New Philosophy, ‘Neopragmatism’ for Korea Reform by Emeritus Professor Yang-Taek Lim,
Ph.D. Hanyang University Seoul, Korea [Editor’s Note: This essay has been derived from the author’s
congratulatory address as Chairman and President of the Asian Peace Economic
Research Institute, under auspices of the Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to
congratulate the opening of the 13th Annual Memorial Service for Korean
Pioneers’ Spirits & Award Ceremony held in Hawaii, on August 28, 2014, in commemoration of Korean immigration to the
United States. – JP.] Since
history is the record of the past, there cannot be ‘if’. However, the history
of the past can be considered as the ‘compass’ of the future. Therefore, in an
attempt to open a new history for a socially and nationally desirable future,
we cannot but reflect on the historical facts of the past. In this sense, such
an attempt has been infused into the commemorative ceremony of today [see
footnote 1, below]. Hence
the author would like to point out the fact that the most serious problem of
the Korean society is ‘the absence of philosophy’ in the aspect of low ethics
and low justice. The two ‘lows are more harmful to Korean people than the
recent economic phenomena such as low growth, low birth, low productivity, low
investment, low interest rate, low money circulation speed, low exchange rate (strengthening
won) along with high unemployment (of youth in particular), high national debt,
high household debt, high risk of national security. A typical
example to plainly expose ‘the absence of philosophy’ in Korean society is the
catastrophe of the South Korean ferry ‘Sewol’ on April 16, this year, which was
a sad and horrendous incident in which 304 passengers sank with the vessel and
died. This tragedy was the result of a collective crime such as the avarice of
Yoo Byung-eon and his company (Chonghaejin Marine), the flight of the captain
and the sailing crew, the phony rescue operation of the coast guard, and the
Korean governments’ corruption and incompetence. All
of the Korean citizens were astonished in front of the fact that no one person
who sank with the ship was rescued. However, there was a good and righteous person.
Park Ji-Young (22-year-old) died taking care of her student. When she died, she
wasn’t wearing a life jacket because she had benevolently given hers to a
student. In
order to cope with the wretched ‘accident society’ in which the Korean people
live in, the vulgar nature of South Korea’s ‘corrupt society’ should be
eliminated by cutting off the bureaucratic ties based on region and school in
particular. More importantly, a new philosophy, ‘Neopragmatism’ in contrast to
‘New Liberalism’, should be introduced to the Korean society, diffused among
the Korean people, carved in their hearts, and operated in the Korean
government policy and social custom. In
line with J. Locke (1690) J. J. Rousseau (1762), J. S. Mill (1861), A. C. Pigou
(1932), J. Rawls (1971), B. Rothostein (1998), Lee Ik (1681-1763), Jung yong (1762-1836),
etc, the author has defined ‘Neopragmatism’ as a thought that pursues a
‘humanitarian community’ which values human dignity, autonomy and creativity by
satisfying ‘basic needs’(employment, housing, education, transportation,
medical service and pension after retirement) for ‘the greatest happiness of
the greatest number’ based on morality, ethics, justice in conformity with
‘social choice’ for an optimal resource allocation. ‘Neopragmatism’ is different from Deng
Xiaoping’s ‘goal-oriented pragmatism’(i.e., ‘practicalism’) or John Dewey (1948)’s
‘performance oriented pragmatism’(i.e., the survival of the fittest). The
Korean society is confronted with a multifaceted critical situation which is
composed of security crisis, socioeconomic crisis and cultural crisis. In
particular, the cultural crisis stems from the fact that the Asian traditional
ethics has been weakened and infected by ‘greed’ capitalism while the Western
culture has gained popularity but lost its original value as Puritanism has
disappeared from modern capitalism. In general, the former seeks ‘harmony’
based on hierarchical orders while the latter pursues ‘rationality’ based on
horizontal orders. However,
the author believes that ‘Neopragmatism’, in contrast to the two value systems
above, is the only effective value-standard for the Korean society, at least in
the attempt to resolve the four conflicts: ① ideological conflict, ②
conflict among different income classes, ③
conflict among different regions, and ④
conflict between management and labor. Otherwise, the South Korean ‘ship’ which
seems to lose the ‘compass’ in the coal-black open sea may sink like Titanic in
1912. Hence the author would like to emphasize that ‘the sane society’ asserted by
Erich Fromm (1900-1980) is much more important and urgently needed than
‘creative economy’ which is originated from John Hopkin’s “Creative Economy” (2011)
and now President Park Geunhye’s administrative philosophy, as well as the core
icon of the government. This is so because it is impossible for any
technological invention to be successfully and fruitfully created and developed
in reality. Further, in the pursuit of social reform
from ‘corrupt society’ into ‘just society’ for a ‘creative Korea’, the author would also like to emphasize that all Korean people of
nowadays need to fully re-digest the message of “Korea Reform” asserted in 1919
by Ahn Chang-ho, who is often referred to as “Korea’s master”. Why is it necessary today? This is so
because we are obliged to make Korean historical justice stand up. Most Korean
people are aware of the fact that many patriots, well-known or unknown, had devoted
themselves to the independence movement and died in the era of Japanese
Imperialism but their descendants have been very poor, although the ancestors
didn’t sacrifice themselves at all for the purpose of the well-being of their
families. Finally, the author would like to introduce a poem, ‘Light of the East’ of
Rabindranath Tigore (1868-1941): “ In the
golden age of Asia, Korea was one of the lamp-bearers. And that is waiting to
be lighted once again for the illumination of the East”. The author hopes
that all Koreans shall be the lamp-bearers! [Fig. 1] Philosophical Foundation of
Neopragmatism : Freedom․Justice․Welfare [Fig.
2] South Korea's Prospects and National Management Strategies Sources: Lim, Yang-Taek(1995), The People Shall Perish Where There Is
No Vision, Seoul : The Mail Economic Daily Press, September. Lim,
Yang-Taek(2008), "Korea's Prospects and National Management
Strategies", Keynote Speech delivered at the 20th International Conference
on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (July 24~30, 2008),
Baden-Baden, Germany. Lim,
Yang-Taek(2010), "Neopragmatic Solutions to the Structural Problems of South
Korean Economy, the Korean Peninsula and the East Asian Community", International
Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.1, No.1. [ BWW Society Home Page ] © 2014 The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society |