The By Mr. Nguyễn
Trần Bạt, Business Executive Hanoi, Vietnam 1.
The nature of cultural reform Mr. Federico Mayor, former
UNESCO general director, has a definition of culture that I heartily endorse: "Culture reflects and shows in a
general and lively manner all fields of our life (of each individual and of the
whole community) which happened before, and are happening at present. For many
centuries, it has comprised a system of traditional, aesthetic, and lifestyle
values based on which each nation asserts their own identity". In my
opinion culture is the finest human product, one which has taken its shape in a
patient, quiet, but vehement style. We may compare how culture evolves with the
accumulation of alluvium, which silently builds and develops national identity.
Culture takes shape
objectively, naturally and is relatively backward. Cultural reform is the only
solution to prevent the backward factors of culture from penetrating and
adversely affecting all fields of cultural life. However, the influence of
human beings on culture may lead to two opposing directions of cultural
development. If capitalizing on culture as a political tool, we will hold back
its imminent development. On the contrary, sensible human impact may promote
cultural development, turning culture into a catalyst for other important kinds
of development. Reform does not distort
culture, as culture is the combination of the past, present, and, to some
extent, the future. After numerous studies on different components of human
lives, many conclude that culture is a micro-agent existing in all domains of
life. Cultural reform is not a new issue. Lu Xun had the ambition of revamping
Chinese culture. Others, like him, almost reached the so-called cultural reforms
to better their respective nations. But they were all unsuccessful due to their
failure to comprehend that cultural reform is, in essence, the change in human
attitudes toward the responsibilities of culture in contributing to
development. More specifically, cultural reform is the liberalization of
culture from political prejudices, in essence an ending of the inappropriate
and unnatural use of culture as a means of political communication. The issue of cultural
reform must be seriously raised in third world nations. At the present time
these nations remain culturally mired in what they now have, forgetting what
they need. Closed culture is one of the most significant causes of this
nostalgia. An important fact for us to acknowledge is that if culture does not
have the ability to absorb new factors it will become rigid and unable to
contribute to development. The mission of cultural reform is to lead us toward
a scientific attitude and to help us develop an appropriate philosophical
attitude toward the role of cultural factors in our life. 2.
The necessity of cultural reform Reforming
the culture to create the spiritual patronage for economic and political
reforms Many decades have passed
since the third world nations escaped colonial domination and achieved national
independence. Though leaders have conducted several economic and political
reforms, at present third world nations remain in backwardness, poverty, and
misery. At this juncture, a critical question is raised: what should third
world nations do to emerge from their tragedy and avoid lagging behind in the
world’s development process? It cannot be denied that
globalization is an opportunity for third world nations to recognize their
drawbacks and seek solutions to improve their competitiveness and accelerate their
development. Third world nations have long made efforts to overcome their
backwardness through economic and political reforms. However, these reforms
stumble over an invisible obstacle and achieve less-than-expected results. This
leads them to gradually realize that negative attitudes toward culture is the
most serious impediment to development, and thus cultural reform is the sole
solution to break the destined vicious circle that is imprisoning third world
nations. Culture accumulates
naturally in all fields of human life. It can penetrate into other communities,
other cultures and create new avenues of awareness. Therefore, a backward
culture may lead to the backwardness in all components of life, and thus impede
political development and limit the success of political and economic reforms.
Therefore, in addition to political and economic reforms, third world nations
should implement cultural reform to create a spiritual patronage for the
success of political and economic reforms. Moreover, implementation of cultural
reform may ensure synchronism of the three other above-mentioned reforms.
Without cultural reform, third world nations will not be able to escape their
backwardness; a backward spiritual environment is highly likely to lead to huge
obstructions both to progress and to thorough and effective political and
economic reforms. These three reforms are the three steering components of
social life. For that reason, any political system that can accommodate these
reforms in a synchronous and flexible manner will be the optimal one. Though dealing with
different fields of life, the three reforms all aim at a free space for
development. While the goal of economic reform is to build a free market
economy, political reform is meant to bring the political system to closer to
democracy, while cultural reform brings the culture toward openness. Therefore,
cultural reform is no less important than the other two. Without cultural
reform, political and economic reforms will achieve only modest results. Cultural
reform – the core of development As indicated by varied
experiences, in terms of awareness, third world nations only study culture to
preserve their own national identities, forgetting that the study of other
varied national identities would help each country, each nation, and each
community improve their ability to develop. People once thought that only in
third world nations does the fear of losing national identity during
interaction with other cultures in globalization exist. In fact, many European
countries also share the same feeling. From this example, it may be possible to
conclude that backward countries are quick to resist the loss of their identities.
This instinct seems to have become a reaction popular in countries in which competitiveness
is relatively or absolutely lower. Cultural reform will put an end to this
virtual worry and overreaction. From this point of view, I believe that culture
is promoting its role as the nucleus of developmental theories, and cultural
reforms have become the core of the development process. Due to the great and direct
impact of cultural reform on the intelligentsia of third world nations, cultural
reform can play an important role in the development of a given nation. In the
last century some progressive-minded people in third world nations might have
demanded the separation of culture from politics. However, they only stopped at
political claims rather than going further to show new ways of awareness of
innovation and cultural reform. Moreover, they form only a small minority in
comparison with the vast majority of the population which accepts stability (although
this sometimes also results in a certain sluggishness). Thus, their ideologies
and efforts were not enough to have any substantive influence on the communities
of their nations. An open culture will force
political systems to change, thus cultural reform is necessary to cure the root
case of backwardness in third world nations. The Reforming
culture to avoid societal disorder Revolution and reform are
two means by which to approach development, but they are put into effect in
very different ways. Reform consists of a series of regular, continuous and
active innovations, thereby providing conditions for flexible development. On
the contrary, revolution comes from the society’s rage on political
insensitivity, in of itself representative of a cultural sluggishness, which
leads to rupture across the society. Culture is an exception of the rule “if reform is not implemented,
revolution will break out.” A lack of cultural reform will not, in and of
itself, result in any sort of cultural breakdown, and we cannot change a
culture through revolution. Therefore, there is no real substance to the
concept of a “cultural revolution.” However, without cultural reform, cultural
backwardness will be the source of nationwide disorder. 3.
Main contents of culture reform programs Culture takes its shape in an
objective and natural manner, and cultural reform is an active process.
However, it is not a contradiction when we raise the question of cultural
reform. Activism is not only interaction between different people but also the
self-influence and encouragement of other people to do the same in order that
attitudes toward culture can be changed. This process must be started with
politicians self-influencing themselves by sifting political factors from
culture. Commencing in this way, cultural communities will, by themselves,
select their own values most appropriately and guarantee soundness of those
values. Apoliticizing
cultural life Apoliticizing cultural life
is the first and most important solution to the natural development of culture
and natural formation of cultural identities. Achieving these identities,
culture will fulfill its responsibility nurture societal development. This is
also a component of democratization because as cultural life is apoliticized, we
will see the formation of a “free space” for development with the
diversification of awareness and development modules. Apoliticizing culture must
begin with the apoliticizing of philosophical ideologies which direct people’s
awareness. Politicizing culture in general, and doing so to philosophical
ideologies specifically, disables culture’s function as a scientific tool
serving fields of life, and can even annihilate the variety of awareness
science. Third world nations should be well aware of this fact as only then
does philosophy become the science of development and fulfill its
responsibilities to our life. Moreover, politically-purposed conservation of cultural identity is
also a hindrance to cultural development. The conservation of cultural identity
is a natural instinct of all nations. This cannot be condemned, as all nations
tend to keep their own possessions, whether material or cultural. But we must
condemn the integration of political-driven wishes into cultural identity to
the effect that political factors are disguised under the cover of cultural
ones. This deception is very dangerous, and can lead to the deformation of
cultures, the distortion of human awareness capacity, the deterioration of
natural values of culture, and the spoiling of natural processes in which cultural
values take shape. Additionally, in terms of politics, politicizing behavioral culture
will give rise to inconsistency in the eyes of the international community.
Meanwhile, to truly benefit from integration and cooperation, third world
nations must assure the international community of their stability and predictability.
The modern world will not be home to nations whose actions and policies are
unpredictable, as cooperation with them includes unacceptable possibilities of
risk. However, apoliticizing
culture does not necessarily mean rejecting and voiding all political factors within
the culture. The noble qualities of politics will be absorbed by culture, and
political behavior will be more graceful and natural. In contrast, by
politicizing culture, we will put an end to the ability to reflect life
honestly and subjectively, and political behaviors become far from noble.
Therefore, apoliticizing culture, in other words, separating culture from
politics, is the first and most important solution to approach and establish an
open culture. Increasing
cultural openness To increase cultural
openness, first and foremost, we should distinguish the appearance of new
factors and intervention. For example, the introduction of French architecture
in An open culture can accept the
peculiarities of others and tolerate influences that are the quintessence of
another culture. Moreover, in an open culture, people will be neither
exaggerative nor pessimistic about their cultural values. Thus, this culture
will not be left out during the interaction with cultures of other communities.
This is one of the preeminent features of open cultures, while the exaggeration
of one’s own cultural value may turn third world nations into modern Narcissus’.
This exaggeration is also evidence of immodesty and intolerance of other
communities’ peculiarities. Meanwhile, being pessimistic about their cultural
values isolates third world nations from the process of human development.
These attitudes will all lead to separation, rather than integration, of each
community into the globalization of the entire world. Moreover, an open culture is capable of rejecting
outdated values. We often regret what we have picked up during the development
process. It seems that third world nations are deterring their own development
by equating the past with the present, forgetting the fact that doing so may
drive away the factual life through dispossessing its present role. Only However, as in any other
domain, culture has its own limitations. Of these limitations, the most
important we should make note of is the critical point of openness required in
order to have appropriate cultural reform to the extent that cultural reform
does not limit freedom or even promote the decrease of essential and sound
values. Moreover, to widen the range of cultural selection, leaders in the
third world should encourage comprehensive relation exchange so that their
cultures can make contact with others. Through contact, human beings, as the
subject of cultures, can self-comprehend their selections, extend their
cultural spaces and rationalize their cultural lives. Variety in the cultural life
of each individual through interaction will give rise to the variety and
openness of the entire culture. Rejecting
extreme cultural trends One of the most important
aspects of cultural reform is the necessary rejection of extreme cultural
trends. The rejection of extreme cultural trends is nothing other than
purifying cultural life and bringing culture closer to its natural state of
development. In his lifetime, Lenin was
fond of the poets Maiacopsky and Exenhin. No one can praise V.I. Lenin better
than Maiakopsky. But it seems that Lenin thought more highly of Exenhin, as his
poems were more natural. In other words, Exenhin’s poems were not politically
driven. In recent history, there
have been three noteworthy cultural programs put forth by politicians. They
include the program to build the Soviet people (prepared by Lenin and two other
Bolshevik leaders), the Tian An cultural program by Mao Zhe Tung, and Culture in any form
originates from the admittance people’s feeling. Integrating political factors
into culture interrupts cultural development and annuls its capacity to create and
sort of genuine awakening. However, this assertion does not mean that political
factors do not naturally penetrate into cultural life. The vast majority of
Vietnamese people regard the Vietnamese revolutionary wars as valuable periods.
Vietnamese culture has naturally created a cultural period to satisfy the
fervent feelings and desires of the people. Few of us can forget the poem
“Fatherland” by Nguyen Dinh Thi, an imposing work on the war against French
colonialism. What lies behind this poem and others like it is the manifestation
of political factors in a natural, sincere, and fervent manner. The song “Konia
Shade” is another example. This is a love song of wars, which is the converging
point of peaceful, bright and romantic feelings. It was sung by the people as
they endured air raids, and touched the hearts of millions of people including
those on the other side of the battle line. It is not an exaggeration to say
that any artwork that reflects our life honestly with natural feelings will
permeate the soul of any individual or community. This is an example of not
only culture embracing the quintessential and appropriate factors of politics,
but also culture’s ability to inspire. Conclusion Napoleon Bonaparte had a
well known saying, "Losing money is losing nothing; losing faith is losing
just half of what one has; but losing bravery means you have lost everything.”
Cultural reform is one of the most important reforms for a nation, as it will
restore the ability to voluntarily phase away from outdated values and inject
new, progressive values into the culture. Nonetheless, true cultural reform is
a complicated and difficult task which requires much fortitude and courage. My
high expectation is that third world nations will be courageous enough to
implement cultural reform in conjunction with political and economic reforms.
Only by doing so can third world nations release themselves from darkness and
usher in a bright future.
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