Past Politicalization in Germany:

Its Consequences & Implications for the Future


By Randolph Riemschneider, B.Fel.

Berlin, Germany


In 1969, something incredible, something outrageous, monstrous happened in Berlin (WEST) without any veto from the Berlin Control Council of the four Allied Forces (which did not function because of the discord among them): A new university law came into force in August 1969; more details in this essay. It was written at the suggestion of the editor who had heard of this mess only by chance. Unfortunately, the people of Berlin did not realise what happened in those days, that means one could not foresee the science-destroying consequences for Germany.


LLB Fellow, R.R., Berlin has reported his research in various fields of chemistry in this publication, embedded into the eventful history from 1937 until today. The resulting correspondence and questions raised regarding past and current events are reason enough to write a special paper entitled "Past Politicalization in Germany: Its Consequences & Implications for the Future".


Even during the Third Reich under Hitler, the author had to "do battle" for his interest in chemistry[i]. This battle continued in the post-war years in Thuringia (Jena) which was first occupied by the Americans (4 months) and then the Soviets, and, starting in January 1947, in Berlin which had been divided into four sectors.


At first, there was only one university located in the Soviet sector where the author completed his post-doctoral studies and obtained his habilitation in February 1948. In January 1950, the author and about 15 collaborators moved from the Humboldt University (HU) in East Berlin to the Free University (FU) in West Berlin which had been founded with the aid of U.S. funds in 1948.


At this point, let me add a few explanations on the division of Germany by the four allied occupation forces: Soon, "three different Germanies" were created from the four occupation zones formed in 1945 and Berlin with its special status:

a) the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) (supervised by the three Western forces), b) the Soviet-dominated so-called German Democrat Republic (GDR), c) Berlin divided into four sectors (under a Control Council of the four Allied Forces).


Berlin was divided into Berlin (WEST) and Berlin (EAST) by a wall in 1961. Berlin EAST was proclaimed to be the capital of the GDR which citizens from the Berlin WEST needed a visa to enter. Another huge wall separated the GDR from the FRG until the socialist rulers were overthrown in 1989 and the country reunified in 1990.


In 1948, there were three universities in Berlin:

a)         the Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin (EAST), the successor of Wilhelms-University, Berlin-Mitte;

b)         the Free University (FU) situated in Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin (WEST),

c)         the Technical University (TU), successor to the "TechnischeHochschule" in Berlin- Charlottenburg, also located in Berlin (WEST).


The new Universities Act applicable in Berlin (WEST) which came into effect in 1969 and was initiated during the socialist Brandt era[ii] and the student movement of 1968 and 1969 caused drastic changes in the German university system with irreparable consequences: A so-called democratisation of the two universities, i.e. the Free University and the Technical University, was put into motion and resulted in the creation of a mass university based on the Communist role model of Peking. Even during the Third Reich, the powers that were did not succeed with such serious interference! Moreover the German Democrat Republic tried to capitalise on this development to cause a shortage of top scientists and management in Germany in the future by infiltrating the FU with party-line, leftist bodies.


Here a few details on the Berlin university reform of 1969: This was a kind of "cultural revolution" (1) which caused vast, irreparable damages to the German scientific community and young talent looking for a career in the field. The Rector, the Faculties (deans) and the Curator were replaced by a presidential-type administration, 24 technical sectors (Fachbereiche) and six central institutes controlled by: a) a president [in the case of the FU, by a former research assistant in Physics[iii] for 9 years], and b) by 15 member councils for the technical departments (Fachbereiche) and central institutes. The existing university institutes became "scientific institutions" divided into many work groups headed by Boards of directors and supported by research commissions (9 members) and education commissions (12 members, only 3 of those professors) --  all this was dominated by a "presidential" administration which the academic staff (Lehrkörper[iv]) were powerless against -- deans, Rector, faculties had ceased to exist: Under this law, more than 700 members of the teaching staff (scientific collaborators, lecturers, senior assistants) were appointed to the position of professors in addition to the 150 existing ones after August 1969. According to the new University Act, scientific collaborators, lecturers, senior assistants etc. were made professors (without ever having had a "regular" performance-based career). No wonder they were belittled as ‘August’ or ‘discount’ professors. What was not increased was the budget of the university, automatically resulting in a "battle for staff, funds and space".


All of these groups -- university lecturers of the old and new class, assistants, students and other service staff spent time in endless meetings of committees, commissions and assemblies. All votes were decided by majorities, i.e. incompetents included. Role model: China[v] which may be suitable for a population of 1.3 billion, but not for the much smaller population of the Federal Republic of Germany.


FU colleagues affected, reactions from colleagues, burglary:

Prof.Dr. A. Dinghas, a former director of the 1st Mathematical Institute of the FU, told the author (whom he was very close to) at the beginning of the 1970s "that it's all over now, because the ratio will always be 8:7[vi] or even less favourable in all votes taken at the Department of Mathematics". The number of those "acting against reason" is growing even further. Prof.Dr.Dinghas, a close friend of Einstein, was the only member of the faculty who was able to counter the arguments of Senator Prof. Stein, the author of this law, when the draft was discussed on the occasion of a faculty meeting a few years before 1969, as Dinghas was able to foresee the science-destroying consequences of this law. Unfortunately, we were in the minority. A few Nays (including those of Dinghas and Riemschneider) against 20 Ayes. On this occasion, the author was unfortunately in those hard discussions no help for Dinghas, because he failed to foresee the implications of the law.


Prof.Dr.Büchi, former director of the Institute of Anthropology, called the author after 1969 and warned him that the telephones were tapped. The door of his institute building was opened only when the bell was rung. Büchi had received threats and was burgled. Being a Swiss citizen, he actively fought the machinations of those sticking to the letter of the law in his role as editor of the "emergency community for a free university" - see chart 1: "Ed. 6, page 1 of June 1970" and ref (12).







Chart 1:      Emergency community for a free university

     - Free University under hammer and sickle –


13 pages of text follow this title page.


Board of directors:  Büchi (12), Domes, Geisler, Hanau, Knauer, Koenigs, Kubicki, Loos, Nipperdey, von Simson, Zabeck.

Verteiler: Mitglieder und Interessenten der Notgemeinschaft; die Mitglieder des Abgeordnetenhauses und der Senat von Berlin, die Mitglieder des Ausschusses für Wissenschaft und Bildung des Deutschen Bundestages, Mitglieder der Bundesregierung, der Länderregierungen und der Landtage, die Rektoren der westdeutschen Universitäten, die Presse sowie sonstige Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens.



Since he was in fear of the leftists; Prof.Dr. H. Gerhartz, head of the Oncology Department in Ward V at the Westend Teaching Hospital, did not dare cooperate openly with the author on the issues of "thalidomide/cancer treatment" and "vitamin C injections/cancer treatment", cf. Part I of “Re-Reading” pages 191/2 (1).

In the 1970s: A burglary occurred at the Institute Building No. IV of the Central Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics. The target was the office of Riemschneider, former director of the Institute of Biochemistry. The result of police investigations: no theft; the valuable Minox camera hung on the lamp. Beer bottles had been strewn around. Many files had been ransacked, probably the perpetrators hoped to find incriminating material against the author such as connections to industry. However, no such luck.

Prof.Dr. A. Lüttringhaus, University of Freiburg imBreisgau, had discussed the Berlin university reform with the author and said: "This mass of professors created in such an unusual manner will be a millstone around the university's neck until at least the year 2000". The regular route of a university career is shown as an example by the documents in List I, plus a chart with the headings of the letters and documents copied in List I and in List II: career steps in Brazil: APPENDIX.

That and how the science-destroying machinations of leftist, so-called democratising forces and the representatives of the 1969 movement can be countered has been shown in various instances in the author’s “Re-Reading” (1) and can also be inferred from the documents[vii] copied in Part Va, Vb. In this respect, however, the prerequisites were favourable, because the monographs printed in four editions at the end of the 1940s gave the author a good start resulting in important foreign contacts which (unless done already anyway) merely needed to be intensified after 1969. This means contacts to the U.S., Japan and Brazil. Without having any idea what he would have to face as a result of the new University Act in 1969,  the author had followed the advice of the Nobel Prize Winners Richard Kuhn and Linus Pauling and, in addition to his work at the FU in Berlin, had built up a Central Chemical Institute in Brazil during the years from 1964 to 1973 which enabled him to continue much of his research, as did the cooperation with Japanese scientists such as Professors YonezoMorino, S. Takei, M. Nakajima and T. Shimozawa at the universities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Urawa which had started in 1961.


It is also to be found in the above-mentioned “Re-Reading” (1) segment how a number of talented collaborators fared at the democratized "Free" University after 1969 without the author as the dissertation supervisor being able to intervene. Under the secret motto: "Get rid of the old sods", employee contracts were not renewed as a result of secret ballots based on majority resolutions so that current dissertations could not be completed, such as those of Nolde, Schönfelder, and Hein. In the case of Ms.Taneja, the students demanded the room she worked in so that this thesis could not be completed either. For details, please refer to Part IV, pages 51-52, 329-333, Part II, 706, 712-713


In the course of a six-year battle, the author succeeded in achieving the dissolution of the Central Institute for Biochemistry and Biophysics established against his will, at the end with the help of Congresswoman Dr.Besser and a number of colleagues. However, this did not mean that the old status of a well-functioning Institute of Biochemistry could be restored, especially since the "capable team of 1969" had scattered wide and far. The status "Comrade Professor Team Leader" remained intact (albeit without the former authority to give instructions which had been promised when the author received his original appointment), as did the continuous battle for funds and positions.


From 1975 to 1987, the author "worked by the book" and successfully continued most of his research outside the FU, both abroad and in Berlin with the aid of the industry.


Reformation efforts concerning the Act of 1969:

The "Reforms of the 1969-Act"and later following "Reforms of the Reforms" prove the misguided development, but they were without the expected success: No holding up the described negative features. About 30 years later: Under European influences further errors were added, i.e. introducing "Bachelor" and "Master" (instead of "Diploma") promoting even more "mass universities".


List I: Example of a university career in Berlin before 1969

1:    Brief des Rektors der Wilhelms Universität Berlin vom 18.7.1947: Lehrauftrag (teachingassignment)

2:    Brief des Rektors der Wilhelms Universität Berlin vom 2.4.1946: Lehrauftrag,  fortgesetzt

3:    Bescheinigung(attestation) des Physiologisch-chemischen Instituts der Wilhelms Universität, Prof. Dr. K. Lohmann, vom 3.3.1948: venialegendi

4:    Bescheinigung der Math.-Nat. Fakultät der Wilhelms Universität Berlin vom 5.3.1949: venialegendi

5:    Bescheinigung des Physiologisch-chemischen Instituts der Wilhelms Universität Berlin vom 18.9.1949:  Stellvertreter Lohmanns in Vorlesungen und Prüfungen

6:    Ernennungsurkunde (documentofappointment ) 7.9.1949: Dozent für Organische Chemie in der Math.-Nat. Fakultät der Humboldt Universität Berlin (WANDEL-Ministerium)

7:    Ernennungsurkunde vom 7.9.1949: Dozent für Physiologische Chemie in der Medizinischen Fakultät der Humboldt Universität Berlin (WANDEL-Ministerium)

8:    Umhabilitierungsurkunde (documentofhabilitationtransfer ) vom 25.10.1950, ausgestellt von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Freien Universität Berlin

9:    Ernennungsurkunde vom Senator für Volksbildung Berlin vom 11.6.1954: Ernennung zum außerplanmäßigen (extraordinary) Professor

10:  Ernennungsurkunde zum außerplanmäßigen Professor (beamtet) vom 16.5.1956

11:  Schreiben des Rektors der Freien Universität Berlin vom 13.6.1962: Institutsdirektor

12:  Ernennungsurkunde zum ordentlichen(full)Professor vom Senat der Freien Universität Berlin vom 30.3.1966


The documents regarding the call of the author to the chair for Biochemistry on 1 April 1958 and his simultaneous appointment to the position of professor extraordinary have not been included in this list, because document 12 concerns the promotion from professor extraordinary to full professor and 11 shows the appointment to the position of director of the Institute of Biochemistry.


List II: Example of a university career in Brazil

13: Schreiben des Rektors der UFSM, Professor Dr Jose Mariano da Rocha Filho, unterdemMinisterium da Educacao e Cultura, from 25 August 1964, with the order to plan, to organize, and to realize a Chemical Central Institute with all chemical depts, based on the old well-tried German university system      

14:  Titelblatt des Entwurfs über den Aufbau eines Chemischen Zentralinstituts 1966/67: Projekt Riemschneider,  136 Seiten; vgl. auch Part I, p 136

15:  Titelblatt der Druckschrift „ Organizacao e Estabelecimento do Institito Central de Quimica Universidade Federal de Santa Maria", Impresso na Imprensa Universitaria UFSM 1970, 17 Seiten

16: Schreiben des Rektors der UFSM: jährliche Einladung (annualinvitation) from 1965 zur Durchführung des Auftrages  vom 25.Aug.1964 (Urkunde 13): Organisation und Aufbau eines chemischen Zentralinstituts und der entsprechenden Lehrveranstaltun­gen(teachingarrangements); hier als Beispiel die Einladung vom Nov 1971. Diese offizi­ellen Einladungen waren notwendig, um in Brasilia die notwendigen Mittel für Reisekosten, Aufenthalt ecc zu beantragen.

17: Druckschrift  (booklet) „ Inauguração do Instituto Central de Química, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Convenio UFSM / AlemanhaOcidental", S.Maria 24.8.1973 containing also the author’s lectures receiving the  honorary doctor award from 24.8.1973;

 cf. also Part I,  p. 161: ISBN 978-1-882292-28-8 


Documents 1 to 12 and 13 to 17 in APPENDIX.




Unfortunately, what was feared has come to pass. Today, our country has a deficit of thinkers and leaders in the fields of politics[viii], banking, economy and science. This, of course, also applies to universities. Examples: "Fiascos in connection with awarding doctorates" (1), "Taking the wrong track in the Euro crisis" (2). The so-called "green party" and its followers whose role models were Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Rosa Luxemburg according to Helmers (3) are increasingly gaining ground. Today's green party is headed by von Claudia Roth, Jürgen Trettin, H.Ströbele and can be characterised by the motto "green on the outside, red on the inside", e.g. B. Six (4) "Das grüneIrrlicht - Fall Ströbele” (The green will-o'-the-wisp – the Ströbelecase) as well as revealing bulletins from “Die DeutschenKonservativen".


Remarkto “Die Deutschen Konservativen”:

The group "Citizens for Strauss"(BürgeraktionDemokratenfürStrauß) which was founded by chancellor candidate Franz Josef Strauss and Heinrich Hellwege, the former prime minister of the Deutsche Partei (DP) became "Die DeutschenKonservativene.V." With the aid of the DP, Konrad Adenauer had been elected German chancellor. Konrad Adenauer encouraged Kurt Ziesel from Bavaria to found the "Deutschland-Stiftung" (the German Foundation) and the "DEUTSCHLAND MAGAZIN". After the death of K. Ziesel, the DEUTSCHLAND MAGAZIN was taken over by  "Die DeutschenKonservativene.V":[ix]


If Adenauer was the "godfather" of "Die DeutschenKonservativen", Strauss was the "father". President Ronald Reagan, without whom there would have been no German reunification, was a true friend of the German conservatives and helped them often. He received the youth organization of the group in the United States, and sent the chairman, Michael Strange, a letter of appreciation "conservative - unique." Reagan stood up against the Soviets. Without him, a) the Berlin Wall would not have come down in 1989; b) there would have been no reunification[x]one year later; and c) hence no annulment of the creation of three German states established by the Brandt administration [as a result of recognising the GDR as a sovereign state. This was done without asking the people, even though this would have been possible in two of the "states"].


As already mentioned, in consequence of the 1969 beginning science-destroying development at German universities there is today a deficit of competent leaders in Europa.  So, after “Past Politicalization and Consequences", the author cannot help writing the note "European Politicalization and EURO-crisis". In this case, the consequences will affect all of us.


European Politicalization and EURO-crisis

The governments in Brussels and Berlin have abandoned the principle "You cannot spend more than you have”. Rescue nets (5) in an amount of many billions are spread and given the blessing of the Constitutional Court. The European Central Bank (6) is planning to buy bonds in unlimited amounts without consulting the parliaments first. This will inevitably result in inflation, followed by a currency reform. According to Helmers (7), the powers that be are consciously working towards inflation and a currency cut to "get to grips with  the Euro crisis" - well aware that they can never be sued or held personally responsible. This time, the currency cut will not be 1 : 2 as with the change from the Deutschmark to the Euro, but 1 : 10 or 1 : > 10. Poor taxpayers (8)!

Former Thyssen director Dieter Spethmann (9) is warning against the time bomb national debt. "To save the common currency, indebted countries should be given a chance to leave the Euro zone. Then they could reintroduce their former currencies, devalue them and thus pay back the major part of their national debt." Alternatively, he says, a return to the status quo ante is possible. "There must be an end to the Euro before the German real economy, presently the most efficient in Europe, will disappear in the Hades of European fantasies."


According to M. Brandstetter (10), the large banks have been manipulating interest rates: Libor scandal (11). There are two factors proving that such an interest manipulation has taken place. If a bank states a significantly higher interest rate than most other banks - as Barclays did conspicuously often in 2008 - it will be excluded form the Libor calculation. However, this will pull down the total average - which was the whole point of the exercise in the first place. The other reason for such manipulations is simply that an interest rate just a few basis points lower could earn Barclays millions over night.


Finishing the author wants to come back once more to the subject “Destruction of German universities” and to the first trials to fight against: In the “BAYERN KURIER” from Nov 14th, 1970  H.SCHOLL wrote that the scientists are forming against the destruction of universities. E.SCHUBBE reported in the “RHEINISCHER KURIER” from Nov 13th,  1970 on the foundation  process of the “Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft” which took place in the town-hall of Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Together with Prof.Büchi (cf. Chart 1)  the author prepared a documentation of about 60 articles published between Nov 1971 and March 1971. The titles of some follow in (12).



(1)   R.Riemschneider, "75 Years Chemistry – Re-Reading" Vol III, p 133- 137 (2011): ISBN 978-1-882292-35-6:"Cultural revolution at FU 1969" – call for elites 2004", there e.g. Daniel Guhr* (2004):  "Warum hat Deutschland keineEliteuniversitätenwie die USA?"(Why does Germany not have universities comparable to the Ivy League ones in the U.S.A.?)

* Daniel Guhr, 36, managing director of the Illuminate Consulting Group, international scientific consultants with offices in Can Diego/Cal and Munich/Germany. After studying in Bonn, Harvard, Brandeis, Oxford/UC, Berkeley as well as the Max Planck Institute of   Education Research in Berlin, he worked for the Boston Consulting Group. While there he financed studies with over dozen scholarships, getting his doctorate for his thesis on "University access in Germany and California".


(2)   W.Hankel, W.Nölling, K.A.Schachtschneider, D-Spethmann, J.Starbatty, "Das Euro-Abenteuer geht zu Ende: Wie die Währungsunion unsere Lebensgrundlagen zerstört", (The Euro adventureiscomingto an end. How the currency union destroys our livelihood.)2011,  Kopp-Verlag, D-72108 Rottenburg


(3)  Peter Helmers a) "Die blutigen Ikonen der Grünen - Terroristen, Kommunisten,

Atheisten, Gesellschaftsveränderer", März 2012, Sonderausgabe des DEUTSCHLAND-Magazins, D-22083 Hamburg; b) "Die Grünen – Rote Wölfe im grünen Schafspelz" (The Green Party - redwolves in sheep'sclothing)


(4)   Billy Six, "Das grüne Irrlicht",Juli 2012, wie (3)


(5)   Unofficial designation for the support and stabilisation contracts ESFS and ESM:

EFSF = European Financial Stability Facility, for 3 years from 2010, then to be replaced by the ESM =  European Stability Mechanism, the second Euro rescue net which is far more extensive than the EFSF (up to 700 billions for loans to shaky states and banks).


(6)   ECB is the first and foremost Euro currency guardian and was supposed to act independently of political instructions. In the meantime, this rule has been undermined, for example by buying bad loans which has happened and is still happening.


(7)  P. Helmers "Beim Zeus, Ihr Griechen – raus aus mit Euch!" (By Zeus, you Greeks - get out!"), Deutschland Magazin, special edition 2012, 79 pages. Just two points from the contents. "During the decisive debate in the German Parliament in 1999, the Red-Green administration under Schröder, Eichel and Fischer pushed the acceptance of Greece into the currency union - an inflation intended by the government which would then help get rid of the national debt - with the consequence of mass poverty."


(8)   B.-T-Ramb, "Der Zusammenbruch unserer Währung und wie man sich darauf vorbereitet"  (The collapseofourcurrencyandhowtoprepareforit), WPR Wirtschafts- und Verbands-PR GmbH 2010; ISBN: 978-3-910087-03-3.


(9)   D. Spethmann, "Zeitbombe Staatsverschuldung" (Time bomb national debt),  Dreesbach Verlag, Munich, 2012, 55 pages.


(10)  JUNGE FREIHEIT No. 30-31/12 - 20 July 2012.


(11)   Libor is the acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate, i.e. the interest rate banks charge to each other if one bank gives a short-term loan to another ( Libor interest rates are calculated for ten different currencies and 15 different terms. The most important one is the three month Libor on the U.S. dollar. The Libor is determined on each business day at 11 a.m. by a total of 16 banks which then inform the Bank of England what the interbank rate to be paid by them is. Of the total of 16 quotations, both the highest and the lowest four rates are disregarded and an average rate calculated from the remaining quotations which then yields the Libor for that day (which seems antiquated to the author).


(12)   DocumentationofR.RiemschneiderandBüchi on theGründungsprozeß des Bundes „Freiheit der Wissenschaft“ from April 1970; cf. also: Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft, Gründungskongreß in Bonn-Bad Godesberg on 18.Nov.1970, HPI-Schriften, Köln 1970. Heresometitles:

a) „Ein böser Vergleich“ aus „DIE WELT“ vom 17.Nov.1970, S.4: Der neue Vorsitzende der Bundesassistentenkonferenz, Schulmeister, hat sich dazu verstiegen, den „Bund der Freiheit“ mit der NSDAP von Hitler zu vergleichen.

b) Konrektor P.Glotz hält den Zusammenschluß für eine Seifenblase, er schreibt das unter dem Titel „Die bündnischen Professoren“ in der SÜDDEUTSCHEN ZEITUNG vom 18.11.70

c) „Antwort der deutschen Professoren auf die Radikalisierung: Gründungskongreß des Bundes „Freiheit der Wissenschaft“ in „NEUE ZÜRICHER ZEITUNG“  vom 26. Nov 1970, Fernausgabe Nr.310.

d) B.Nellessen,“Freiheit für die Wissenschaft: Widerstand der Professoren“  (freedomforthescience, resistenceoftheprofessors) in „DIE WELT“ vom 20.11.70, S.4

e) “NotgemeinschaftzurRettung der Universität” (emergency community for saving the university) founded simultaneously in Bonn, New York, Paris, and other capitals  - an article of NIELS von HOLST: “There was nothing comparable in the history of “Geistesleben”: 100 scientists of 3 continents: WERNER HEISENBERG and 6 not German nobelpreis winners , as well as 93 other internationally well-known  scientists (researchers) of Germany, France, Italy, England, Netherlands, USA, Australia were speaking with one voice and presenting the public a memorandum concerning university crisis and founding an international commitee

f) to e) the „Memorandum zur Hochschulkrise: Internationales Komitee zur Rettung der Universität gegründet“  in der SÜDDEUTSCHEN ZEITUNG vom 20.11 70, S.5.,verfaßt von unserer Bonner Redaktion.

g) W.Wolf, „Universität wehrt sich: 1500 Teilnehmer beim Gründungskongreß des Bundes Freiheit der Wissenschaft“, aus „STUDENT“ Dez.1970, 2 Seiten

h).E.Topitsch, „Bonzokraten im Papageienhaus: Aufstieg der radikalen Linken an den Universitäten hat zu einer Herrschaft der arroganten Dürftigkeit geführt“, 24.4.1971; vgl. auch die Werke von Prof.Topitsch „Mythos – Philosophie – Politik“ 1969 und „Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft und der politische Auftrag der Universität“ 1968.

i) H.Schäfer, Prof der Physiologie in Heidelberg „Ich fühle mich nicht selten an das Jahr 1932 erinnert“  in „Die WELT“ vom 12. Jan 1971, S.7: Er warnt vor dem Zerfall der Universitäten.   


APPENDIX: List I and List II.


List I:  Stages of a university career sketched by documents

1    2


3   4




7 8

9 10

11   12

List II:University career in Brazil

13 14


15     16




[i]Award of the doctorate in February 1945, just before the end of World War II.

[ii]   By granting the GDR diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state, the Brandt administration had made the division of Germany into three parts official, i.e. they had abandoned the German concept of 1848 (“den Deutschlandbegriff von 1848”)

[iii]   by the name of Kreibich who had come from the German Democrat Republic together with  P. Wunderlich, a pre-graduate in Chemistry, working at the author’s institute

[iv]     in the meantime just a kind of blank staff (Leerkörper)

[v]    This is not a criticism of China's decisions. China has chosen its own path - quite successfully,   as the last 20 years have shown. - One of the most talented collaborators the author ever had came from China. After completing his dissertation (the reason he came to Germany), he did not succeed in having his residence permit renewed (that was the law), i.e. this most gifted chemist had to leave the Federal Republic of Germany.

[vi]Fachbereichsrat (council of department)mathematics had 15 members

[vii]    see also Lists I and IIin APPENDIX

[viii]   see Part IV, p 948, : ISBN 978-1-882292-36-1 (1)

[ix]    Cue: „conservative TV-publicity in and

[x]not to forget President Gorbachov

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