The Final Work of a Theologian Dr. Arnd Hollweg finished his final book just days
before his heart failed In Memoriam Before going to the hospital with severe heart
problems earlier this year, Dr. Arnd Hollweg was able to finish the manuscript
of the book he had worked on for years. It was published in July by the
publishing house Frank & Timme in Berlin. The title is: Lebensgrund in Gott. Erkennen im Glauben und
Erkennen in den Wissenschaften in ihrem Verhältnis zueinander (in English: Grounding our Life in God. Discernment in
faith and discernment in the sciences, and the interrelationships between the
two). Dr. Arnd Hollweg’s death was not only a heartfelt
loss to his family, but to the BWW Society as well. Dr. Hollweg was a frequent
contributor to the Journal of Global
Issues & Solutions and was a Founding Member of the Society at its
inception in 2001. * *
* Dr. Hollweg’s final work, Grounding Our Life in God, considers the following: “When we ask
about God, then we really ask on what is our human life grounded? From what do we derive meaning, security and
coherence? What makes our human
existence possible and fulfilling? As
Christians we do not find the basis for our humanity in the world around us,
nor within our own selves, but instead we find
it grounded in God, who through the working of his spirit in Jesus
Christ becomes present in our own lives. What does this mean for our lives
within the global setting? The concept of this book is far-reaching, from the
philosophy of Descartes through to modern digitalism, yet always in dialogue
with the Biblical witness to faith set against the backdrop of modern history,
and in continual critical discussion with science and technology. This book seeks to make a contribution to our
present-day search for God’s way with human beings in the world, and to our
discernment of his will in faith.”
* *
* Dr. Hollweg was born on March 23, 1927 in Mönchengladbach,
Germany. He studied theology, social sciences, psychology, philosophy, and
theory of education at the universities of Bonn, Göttingen, Tübingen, Münster
and the University of California at Los Angeles. From 1955 until 1963, he was a
religious teacher and lecturer at the Institute of Theology and Education of Rhineland
Protestant Church, as well as Region Pastor for Christian education. In 1964
and 1965, he worked as Researcher at the Ecumenical Institute at the University
of Bonn, then he served as Pastor in Bad Honnef until 1972. The following year
Dr. Hollweg joined the German Protestant Church’s Headquarters of the Diaconical
Relief Center as a Department Head and Editor of Diakonie until 1976. He later
served as Pastor and Chairman of the German Reformed Church in West Berlin for
the next fourteen years. From 1978 until 1983, Dr. Hollweg taught at Free
University and Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin. From1990 onward, he was a
scientist and freelance writer. Dr. Hollweg leaves behind his wife, Astrid, who
he married in 1961, and three daughters, Heike, Uta, and Karen, and four
granddaughters. In addition to his final work, Dr. Hollweg authored
numerous other books, including Gruppendynamik
und Interpersonale Theologie; Theologie und Empirie; Gruppe, Gesellschaft,
Diakonie; Obdachlosenhilfe (with others); Biblischer Glaube und neuzeitliches Bewusstsein (with Astrid
Hollweg), and numerous essays published in journals, handbooks, and
collections. Dr. Hollweg, along with others, founded Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pastoralpsychologie;
he was a member of Gesellschaft für Gestalttheorie and Gemeinschaft Evangelischer
Erzieher. As previously mentioned, Dr. Hollweg was a Founding Member of the BWW
Society at its inception in 2001 and was a highly valued member of the Society. Against the background of American and Continental
European traditions, Dr. Hollweg searched for a new approach to theological
thinking about human life in the context of history and nature. Stressing the
close connection between theological, philosophical and scientific questions
and the empirical reality which we are living in, he rejected purely
intellectual approaches on the basis of a metaphysical or scientific ontology. Human
beings have to be included from the very beginning in the perception of
reality. Following biblical theology and its Jewish-Christian tradition, Dr.
Hollweg believed that human identity is rooted in the relation with God, who
comes from outside into human life and into the world by his Spirit. God can
therefore be found in the real world if we open ourselves to his transcendence
and enter into a dialogue with him. Truth and reality are mediated in life. Our
relations with God and our neighbors, with all of human society, with ourselves
and with the world belong together in freedom, commitment and responsibility.
It was Dr. Hollweg’s intention to break up the dichotomic and totalitarian
structures of thinking which separate transcendence and immanence, the inner and
the outer world, split operational reason and divide spirit from body,
individuals from humankind and the world of science from the world of
experience. Dr. Hollweg always saw the functional operational
processes in modern society from the perspective of interpersonal
responsibility in social life and in terms of the different concepts of
democratic group dynamics which have evolved for the leadership of Christian
congregations and social therapy groups. These are combined with depth psychology
and organizational counseling in theory and practice. Dr. Hollweg participated
in the BWW Society’s ongoing interdisciplinary discussion on the basis of
epistemology and of the history of science. [ BWW Society Home Page ] © 2015 The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society |