The Sciences: Chemistry, Botany:
Plant Technology
Based on Chemistry, Botany, and
By Prof Dr Dr Randolph
Riemschneider Central Institute of Chemistry, Universidade Federal de
Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Editor’s Note: The
author shows that the wood of living trees may be dyed without damaging them (chemistry). In long-term experiments,
initially with trees his team had planted itself (botany), it was possible under suitable conditions to obtain wood
thoroughly dyed or impregnated with the compounds tested (some from Table 1)
after the trees had been felled. Planting the
trees gave them the idea to try and use
living trees as building material (architecture):
tree constructions. Again, they got positive results, albeit only in With the aid of the
yeast cell preparation developed by the author in a completely different
context in 1948: H 2000 (chemistry,)
it was possible to enhance the growth of trees indirectly (through soil
micro-organisms) which had previously been tested on many useful and ornamental
plants. In the 1940s the author planned and started research about the following
two topics; whereas the idea for a third
one was born in 1958 from a kind of compulsory situation deriving from
topic 2): Topic 1)
Increasing the growth of plants of all kinds including trees (1946); Topic 2) Dyeing
the wood of living trees (1942, start 1955).
(start in 1962) Topic 1)
Indirect growth enhancement of
plants of all kinds by yeast cell preparations especially prepared by us which
we called yeast cell cytorrhysate (H 2000) Plant cells have stronger cell walls than animal cells so that less
stringent conditions are generally used to obtain animal extracts than in the
case of plant extracts. We failed to
take this into account in our yeast cell extraction experiments with Saccaromyces cerevisae HANSEN in 1946
and therefore arrived at surprising results at the time (8, 9): In lab test experiments the cytorrhysates obtained from plant cells, for
example yeast cells, under "mild conditions" at the time increased
the growth of micro-organisms including soil bacteria. Systematic plant
experiments with such preparations showed an indirect growth-enhancing effect,
i.e. our yeast cell preparations promote the growth of micro-organisms in the
soil and thus, secondarily, plant growth. That this was no direct growth
enhancement was shown in experiments carried out expertly at our request in a
BASF experimental station. In order to evaluate
cytorrhysates as plant-growth enhancers, the following test arrangement was
selected: As plant soil, one part of fine sand and one part of
peat was used. Planting was carried out on May 20 and May 25, respectively. The
photographs were taken on July 1. The test solutions were added to the watering
can in an amount of 1 part per 1000. The following 12 photographs show a comparison of plants treated with
yeast cell preparations (on the left-hand side) and control plants (right-hand
side). Nos. 43, 39, 37 were grown from seed, all others from seedlings. The
positive results achieved with trees such as planes, willows and others have
found their way into patent specifications, just as the ones described here. The growth effect described is based on an activated cell metabolism
which may, for example, be proven by WARBURG experiments with increased CO2
production or increased O2 consumption. Measurements and growth experiments with fish and tadpoles are described
in the SPECIAL PART: Diagram 1 and Tables 2 and 3; details regarding additional
characteristics of the new yeast cell preparations called H 2000 are also to be
found there. The author wishes to thank Mr. Tan Hing Kong, a photographer by
training, K. Nolde and H.-J. Hein, certified chemists (Diplomchemiker), for their valuable assistance in the experiments
on Topic 1) which were carried out
in Flower
experiments regarding „redyeing“ are described in the APPENDIX (10). Topic
1) Plant Technology experiments were also started and
executed on the The aims of dyeing living trees
were: - to receive
thoroughly dyed wood when trees were felled after years, - to protect living trees against fungi
and pests [treated in SPECIAL PART] What counts here is testing whether and to what extent
living trees may be used as construction material, especially in combination
with "non-living" materials. Since Topic 3) was derived from 2), there is partial overlapping. On Topic 2) To realise this project, young trees had to be available in an untouched
area, suitable components in solutions had to be found; and an injection method
had to be developed which did no harm to growing trees. Starting this project was more difficult than expected: Only our third trial in -
in Grunewald (an urban forest) on Sprengplatz (1955 - 58) - first attempt - on the land of the Institute for
Biochemistry in Lichterfelde-Süd (trees planted in 1960, injection trials 1968
- 77) - second attempt For more details about our "detours" regarding Topics 2) and 3), refer to
Section SPECIAL PART. Thanks to an engineer with whom the author was acquainted, Dr. Brandmayer
(Plate 3) we had the possibility to work on Sprengplatz in the Grunewald in
Berlin (WEST) from 1954 and to carry out experiments which would not have been
possible in a regular lab, e.g. permeation studies on plastic foils with
warfare agents such as Lost and nerve gases. This was done in cooperation with
the expert on warfare agents, Dr. Otto Schmidt, called Uncle Otto in chemical
circles [PROJ XVIII in (3)]. Also, refer to additional remarks on the topic
"shack" in SPECIAL PART. The trees growing around Sprengplatz gave us hope that our long-planned
dyeing and stabilising experiments on trees of different kinds would be
possible. Unfortunately, however, the Forestry Commission of Berlin learnt
about our project after only three years, in Dec 1957, and put a ban on them. "Don't touch any trees!" Therefore, the author had to look for other routes to carry out his planned dyeing experiments. That same
year, he got an opportunity to plant his
own trees. In connection with his appointment to the chair of Biochemistry,
a building in Berlin-Lichterfelde-Süd had been promised to him which also
included spacious grounds with a hothouse and outbuildings. There we were able
to plant trees for further experiments. Since we had to plant
the trees ourselves anyway, why not use living trees as building materials? What started as a provisional solution as a result of the official ban,
gave us the idea for Topic 3). Preliminary experiments for Topic 2) were continued
with the assistance of Mr. Tan Hing Kong, landscape gardener and photographer,
and with H.-J. Hein, K. Nolde, certified chemists, and the experiments for Topic 3) started. The preliminary experiments
for Topic 2) which started at
Sprengplatz between 1955 and 1958 and were then continued in Lichterfelde from
1962 onwards concerned the development of methods for injecting aqueous dye and
metal salt solutions into the tree trunks. This work required cuffs with good
sealing properties so that the compounds used as "dye solutions"
could be applied under water. We carried out tests in which height of the stem
the cuffs should be best placed. Our test range was between 25 and 150cm. We
found out: the lower the better. Specifically, the first experiments with selected compounds (Table 1)
had the purpose of developing test methods, i.e. to identify suitable
concentrations and to determine application sites and the number and interval
of injections. Table 1: List of the compounds used* Inorganic and organic salts** of Fe, Mn, Cr , Al (Cu, Ni, Co, Mo and
Some of the dyes cited here were already tested in The trees we treated were to supply wood for normal construction work
which was dyed through and through and impregnated. At the time, we found no
references to such experiments in literature; numerous discussions with
gardeners, landscape architects and owners of plant nurseries on the topic
"tree dyeing" did not lead to anything. The same applies for Topic 3). K. Nolde thoroughly and
systematically searched the publications in chemistry and botany regarding Topic 2) and 3) from 1960-82. Later
H.J.Hein took over. As mentioned above, we were able to carry out parallel large-scale main experiments (i.e. with 20 to 40
trees for each experiment) at UFSM in As a precautionary measure, we also started protected forest plantations
of suitable trees in Brasil in the years 1964 (Facenda) and 1972 (Ruraima) so
as to be able to use homogeneous tree materials which had not grown wild; in
particular, we had tree material for Topic
3) in mind, e.g. planes, willows, and others. From time to time, the author summarized his results on Topic 2) in lectures. At the request of
the industrial enterprises involved in the project, he refrained from
publishing: "As my reports on the details of the test conditions selected
and found practicable (such as: types of trees, types of solutions,
concentration of solutions, number of applications, dependence on season, site
of application, time to start injections, intervals etc.) are all still secret,
I regret that I am unable to provide any further details here". In order to attract the interest of students and collaborators for the
plant technology experiments on Topic 2),
the author made use of the Brazilian mentality at Easter 1966: The religious
feast of Easter plays an important role in After some experimenting, our efforts were crowned with success (6); see
Fig 3. Fig. 3:
Sketch of colored chicks after dyeing
On Topic 3) Building with living trees, in combination with
non-living material It is well known that trees grow all their lives both upward at
the top (young shoots) and also in circumference (annual rings), albeit more
slowly in advanced age. Trees react to mechanical stress by incorporating
lignified tissue into the trunks and branches; moreover, they form strong
reinforcing elements as a result of stress. At contact sites, pressure tissue
is found which is visible in thick bulges resistant to pressure. As a result of
gravitation, lignification in the lower portions of trunks, branches and twigs
is more pronounced than in the upper portions. Wood gives trees stability and makes possible the
transport of the essential water and nutrients from the root all the way to the
leaves through an intricate "pipe" system: wood cells are hollow and
surrounded by cell walls. Many wood cells placed over each other form a pipe.
The cell walls consisting of oblong, very thin and extremely stiff cellulose fibres are also capable to
absorbing humidity. Like "steel rods in concrete", they are embedded in the hemicellulose
mass which is capable of binding water: The wood swells, increasing its volume.
Initially, we had planted a few rows of trees (see sketch) had been
planted on the grounds of the Chemical Institute in Berlin-Lichterfelde-Süd in
1960 (two years before we were able to move into the building made available
for Biochemistry). Tree material: flexible young planes and willows of approx.
5 m height. For details regarding the arrangement of the plants, please refer
to the sketches. The following studies could be made on the rows of trees in Since being called to a chair at the Brazilian University of Santa Maria
in 1964 and accepting – instead of the call - the assignment to establish a
Chemical Central Institute with all branches of chemistry according to a German
role model, the author had the opportunity to work for many years, every time
some months, on these issues in Brazil - initially in parallel to the first
experiments in Berlin - from 1966 onwards (Plate 1, notice in Berlin
newspaper). Plate 1: Table 2: Tree
construction problems
It can be inferred from plate 2 [containing a letter from the chancellor
of UFSM regarding quotation (1)] on the next page how and where in Brazil our
tree technology work was continued: regarding Topic 2), we started in 1966 on the fazenda of the chancellor
(until approx. 1985), then, from 1972 onwards, simultaneously in RORAIMA;
regarding Topic 3), in RORAIMA, also
starting in 1972. Everything was beautifully organised as promised at the time
in the letter (Plate 2): approx. 200 trees of 5 to 7 m height were flown in and
a protected forest plantation started. In Brazil, it also became evident soon that the questions asked under a)
to i) above may substantially be answered in the affirmative over the course of
10 years and that it was therefore possible to erect construction plantations
(i.e. tree constructions) according to certain ground plan (sketches). Re a):
Depending on growth in circumference the metal belts were to be changed; belts
of other materials were tried, too. Re g): When laying foundations, the light
conditions must be observed right from the beginning. Like all plants, trees
have a kind of light sensor informing them how they are illuminated.
This is a colorant (phytochrome) which is present in an active and an inactive
form (a kind of circuit). Re h) and i): According to sketch 3, a rectangular
space of approx. 6 sqm open to one side was constructed at a height of approx.
2.5 m which was able to hold the weight of four people (12); see also sketch 5.
Re k) and l): We need to gain additional experience. It has already been shown
that the tree constructions solidify as the trees grow in thickness; in particular,
this also applies for elements combining organic and inorganic materials. Side spaces between the trees can be “closed” by climbing plants if
these are directed in the adequate way. - Trees with open aerial roots which
cramp on all they can reach can also be used as construction material offering
them provisional plastic cores removable when the “clintch” is old enough;
these artificially new clintch constructions continue to grow - gaining
stability in the course of time when they become thicker. In this field, the author worked with the Brazilian organisations
CONSULTING DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING, S. Paulo and Plate 2a: Letter of the chancellor of UFSM dated August 20, 1968 [German version,
English translation in Plate 2b]: He extends his thanks for the lecture on August 15, 1968 (1) and gives
his firm promise to support the projects "Building with living trees"
und "Dyeing" in RORAIMA, too, by procuring tree material, planting
protected forests and procuring the necessary funds. Plate 2a: Plate 2b: English translation of the Plate 2a: Head My esteemed friend, Professor Riemschneider, It is my honour to once again extend my thanks for your lecture of
August 15, 1968, on "Plant technology based on Chemistry, Botany and
Architecture: Dyeing living trees, building with living trees" which takes
us in a fascinating new direction. I speak also in the name of the present
deans of the various departments supporting you. As discussed in person already, I would be very pleased if you continued
the experiments with "Dyeing living trees" which started on my
fazenda in 1966 in the location for as long as possible, even if Roraima will
offer additional opportunities from 1972 onwards. As also discussed, I will ensure in my capacity as chancellor that
sufficient trees (willows, planes) of the desired height (5 to 7 m) for the
partial project "Building with living trees" will be flown in
starting from 1972 as soon as the UFSM Senate has given its approval. The
necessary funding will be provided by the Organization Consulting Development
Engineering headed by Dr. Faria and other sources. Dr. Faria attended your
lecture and promised his help - he was much taken with the way you conquered
your audience by dyeing chicks at Easter 1966. The protected forest plantations for growing the young trees you
requested will be organized well in time to ensure that further constructions
can be made. Once again, please be assured of my full support. Respectfully and sincerely, with all my friendship Prof. Dr. José Mariano da Rochá Filho, Chancellor (Reitor) Ex. mo. Sr. Prof. Dr. Randolph Riemschneider (This letter is our translation of the original version in Portuguese) It goes without saying that we are only thinking of
constructing special, "nature-bound" buildings of low height:
Architecture in natura. Only practical experiments and the experience gained
will show how useful such activities are. The growth in thickness of the trees
used may impose limits with regard to time. The cost of maintenance of the
constructions will also play a role. The constructions look different depending
on the seasons. For Addendum from the year 1975: For many years, there was a specialised
furniture store at the When the author spent five months in the Here are few comments regarding the question of the use of "tree
buildings": In any case, they are environmentally
compatible, they are useful for all places where the environment should be specially
protected. Building with living trees is dependent on the climate, i.e. it is
primarily of interest for regions with lots of sunshine where living at a
certain height is desirable. [For example, pile villages in the country as seen
in the One can also think on environmentally friendly pavilions,
kiosks, bowers, arbours, for instance at rest aereas of motorways.
“Bridge-constructions”, footpathes should be possible using living trees providind
the constructors are not in a hurry for it will take a few years until the
“natural” building can be used: Sketch 5. Remark: Only in
A1 A2 A3
2 doublelines of
trees view from above
Sketch 2:
surface sideview without second
doubleline of trees.
A1 A2 B1
Sketch 3:
doublelines of
trees square with right side
Sketch 4:
doublelines of
trees oval left side open floor plan of
supporting unit on aprox. 2,3
mtr. Height (12)
construction of floors
5a: footpath crossing a creek (11,12)
crossing a creek, built with mirroring pairs of trees (6 m high). Tree pairs
planted in the earth in a dept of around 1 meter and 50; plastig rectangular
floors lying on metal rods between the pairs of trees. Floors covered with
suitable material. Metal railing in 1 meter and 20 height over the pathway.
Sidewalls may develop over the time by „creepers“.
after 3 years the connections between metal and tree will be fastened. After
this time the first load-bearing capacity experiments on the footpath may be
carried out.
5b: footpath, view from above:
Re Topic 1) :
Yeast cell preparations (H
The so-called yeast cell cytorrhysates (H 2000) prepared by simultaneous
physical influences on aqueous yeast suspensions in a certain pH range are
characterised by activation of the cell metabolism which, for example, may be
detected in WARBURG experiments (Fig. 1) or by the increase in growth of fish
and tadpoles (early onset of metamorphosis): Tables 3 and 4, also refer to (9).
H 2000 preparations activate the mitochondria, i.e. they increase the
yield of ATP which is then available for all
ATP-dependent reactions. For example, an increase of the protein synthesis also
enhances the growth of those organs responsible for the growth of a young
individual: An indirect growth
hormone effect which has since been tested in practice on over 500,000 chickens
and in comprehensive trials with piglets (in
For further reference regarding H 2000, please refer to the copy of the
essay: „Two Notes on Progress in BSE-Crisis“ from 2002, published at
In the examples cited here, the
above-mentioned new yeast cell preparations have also been used as crude
suspension as obtained during production. After deproteination, they have been
used as cosmetic additives in
experiments to show the activation of the metabolism by the yeast cell
preparation H 2000: Diag. 1, Tables 3 and 4
Diag.1: Einfluss von I auf die Hefegärung im
[Original-Diagramm aus der ersten
Patentanmeldung (8)]
der Lösungen I bis V: Lösung I: 50ml basic
solution + 50ml Baker yeast Lösung II: 10ml solution I + 50μl H 2000 Lösung III: 10ml solution I + 50μl H 2000 (anderer Versuchsansatz) Lösung IV: 10ml basic
solution + 50μl H 2000, i.e. without yeast Lösung V: 10ml basic
solution + 50μl H 2000, i.e. without yeast
Tab.3: Wachsstumsteste an Schwertfischen mit H
Versuchsdurchführung wurden 60 Jungfische am 15. Tag in die drei Gruppen
unterteilt und in einer Wassermenge von 5 l bei einer mittleren
Beckentemperatur von 24,5°C zweimal wöchentlich gefüttert. Zwei Fischgruppen
erhielten 0,8 bzw. 0,95 promille Zusatz
von H 2000, verteilt auf 3 Gaben pro Woche.
Metamorphosis of tadpoles of Xenopus
laevis DAUDIN
under influence of H 2000
metamorphosis H 2000 control
begin d 39 d 47
end d
55 d 66
Re Topics 2) and 3)
Difficulties and
"detours" in the realisation of our Plant Technology of Topic
2) and 3) - three TRIALS:
The above mentioned shack, in the mean-time rent from the DFG via
FU-administration for dangerous experiments , was situated auf dem Berliner
Sprengplatz im Grunewald. The author hoped that he could make here use
of the
trees surrounding the shack. But “a nil return”: After three
years of “preliminary experiments” on Topic
2) the German forestry superintendent’s office demanded: Do not touch any
tree !
Allowed were only experiments within the shack: see Plate 3.
When the author was received the call on the chair of biochemistry in
1958 and was nominated in 1962 as Director of the
Preliminary staining experiments with living trees could be carried out
especially to find the best method to inject the dye-solutions without doing
the trees any harm. We used dyestaffs mentioned in table 1.
According to Bauplänen gemäss Skizzen
sind 1962 auch im Rahmen Topic 3) „Building with living trees“ Bäume in
bestimmter Anordnung gepflanzt worden. Unfortunately, a new university law came
in the mean time (1969. The so-called democratisation of the
One day, in the
Mid-70ies, all in 1960 and 62 planted
and already experimented with trees were cut down without any warning or
discussion according to the order of university admin (7a).
Intravital staining of and building with living trees in Brasil 1966 to
The experiments could be continued successfully, starting already 1966
at the UFSM, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do
Sul, i.e. at the Fazenda of the REITOR da Universidade and later app 4.000km to the north in RORAIMA, a UFSM proving
ground; see Figure 2.
convey an impression of the geographical position of RORAIMA, a map of Brazil is reproduced in
Figure 2 that is taken from our reports and was a slide in the lectures of 1990
respectively 1985 (5c, 7c).
Figure 2:
Location of RORAIMA in north
of a 1972 monograph with following introductory words:
Plate 3: Letter of Ing.
In quantities chosen at random - and without any conditions - the trees
experimented on in
At the beginning of the nineties, the experiments regarding Topics 2) and 3) in Roraima were discontinued since the author was no longer able
to travel to
Topic "Shack":
This shack situated on the Sprengplatz in
In the opinion of Professors Dinghas (mathematics FU) and Büchi
(anthropology FU), it was to be expected that such activities would be
denounced by radical students and the "68ers", just as the cooperation
with the "capitalist big industry".
In the shack, the author had carried out important experiments for the
Ministry of Defence of the
This research was carried out until about 1968 under the supervision of
the author in connection with doctoral theses and with paid employees.
Re Topic 2)
For a few years, we were also able to pursue the second objective of
injecting solutions (Table 1) for the purpose of protecting plants against
fungi, pests and other damages and to improve their resistance in general,
albeit incompletely due to lack of time and staff.
Trees which had been treated with "dye solutions" (Table 1)
over 10 to 15 years, were unearthed and planted elsewhere to permit a
comparison with untreated trees after further
treatment which means: applying solutions containing fungicides, insecticides,
preservative agents for long time tests in practice (good laboratory tests like the so-called
“Klötzchen-Methode” are well known and used since many years at the Berliner
Materialprüfungsamt ). Our further treatments (in strictly separate lots, but
in the same soil and not too far apart) were carried out in cases of attacks by
fungi and pests (depending on the tree species), drought, cold, etc. So far,
only some conclusive results have been produced.
It was obvious to treat also "tree constructions" with
protective solutions against pests in order to gain additional experience
regarding the protection of living trees against pests and fungi. Of special
interest was the protection against termites
that are capable of decomposing wood. Allegedly, the intestines of these
insects contain bacteria able to decompose wood into cellulose and xylane
This last mentioned fact might make it interesting to use these
termite’s bacteria one day to obtain a starting material for fuel production by
decomposing wood with their aid (PETROBRAS); also refer to the article:
Alternative Energies:
Dyeing hydrangeas blue
In order to gain experience for subsequent tree-dyeing experiments, the
author had looked into redyeing flowers in the 1940s, experimenting with
hydrangeas and roses, planted by ourselves. Of course, the later “Dyeing living
trees” was not a question of redyeing, but here a possibility was offered to
observe the influence of soil components, pH, light, temperature ecc on and
during “colouring natural material”.
Here are a few results from experiments with redyeing hydrangeas blue which were pink when delivered (pH of the soil for cultivation 4.0 to 4.5): It
was possible to change the colour of the blossoms (delphinidine) from pink into
blue by exposure to a sufficient amount
of salt containing aluminium (pH 4.5). The less lime binding Al is present in
the soil, the more Al can be absorbed. Among other things, ammonia alum was
used for dyeing the flowers blue, initially placed directly into the soil and
later dispersed homogenously (with the watering can). Redyeing of the blossoms
is possible only during exposure to light. The blue of formerly pink hydrangeas
became especially intense when the redyeing process was slow (bright sunlight should be avoided and the temperature kept
moderate). No hard limey water may be used for watering. The pH value of the
water (4.5) was adjusted with sulfuric acid. - The blue colour of the hydrangea blossoms was achieved by redyeing the
natural colour; it was not possible to “redye” hydrangeas with white blossoms
containing no “dye”.
Roses were redyed in many series of tests which will be described
elsewhere (i.e. 10). The experience gained with hydrangeas and roses were very
helpful for the subsequent Topic 2)
Remarks related to the
raw material “wood”
After the lecture on August 15, 1968, on the topic "PLANT
TECHNOLOGY based on Chemistry, Botany, and Architecture: Dyeing living trees, building with living
trees" (1) there were interesting discussions about the topic as such, but
also about more general issues related to
the raw material wood.
Just a few examples: 1) Why does wood crackle in a fireplace? 2) Will
burning stained wood be problematic?
Question1): In order to answer the first question, we first need to
clarify what wood is (already discussed in the essay and lecture,
respectively): Wet wood quickly dries in the heat of the fireplace. Its volume
becomes smaller; water evaporates more quickly on the surface than inside which
causes tension and cracks, thus producing the crackling noise. - Small gas
explosions may result from steam partly remaining locked in the wood. The water
bound in the cell walls becomes gaseous and creates high pressure which tears
wood fibres and causes mini explosions. Probably other gases are involved as
well which are generated by the degradation of wood resins by heat.
Question 2): Our previous observations are insufficient to give an
answer. A functioning chimney with good draw is always a prerequisite for a
fire. We are still looking into the toxicology of stained wood. Addendum 2006: There
were no negative results up to now.
Final comment
“Dyeing living trees” takes time and wants patience – so we know after
more than 20 years of practice; this project comprises many inponderabilities
above all if one is bent on a specific and even wood colour.
Regarding the topic “building with living trees” the “architect” has to
be a determined “hobby-gardener”, as well.
Words of thanks
The author owes Professor Dr José Mariano da Rocha Filho a debt of gratitude
for his help and obligingness to realize this Plant Technology Project, taking
the initiative
privately - permitting
experiments at his fazenda in
officially - authorized as chancellor of the university in
connection with Military Government to let carry out experiments in suitable no
man’s land of
officially - organizing
experiments in the university’s territory Ruraima from 1972 on
“PLANT TECHNOLOGY based on Chemistry,
Botany, and Architecture: Dyeing living
trees, building with living trees”
Conferencia proferida pelo
Prof.Randolph Riemschneider, Diretor-Coordenador do futuro Instituto Central de
Quimica da UFSM e Diretor de Bioquimica da FU Berlin - on 15.8.1968 na sala de
Atos, 4 andar do edificio sede da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa
Maria, RS, Brasil
In the letter shown in Plate 2, the chancellor of UFSM
thanks the author for the lecture on August 15, 1968. As early as 1966, he
provided the opportunity to carry out experiments with tree technology on his
fazenda (Topic 2) and organised our
further activities there (until 1977) and in RORAIMA from 1972 regarding Topic 2), but also Topic 3).
“PLANT TECHNOLOGY based on Chemistry,
Botany, and Architecture: Dyeing living
trees, building with living trees”
Lecture given in LIONS
invited: Professor
Dr.F.Weygand (Organic Chemistry, TU Berlin). Prof.Herter (Zoology FU) and
Content of the lecture:
In the years from 1955
to 1972, the author reported the results of his work in Berlin and Brazil
(starting in 1966) on the topics "Dyeing the wood of living trees"
and "Building with living trees" as well as the initial problems in
Berlin caused by the Berlin Forestry Commission and the FU administration after
1969 (7a): see SPECIAL PART "Difficulties
and detours to in realising our PLANT TECHNOLOGY project"
(3) R.Riemschneider
“Re-reading – 66 years chemistry” –
Project XXII (in preparation)
(4) R.Riemschneider
“Progress in Building with living
Conferencia proferida pelo
Prof.Dr.Dr.Randolph Riemschneider
em agosto de 1974 no Anfiteatro da
Ministerio da Educação e Cultura, UFSM
– Druckschrift 1975, 15 pages
based on references (2, 7a,b)
R.Riemschneider with R.Bethke, H.-J.Hein, W.Stuck, P.Nowack
Development of methods for “dyeing
living trees”: Injection of solutions
“under water” without damaging the turgor ,
Reports from 1955-1958 after
preliminary experiments in Berlin-Grunewald on the tree population at
Sprengplatz. But after 3 years the German forestry superintendent s office
demanded: Do not touch any tree ! Allowed were only experiments within
the barrack.
All reports secreted (7a); cf. also
Plate 3.
(5b) R.Riemschneider with a) Tan Hing Kong, M. Azhar, P.Wunderlich, K.Nolde (in Berlin),
b) M.Fereira, M.D.Faria, M.da Rocha Filho, R.S.Souza, W.Pollak, F.Pesserl
(in Brasil)
Experiments with dyeing living trees [(5a)
a) from 1960
onwards in Berlin-Lichterfelde-Süd),
b) from 1966
onwards in Brasil, in
Reports to a) and b) secreted
Unfortunately, the photographs made
by Mahmud Azhar, M.Sc. (Punjab), M.Sc. (Islamabad), M. Phil. (Islamabad), ,in Berlin, regarding TOPIC 3) were destroyed
by his sister after his death, as were all of his scientific notes. The reason:
Azhar's family in
(5c) R.Riemscheider
Lectures: “Dyeing living trees – 30 years of
experience” held as a round table discussions at the seminar of the Brasilian company
(6) R.Riemschneider,
H.H.Fereira, J.Joachimovicz
Experiments with dyeing chicks in the eggs
Experimental reports from the years 1966-70,
21 pages
Institut of Pharmacology, UFSM (Director Prof. Joachimovicz)
All chicks experiments were carried
out under the supervision of Prof. Joachimovicz with special care of the animal welfare
Addendum 2006: In 2002 we found an interesting article
in internet entitled “Grüne, blaue und
rote Küken”: confirming our
experiments from 1966-70
(7a) R.Riemschneider, Tan Hing Kong , R.Bethke, W.Stuck
Experiments about building with living trees
Reports from
1960 on
Preliminary experiments done in the Institute area
Berlin-Lichterfelde-Süd. Pflanzung von
Platanen und Weiden gemäß Skizzen; vgl. (5b)
Unfortunatly all these experiments are interrupted and
prevented in the Mid-70ies through the
new FU-Administration:
All planted and in experiment being trees were cut
down at the instruction of the new “FU
administation” without any discussion with the responsible professor.
The Free University of Berlin was according to the new
University Law (1969) “democratization”, i.e. all Faculties and Institutes had been abolished and the
author was degradated to “Comrade
Professor Team Leader Riemschneider” (formerly Professor Director of the
R.Riemschneider with W.Pollak,
R.S.Souza, F.Pesserl, M.M.Faria,
J.Joachimovicz, R.Wasicky jr.
Experiments about building with living trees in
combination with not-living material
according to ground-planes [parallel to (7a) and then continued].
Reports in Brasil from 1966-1990 (secreted)
(7c) R.Riemschneider
“Plant Technology, based on Chemistry, Botany, and
Architecture: Living trees as building material, combined with not-living
matter” (1960-85)
Lecture given by the author in English on 16 Jul 1985 in
a round table colloquium of WIDMER
AG, Wädenswil, Switzerland
(8) R.Riemschneider (Erfinder), C.Reiher
zur Herstellung tallophytischer oder bryophytischer Zytorrhysate, danach
hergestellte Zytorrhysate und deren Verwendung zur Nährstoffergänzung =
Anmeldung in Brasilien 1965; Zweite Anmeldung in der BRD: DE 3402169.8
Anspruch 1: Verfahren zur Herstellung eines thallophytischen Zytorrhysats, bei
dem intakte Thallophyt- und/oder Bryophytzellen unter milden Temperaturen mit
Salzen behandelt werden
Anspruch 10: Verfahren dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Zellmaterial aus
Gruppe: Aspergillus niger, Torula utilis,
Saccharomyces-Arten, Lactobacillus
bulgarucus ausgewählt ist.
Anspruch 13: Verwendung des Zytorrhysats nach Anspruch 1-12 zur
zum Futter u./oder Gießwasser in Mengen von O,1-O,5%.
13 illustriert durch Photos aus den Jahren
(9) R. Riemschneider
Notes on Progress in BSE-Crisis
[1] Under this title, the author gave several lectures: 1968 in Brazil (1), 1972 in Berlin (2), 1974 in Brasil (4), 1985 in Wädenswil (7c); see also a summarizing reports given in S. Paulo, Aug 1985, completed in Rio, July 1990 (5c)
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