de Rusia, and the monumental Gate of Alcala (Puerta de Alcala) become graced with enormous portraits of Lenin and Stalin.


What would have happened if the Popular Front had achieved victory? If one judges by what actually occurred before and after in similar situations, the number of victims of the Communist victors would had surpassed one million (see for instance “Le livre noir de Communisme”, Paris 1997). One hundred times the number of executions actually taking place in Spain in 1939-42.


As Julian Besteiro, a civilized and moderate socialist leader said in 1939, at the end of the Civil War:

The truth: we are defeated due to our faults… due to having been dragged to the bolshevist line which is perhaps the greatest aberration known by the centuries.

In Spain today the Extreme Left (Izquierda Unida, Podemos, other) insists that the “dictatorships of the proletariat” would have been much better for all Spaniards than the “nationalist dictatorship” which followed the Spanish Civil War. Nothing could be further from the truth.


In very difficult circumstances, Spain avoided the direct involvement in the Second World War. In the immediate postwar, Spain achieved military agreements with the US at the beginning of the Cold War and was soon admitted to the United Nations in 1955.


After 1960 Spain entered a period of economic and social development without precedent, which brought her closer and closer to Western Europe. The Spanish Government (ministers Ullastres and Navarro Rubio) obtained an excellent preferential agreement with the European Community.

Today, only irresponsible people, in others words philo-communists, “useful idiots” and “fellow travelers” (so called by Lenin) dared to set for Spain as political reference the Cuba of Fidel Castro or the Venezuela of Nicolas Maduro.


Starting with the irresponsible “Ley de Memoria Historica” (LMH) of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (soon well received by Obama in Washington because he was in favor of abortion and in favor of same-sex unions) the Spanish Extreme Left entered a violent campaign  of irrational hatred against the family, Spain and the Christian Religion, something not shown since the time of the Spanish Republic, seventy years before.


After the Spanish Civil War, the Communists were the only real opposition to Franco’s government from 1939 to Franco’s death in 1975. In fact, in December 1966, a national Referendum said “Yes” to Franco and the Organic Law setting the traditional Monarchy as the form of government for Spain by a large majority under strict specifications. Serious European and American newspapers, even those hostile to Franco’s governments, recognized that the Spanish people had voted freely and orderly, and that the results of the Referendum had not been manipulated. 89% of the census voted, in spite of the campaign by communist, socialist, and other insignificant minority parties, recommending abstention. Of those who voted, 96% voted Yes, and only 1.79% voted No (less than 350.000). If we divide the 11% abstaining in one half normal abstention, and one half intentional abstention, as recommended by the communists and socialists, those opposed to Franco’s proposed Monarchy were then less than 6%. Seven years later, however, ETA’s terrorists would assassinate Carrero Blanco, the first Premier designated under the Organic Law after Don Juan Carlos de Borbon (grandson of the last king Alphonse XIII resigned) accepted to become the King of Spain.


Table I[1] gives the evolution of support for Communists in Spain after the legalization of the Communist party by the Government of Adolfo Suarez in the Holy Week of 1977.



Communists / Total

Communist % of vote

15 June 1977

20/350 (Communist Party)


1 March 1979

23/350 (Communist Party)


28 October 1982

4/350 (Izquierda Unida)


3 March 1996

21/350 Izquierda Unida)


20 November 2011

11/350 (Izquierda Unida)


21 December 2015

69/350 (Podemos)



2/350 (Izquierda Unida)


26 June 2016

71/350 (Unidos Podemos)



Between 1979 and 1982 the Communist Party (PC in most of Spain, PSUC in the Catalan Autonomous Region) decided to change its name from “Partido Comunista” to “Izquierda Unida” (Euro-Communist, following the trend of Communist Parties in France, Italy, etc.

In 2015 the Extreme Left Communist Party “Podemos”, originally financed by Maduro’s Venezuela and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran, self classified at the beginning as Radical Anticapitalist Left obtained very good results in the General Elections of 21 December: 20.6%, much better than the Communist Party in 1977-2015.


The leader of “Podemos”, Pablo Iglesias, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Universidad Complutense, Madrid, and outspoken TV personality becomes a radical speaker in favor of the most extremist anticapitalist theses. He is in favor of separatist groups at Cataluña, the Basque Country and Galicia, against the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In favor of illegal occupants of vacant homes. In support of a general government subvention for all low income citizens to “solve” the economic crisis. In support of crazy policies, as those proposed by the Greek left, etc.


It may be noted that between December 2015 and June 2016 “Podemos” joined “Izquierda Unida” (formerly organized by the historic Communist Party of Santiago Carrillo) and changed its extreme anticapitalist rhetoric to look more “social democratic” facing the new elections. It obtained, however, somewhat worst electoral results (as shown in Table I).


Where is Spain going? Where is Europe going? It has been known now for some time that Europe is undergoing serious demographic implosion.


Recent work[2] gives a comparison between the time evolution of Birth Rates (BR) and Death Rates (DR) for Europe and the World from 1950 to 2015 (UN actual data) and from 2015 to 2020 (UN projections). The momentum in the net growth rate due to normal fertility in previous generations does not show up for some time in an actual decrease of net population with time for the world, but for Europe, after a long period of “increasing life expectancy” which cannot go on forever, the Death Rate  (DR) is going up already since about the year 2000, and it has become DR > BR resulting in a net decrease in population somewhat modulated by an increase in migration from neighboring countries.


The demographics analysis of the time evolution of Europe’s population is anticipating somehow the general trend for the world’s population. It will be strongly affected by ideological factors such as transformed Marxism and transformed materialistic liberal Relativism.

Some implications of that demographic analysis could be summarized as follows:


(1)   A continuous exponential growth of world population (Malthus) is totally unrealistic. Rather, steps up followed by steps down are to be expected.

(2)   Drastic policies promoting contraception and abortion have deleterious human, social and economic consequences.

(3)   Taking into account the replacement fertility rate (FR = 2.1 children per woman) related to de Birth Rate by BR = (0.75) FR, and the life expectancy at fertility age (about 18 years) given by (LEf) = (LE) -18, population replacement level if attained when


BR = [0.75 x 2.1] x = DR = 1.57 x 10-2 ,

resulting in 

(LEf) =  18 (DR)/(0.833) = 70.8 years


An increase in women’s life expectancy is obviously unlikely to result in an increase of BR (Birth Rate) in any case.   


(4)    The large increase in world population in the period 1950-2000 with an inflection point the year 1985 was not due to an (inexistent) increase of fertility rate but to an increase of life expectancy (LEf), directly related to the Death Rate (DR) by the above equation. During the same period agricultural production increased clearly more that the population.


A change from anti-family to pro-family policies at the UN and at the governments of the leading countries could reverse the present global population trend. Religious principles are better for the world than atheistic prejudices.


[1] Julio A. Gonzalo, “España como problema: de 1931 hasta hoy” (Ciencia y Cultura: Madrid, 2015)

[2] Julio A. Gonzalo, Manuel Alfonseca, Feliz-Fernando Muñoz, “World Population: Past, Present & Future” (World Scientific: Singapore, 2016)

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