The Environment: Global Food Supply & Resources:
The Resources of our World are Not Infinite:
Looking for Ways Out
by Prof.Dr.Dr. [Editor’s Note: Whether welcome or
not, so-called ‘Political Correctness’ has been a part of our lives in recent
decades; today I would like to put forth the concept of what could be called
‘Cultural Correctness’. We all know that what is looked at as bizarre, even
repulsive, in one culture can be quite normal in another. However, there are
some practices under consideration that may well be considered ‘Culturally
Incorrect’ in all cultures. Taking a deep breath and stepping forward
onto the firing line, in the paper below Dr. Randolph Riemschneider puts forth
a few of his most ‘Culturally Incorrect’ proposals for your consideration. –
JP] As
strange as they may appear at first reading, the following titles are not made
in jest but are actually serious considerations: I) Insect larvae for animal feeding – fly
farms to produce R 78 [1] II) Fodder additive Y 2000 - yeast based [2] III) Solid P-containing fertilizer from urine [3] IV)
Food stuff protection against rodents by initiated cannibalism [4,7] In the year 2013, the practically uncontrollable
growth in world population, the so-called Human Flood and the increase in human
longevity-- welcome as it may be for individuals [5a] -- in certain parts of the world require: a) careful managementof the resources recovered from agriculture, stock breeding and industry for humans and
animals, including drinking water, b) to keep pollution of the
environment to the minimum level possible. Hitherto
unexploited sources for nutrition including fertilization, energy recovery and
other supplies must be tapped. From 1939
to about 1950,
careful management of resources was also a must, albeit for other reasons.
Nobody cared about the environment. During the war and the post-war era, food
for humans and animals was scarce in many countries. Efforts were made at the
time to develop new sources, but only for a few years. Environmental
consciousness grew slowly. 65 years ago, the
author had started to show some ways in terms of resources and set out on these
paths. However, his suggestions did not go down very well in In the
meantime, many things have changed. Moderation has been preached for many
years, the use of alternative sources of energy has started -- unfortunately
very late and not adequately, as explained by the author: Despite all warnings,
500 Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) -- without final deposit sites [5b] -- are still operating. Back to the paths which the author
had identified early on -- 60 years ago -- and walked to achieve an improvement
in nutrition: I) Animal fodder; II) Animal fodder additive;
III) P- and N-containing fertilizer; IV) Fight against rodents: Food stuff
protection. Ad I) Special animal feeding: The growth in world population is forcing us to treat the available
sources of food and feed with great care, e.g. not to use food resources for
the production of animal feed. Here comes a proposal which has been developed
to maturity and is being used: Animal Feed R 49 / R 78 made of insect larvae
can replace fish-meal. As stated in PartI[i] of
"Re-Reading - 75 Years of Chemistry", the author, who had been
assigned to RUHRÖL GmbH during World War II. had obtained permission from the
management of the company to work on his dissertation in the company labs
simultaneously to his regular duties. This sideline comprised two subjects
considered from the author himself for promotion: a) lubricants[ii]b)
both permitted by the management. In 1943, it was quite complicated to procure
the necessary test insects for the orientation experiments, as catching flies
or tracking a small number of corn weevils was not sufficient. So as to have a
large number of flies at his disposal at all times without having to make the
effort of breeding them, the author developed the flower pot process described in Chart 1, Section 3, in the
Summer/Autumn of 1943 making use of observations he had made during his school
years. From these contact insecticide
experiments the author derived -- in addition to the university lecturing
qualification paperiii--
the idea of the "Development of an
Insect Breeding Farm to Produce Animal Feed", carried out in 1944 and
1946-1949, described Jan 1950 in the "Mitt.Physiologchem.Institut Berlin”
and in some lectures, given January at the Colloquium of RIEDELdeHAEN,
Berlin-Britz, and in March 1950 at the Colloquium of Dr.WILMAR SCHWABE, Leipzig
Content in Chart 1 (translation),
German original in Chart 3. Chart 1: Insect larvae as protein sources in animal feed [1950][iv] "These days,
topics like the above are more pressing than ever. Both animal feed and food
are scarce. Therefore, no substances should be used in the feed of
meat-producing animals that could also serve as human food. One negative
example is feed made of fish. This should always be kept in mind, not only in
post-war times. After the experiments conducted by the author over four years,
it was possible to replace the fish-meal used as animal feed with insect
larvae. This idea was derived from the following experiments: In connection with
studying synthetic insecticides, the author was first faced with the problem of
procuring test insects six years ago. Catching houseflies was sufficient for a
few orientation experiments in the Summer/Autumn of 1943. The flowerpot method
described below turned out to be useful to have the largest possible quantity
of flies[v]
at his disposal at all times without time-consuming breeding: Several flowerpots were filled with saw dust
and bits of bran and humidified. Then a piece of rat meat was placed on top to
attract the flies to drop eggs and, later, to feed the maggots. The flowerpots
were put outside. The maggots that lived in the saw dust for some time changed
into pupae. These were collected, kept in a refrigerator and, when the
temperature was right, supplied flies for orientating test experiments where a
rough distinction was made between "effective" and "ineffective".
That was the immediate objective of these
experiments. The ultimate objective
derived from "feeding fly maggots
with rat meat, i.e. a kind of scrap meat": Development of an insect farm for producing dried protein-rich insect
larvae as animal feed. At the same time, abattoirs were relieved of waste. As early as the last
year of the war in Jena, and then right away from 1946 onwards in the gardens
of the Schölzel family in Berlin-Falkensee, the author had the opportunity to
build his first fly farm in
cooperation with Elisabeth Schölzel and Karl Nikolaisen: Cultivation of the flies in 15 cages. They were
fed with a mixture of a) yeast scraps (Yeast Factory Elmshorn), b) bran from
Feldmühle Bern (via Dr.Roos, Basle), c) waste from the dairy and cattle
insemination station Rainer, Pfarrkirchen,
This animal feed, R
49, did not require any further treatment. The bred larvae killed by freeze
drying are free of germs. Chickens and other useful animals have been eating
flies and maggots since time untold without suffering any damages." Nevertheless,
experiments were carried out to confirm that R 49 was harmless. Support came from RIEDEL de HAEN,
Berlin-Britz, Doctors Schultze and Heymons and Director Dr.Boedecker (1948/50)
with a positive result. Unfortunately, it took the author
until the end of the 1970s and even end of the 1980s to find people[vi]with a genuine
interest in this project in In Brazil, the author built his second
fly farm[vii]
in 1976 on the fazenda of the President of UFSM, Professor Dr. José Mariano da
Rocha Filho, Rio Grande do Sul, and the third one in 1977 in cooperation
with Dr. Rodolfo Francesco Pesserl, BRASTONE, in Curitiba, PA, according to the
models of 1947 and 1976 to produce the insect-based animal feed R 78 (= R 49).
At the same time, experiments with the fodder additive Y 2000 (yeast-based)[viii] were conducted
both in Field experiments with giving
chickens a feed containing R 78 were conducted successfully on the fazenda of
Professor Mariano da Rocha without any problems. In the experiments with Y 2000
on ruminants[ix] carried out on the same fazenda, R 78 was
also tested without any problems. The utilization of both products: R
78 and Y 2000 was assigned by the author to Dr.Pesserl[x]
for BRASTONE produced in cooperation
with a local group quarterly up to half a ton of PREMIX, containing 20% R 78 –
for In the APPENDIX: Chart 3: Text of Chart 1 in German: Copy of the Mitt.. Chart 4: Dr.Pesserl´s
letter from May 3rd, 1981 Ad II: Fodder additive Y 2000 Based on Y 20-crude suspension received from normal yeast killed
"under very mild conditions".
Comparison of the properties of Y 20-preparations with normal yeast in Tab.1. Tab.1:
Properties of Y 20-crude suspension
andY 20-dialysate (cell-free)
compared with normal yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
We distinguish between the following
fodder additives Y 2000: Y 2000 pur containing Y 20 crude
suspension - spray dried, Y 2000 pur containing Y 20 crude
suspension – hot roll dried, Y 2000 crude suspension, Y 2000-Premix, containing 20% Y 2000 crude
suspension The probiotic freshly prepared Y 20
crude suspension can be also sprayed directly into fodder material in
concentrations of 0,1-0,3% (as was done earlier with antibiotics). Y 2000 was
tested during many years on chicken, pigs, sheep, calves, rabbits, dogs,
fish etc in countries like Y 2000 has nothing to do with normal
fodder yeast. Y 2000 is effective
in concentrations of 0,1-0,3% added to
the animal fodder. Such low concentrations are sufficient to activate the cell
metabolism, increasing the ATP-production. So more energy is available for all
energy depending reactions: All organs get activated, also the organs
responsible for young animals still growing (indirect hormone effect). See ref (1273a,b) incl. Plate 7 in Part V-A, p 405-6, p 430, and in Part II, “Y 2000 – fodder additive at
work”, p 540-597 Ad III:Solid P-containing fertilizer
from urine As early as 1947, the author
conducted experiments with the objective of recovering solid fertilizer from urine which could be classified as “NPK
fertilizer” [5e]: U 48, U 55 In the frame of production of
NPK-fertilizercalciumsilicate phosphate (residue from building industry) was
useful [5f] The results achieved at the time
offer an opportunity to save the depleting supplies of phosphate. A detailed description is given in Part II, p 424-429; cf. also [3] ad IV: Food protection against
rodents As reported in Chart 2: Cannibalism
triggered suddenly by the oral administration of the anti-B6-vitamin
4-deoxy-pyridoxine (I) in pregnant mice [4]. Fighting against rodents was the
word. The question whether it might be used for the extermination of rodents
like mice and rats was pursued by us in several directions, but not yet with
100% satisfactory results so far. In the meantime we achieved best
results with an I-analogue (patent pending). Chart 2:Cannibalism caused by two anti-B6-vitamines Lecture held in One example for many experiments regarding
cannibalism triggered by the anti-B6-vitamine 4-desoxy-pyridoxine
(I) carried out in Berlin from 1955 to 1969and in Brazil at UFSM from 1975
onwards in shown in the following table. All in all, another 20 basic series of experiments with I[each of which with 500
animals (400 female: 100 male)] were carried out over the years. The
conditions [amount of I administered,
time and duration of the I
application (other rodents such as rats, golden hamsters, dormice)] were
varied. Experimental runs followed to determine the possible simultaneous
influence of arginine and other amino acids, prolactin, testosterone and other
factors and others not mentioned. As far as possible from a quantity point of
view, other anti-B6 vitamins and related compounds were included in
these experiments. Unfortunately, the experiments relating to the synthesis ofI analogues turned out to be
time-consuming and complex. Experiments over several years on the improvement
and facilitation of the synthesis of I
also presented unforeseen difficulties[xii].
The report on experiments carried with other animals such as rodents and fish
is included elsewhere. Example
of an experimental report about the application of 4-deoxy-pyridoxine (I) to pregnant mice (Per 1 pregnant female in
experiment respectively in control) Data
for mouse number 127: Application of I in water from day 14 to 21;
delivery day: 15; Normal
drinking water from day 1 to 13 and from day 22 Experimental
data: Day: ……………………………………….13 14
15 16 17
18 19 20
21 22 23
24 25 Weight
of animal :………………………… 51,5 50,1
29,6 29,6 27,2
27,8 27,9 27,6
27,3 32,7 35,5
34,8 34,8 Young
number, reduced by cannibalism : …………….13
11 9 7
7 6 3
3 3 3
3 Data
for corresponding control mouse to 127: No application of I;
delivery on day 16; normal
drinking water all time Experimental
data: Day……… ………….……………………….14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 Weight
of animal : …………………………..50,3 50,4 31,2
32,1 33,7 33,8
33,7 34,1 34,0
34,2 34,5 34,4 Young
Number :…………………………………………….12 12 no reduction Prescription
of oral application of I in drinking water to pregnant mice: The
experiment comprised 40 pregnant mice each, 30 for the main test with I, 10 for controls. From day of
delivery on every mother had its own cage and drinking dish with pellet feed.
The weight was checked daily. I was offered in an aqueous solution in a
concentration between 5 and 25 g of I per
1000 ml. The animals consumed approx. 5 ml of liquid per day. The solution I was first administered to the
pregnant mice one day before birth and then for another 5 or 7 days. Feed and
drink ad libitum. - In experiment 127
we applied 20g I per 1000ml The question of
whether it might be used for the extermination
of rodents was pursued by us in several directions, With I we carried out: - Experiments to improve the
synthesis of I and to make it
cheaper, as mentioned above, unfortunately without success. However, this is
not true for another analogue of I
we synthesised. - Field experiments with bait
containing I so far had a success rate of only 40% to 50%: rodents also look for other feed. - Field experiments with leaving
bait containing no B6 at all had a success rate of only 20% to 30%
as long as the rodents were free to choose their feed. - Field experiments with bait
containing the I analogue mentioned
above showed a success rate of 70% to 80% so far. - We carried out field
experiments with I in large areas in An excellent bait
must be found to outwit the intelligent rats, namely to prevent the rats the
choose other food stuffs. I would like to point
to the long-term cooperation of Ms.ManjulaTaneja, BSc., MSc. ( APPENDIX Chart 3: Copy of the
Mitt.Physiolog.-chem.Inst.Bln. Jan 1950 Chart 4:Dr.Pesserl’s letter from May 3rd,
1981* * The mentioned 520kg animal feed
concern: PREMIX, containing 20% R 78 Bibliography:
The author’s references [1]lecture and essay from Jan 1950 - Mitt.Physiol.chem.Inst.,Bln Jan 1950: Chart3;
Engl translation in Chart 1 [2]
2002 [3] 2011 [4]
htm 2008; cf. Part II,
pp 706ff [5] Re.Reading- 75 Years Chemistry: Part I-V,
2011/13, Bibliotheque. World Wide, [5a] 2012, Part IV, p 913/4 [5b] 2011, Part II, p 901/3; Part I, p
654-692; Part V-A, p 873-876 [5c] 2011, Part I, p 498 (5d) lecture given in Nov 1991 in Jinghai, [5e]Herstellung und analytische Untersuchungen von U 48 und U 55, Urin-Feststoff-Fällungen (reguliert) zu Düngerzwecken – Düngerversuche mit U 48, U 55 7 Laborberichte 1948 und 1954/55: In allen Fällen mit U 55 (U 48) besseres Wachstum als in den Kontrollen; der Vergleich mit üblichen NPK-Düngern verlief positiv. [5f] Biochemisches Grundpraktikum 1953-1959 : Hektographierte Texte, den
Studenten zur Verfügung gestellt 1960-2009 : In 9
Auflagen gedruckte Exemplare, erschienen in deutscher und ab 1974 auch in
portugiesischer Sprache für Studenten der FU Berlin und der UFSM, Santa Maria,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien (Universitätsdruckerei). 4.Auflage 1982:
FRED HÖPFNER, Pestalozzistr.106, Berlin 12. Die Arbeitsvorschrift
„Urinfeststoff-Fällung zur Düngergewinnung“ war nur in den hektographierten Exemplaren enthalten
und ist später aus patentrechtlichen Gründen gestrichen worden. [6] In Asia, Africa and in parts of [7] Cannibalism:
In his lecture for students, entitled "Cannibalism" the author
stated: "Probably the word "cannibalism" was used first by
COLUMBUS who in the [i]Part
I, p. 499 of Riemschneider’s “75 Years Chemistry –
Re-Reading”, Part I-V 2011/13 in Bibliotheque: World Wide, [ii]as doctoral-thesis finished in 1944 [5c] [iii]as
Habilitationsschrift (university lecturing qualification) finished in [iv]Lecture
given by Dr. R. Riemschneider a) in January 1950 at the Colloquium of RIEDEL de
HAEN, Berlin-Britz, and essay, essay in den Mitteilungen des b) in March
1950 at the Colloquium of Dr.W.SCHWABE, [v] corn beetles served also as test insects (easier to handle), but less sensitive. We used both. [vi] In [vii]The first one 1947 described in Chart 1. [viii] Part II, p 540-597 [ix] Re-Reading, Part II, 570; Part V-A, p 429-432 [x] An arrangement with our mutual friend Prof. Mariano [xi] Lecture in Nov 1991 in Jinghai, [xii] The synthesis of I and I-analogues has to undergo several
steps and is therefore rather complicated. In this respect, the author owes special
thanks to Prof.Dr.Kinawi and Dr. R. Martin who worked on the improvement of the
I-synthesis and also I-analogues
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