The Physiology of Transport Substances in the Blood (Sodium)


By Professor Marcel Uluitu, M.D. Ph.D.

Spiru Haret University

Bucharest, Romania


Co-Authored by Diana Popa (Uluitu), M.D.

Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA


[Editor’s Note: This paper is presented as the Sixth and final installment of a series of chapters from the new book “The Physiology of Transport Substances in the Blood (Sodium)”; preceeding chapters were featured in recent past issues of this Journal. This final segment features the Summary and Bibliography]





The understanding of any phenomenon requires its quantification and of the factors involved. To this must be added the observance of the conditions under which the process takes place.
During the study there has been mentioned the complexity of the chemical composition of blood and its heterogenous character.


Substances in the blood are permanently in interaction between them.The intensity of interactions is variable, generally with small energy. Interactions take place between "transported" and "transporter" substances, which define the terms of some blood components.


Stress is laid on the role of physico-chemical links between components, mainly by emphasizing the mechanisms involving inorganic ions, including Na, menţioned at large. These interactions especialy maintain under control free active forms of the substance transported, by virtue of the law mass action.

For defining the conditions in which the sodium is, this study achieves a brief overview of a partitioning of the body into three compartments, which however differentiated, have identical interaction processes between their constituents. Vascular, matricial and endocelular compartments thus presented here - even if to various extents - are present in all tissues, systems, organs of the living pluricellular organisms. Chemical processes, physical-chemical, physical and biochemical processes taking place in living organisms conduct the development underlying the fundamental processes of life and physiological mechanisms. The mentioned processes may be subject of such a thorough analysis to enable their integration in the pursuit of physiological  and pathological functions. Until now , investigating the possibilities of the processes in which  Na+ is involved , are burdened  by the lack of a method for determining the cation, in  the biological-biochemical  environment, mainly in the blood. The methods used have mainly dosed the anorganicised Na, the organic compounds being  removed by chemical or physical means. Understanding the role of sodium in the organization and function of beings needs , besides the elementary  analysis of cation, also the  understanding of the interactions with other anionic structure and how they affect the chemical activity of Na+ . In the monography , there is  presented the method of determining the chemical activity of Na+. The method shows the advantage of using reagents that are natural components of blood and require small amounts of biological product. The referencial system  is represented by  serotonin and heparin polianion which interact with a very low energy .The cations which have higher affinity for anionic sites of the heparin  break up or antagonise the interaction between serotonin and polianion heparin. Sodium in an aqueous solution of NaCl is very active to the  serotonin – heparin group , in very small quantities, under those existing in the blood. Na, which is in interaction with other anions, present in solution, is inactive to the reference group, either  by decreasing energy interaction, or by decreasing the available quantity. The monography presentes graphs and tables illustrating the method and others that show that in humans and rats, sodium blood serum is inactive on the reference system serotonin-heparin  , because of its interaction with serum protein. Denaturing them is followed by increase of Na+  and by its ionic activation.


The lack of chemical activity of Na+ (95% of total serum cations) both in humans and in rats , is compatible with the normal excitability level  determined by EEG, mental functions, keeping cardio-circulatory homeostasis to change posture in humans, calm response to auditory stimulation, activity ECG (electrocorticography), normal activity through automatic processing, electrolyte balance within normal limits , recorded under  normal behavior  in rats.

In normal human collectivities and in Wistar rats there are detected some individuals with increased excitability , in which there was also detected  an increased chemical activity of Na. Human subjects have been checked thoroughly to identify and select those with general or psychiatric illnesses, which have formed separate groups. The same parameters were used for the study of excitability as in the case of subjects with absent Na+ chemical activity.  It was found out that Na+ transport in the ionic active chemical state  is accompanied by disturbances of cerebral excitability.


In humans there have been noticed  : (1) constitutional type behavior disturbances , even some of clinical intensity (2) difficulty in installation of the rhythm of rest closing eyes (3) disturbances of concentrated attention and enabling of distributive ones ( 4) adjustment disorders, cardio-circulatory function at the passing to ortostatism expressed in minutes 6-10 from changing posture , through decrease of diastolic blood pressure, as a result of the deficit of humoral adjustment of the  renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-sodium system.


In rats in which Na is transported in ionic form there is noticed: (1) tonus convulsions at auditory stimulation, (2) hypermotricity during free behavior, (3) disturbances of metabolic balance  of Na (preference for saline solution , removal of excessive Na through the kidneys), (4) minralocorticoid system showing a deficit in adult age, with reverse evolution as to the normoexcitable animal at  old age.


Therefore, disturbed excitability exists in both species, in  subjects where the Na+ transport  is made in ionic state, without interaction with the proteins.The monography notes the absence of functional disturbances in both non excitable and autoexcitable structures correlated with mechanism of Na transport in the blood.







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Professor Marcel Uluitu, M.D. Ph.D. began his scientific activity in Physiology in 1953 at the Physiology School (Medical School) Cluj-Napoca, in Romania. He continued his scientific activity in Physiology in Bucharest at the Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology Daniel Danielopolu until 2004, at which time he retired as Director of the Institute; he had held this position since 1990. His research work includes studies of the central nervous system physiology relating to the transmission of information in the nervous centers; cerebral excitability, using methods, in their evolution, from the determination on reactive isolated organ, to the most complex physical and chemical methods, in the present. In his research of chemical mediation he studied acetylcholine, serotonin, and their connection with the cerebral metabolism.

Professor Uluitu has also investigated cerebral tissue excitability, studying the structure modification of the protein macromolecules, and the physiological and pathopysiological processes in which are involved Sodium and Lithium. He implemented an original method for physical and chemical processes which involve the chemic active sodium, in normal processes and in the cerebral excitability dysfunctions, in human and in experimental model (animal). These results of this work gave him the chance to outline the chapter herein relating to the physiology of substances transport in the blood. This is based on the physical and chemical interaction between blood components.

His papers are included in the collections of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the U.S. National Institute of Health. He is a member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.


Dr. Diana Popa (Uluitu) is a researcher in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. She attended Medical School at Vasile Goldis University in Arad, Romania, and graduated in 1998; during summer breaks at medical school she volunteered at the Institute of Physiology D. Danielopopu in the physiology and microbiology laboratories as well as in the clinic. After completing medical school and a one year internship, she worked as a Research Assistant at the Danielopopu Institute for three years before coming to the University of Kentucky. In addition to her medical thesis, which focused on the actions of Lithium on the central nervous system, since coming to the United States she has published numerous additional papers relating to Lithium and other substances. In continuing her on-going studies, Dr. Popa is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health at the University of Kentucky. 


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