Globalization: Philosophy: Universal Harmony – Exchange of
Paradigms: Overcome the
“System” by
Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic Scientist,
Artist and Author Berlin,
Germany Formerly: Scientist at the
Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, and
Artist and by
Dr. Hinko Cackovic Scientist, Artist and Author Berlin, Germany Formerly: Scientist at
the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck Society,
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, and the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, and Artist Authors’ Note: The Essence called
The Omnipotence of the Universes, The Unity, The Source of All, The Primary
Thought, The Primary Creator – we named Universal Harmony. This Essence is the
Creator of the Human Being, on the base of inter-changeability of energy and
matter. Universal Harmony is Love, Creation and Life. Universal Harmony is the base for Human Mental
Quantum Evolution (MQE) [1]. Universal Harmony, as a Natural Law, is the driving force in all processes to higher order
in society, nature and everywhere [1]. This means, in the last consequence,
globally good living for all people and good conditions for the whole nature. Harmonization of the world develops through the Network, the
General-Consciousness, which influences positively the Mass-Consciousness by
information flow from the Nodes of the Network. This Network is an important
feature of nature and society, bearing the harmonic force for healing the
Planet. Universal Harmony allows also Disharmony or even Crises in society and economy, because a short interruption in
positive and harmonic development of Society can be an impulse for solving
apparently unsolvable problems. The results of our work in Natural Sciences - Art - Spirituality - Sociology - Economy - Philosophy and
from Search for New Ways on each of these fields [1] – we could understand and explain only by existence of Universal Harmony.
This Essence is the base for development in the past and to the future of
Mankind, Society and Nature to Harmony. The
present work
follows already published papers [1-5] about the Mental Quantum Evolution (MQE)
of Mankind, based on Universal Harmony, and
about various influences of Universal Harmony on development of Human Being,
Society and Economy. In the old time and in the present
the social and economic structures are different. Through history disappeared
numerous old social groups, cultures, nations. In the present, the living
conditions and development of people is quite other than in the past.
Therefore, the probability for overcome the catastrophe now must be
investigated. It is important to investigate the
development of the society to the present instable state, to find the causes
for possible disaster for the World, and how to avoid it. The theme of our whole work is to search for positive development of the
World-Order for future, in spite of timely disharmonic situations. We search for initiators and carriers of the present Disharmony in the
World. We also search for initiators and carriers, and the instruments,
necessary for unconditional survival of Mankind, Nature and Planet. 1. Introduction 1.1 The General-Consciousness or the Network General-Consciousness: Universal Harmony is contained in
“All That Is”, i.e. in the world and in universes, even in every Human Being
itself, as his Self-Universal-Harmony, or Higher-Self [3]. Therefore, in each Individual is saved all Wisdom of the Universe. People in General-Consciousness [2],
because of their high Mental Level, have contact to Wisdom of the Universe,
saved in their
Higher-Self. People at low Mental Level, in Mass-Consciousness [2],
have no access to their Higher-Self, i.e. no access to Wisdom of the Universe. Sub-Consciousness: In Sub-Consciousness are saved: positive or negative memories from the
whole own life, the influence and opinion (Paradigms) of the society, of family
also, all conditionings, all remembrances. People in General-Consciousness,
because of their high Mental Level, have no negative thoughts in their
Sub-Consciousness. People in Mass-Consciousness have
low Mental Level and therefore can get information only saved in
Sub-Consciousness. Function of General-Consciousness “The
General-Consciousness is a Network with Nodes and Information Stream between
them, and is nourished by Universal Harmony. General-Consciousness is a Network overlapping
the whole world. As a
model: the Network is putted over the Mass-Consciousness. Holistic and Harmonic
Human Beings, Mental developed Children, Pioneers, waked up former “sleeping”
people, and Groups of such individuals are in the Nodes of the Network,
communicate and cooperate in love with people in other Nodes. All these people already have
influence on Mass-Consciousness, and cannot be neglected more, because their
number increases in time and is just much higher than the critical amount [2].” Disharmony of Mass-Consciousness is
only a temporary state, whereas Universal Harmony, saved in people in Nods of
the Network, initiates the ordering processes. Intensified violence in the present,
over the world, leads to overpowering the old structures to get space for the
New. The most important condition for
improvement of ethic/moral human relations is the access to higher culture for all parts of the society,
besides MQE. Virtues
of Holistic and Harmonic Humans Holistic
Individuals, in General-Consciousness, with highest Mental Level, and Harmonic
[1] with still somewhat lower level, have qualities reinforced by Mental Transformation
(MQE), as for instance: Love for life, life-affirming feeling, thinking and
activity, and having the courage to dream; Love for him-self, for living on
earth, for nature and all living beings; Interest,
inquisitiveness, thirst for knowledge, developing intuition, learning
all over the time - are the base for fearless life; Ethic/moral and aesthetic in Human living,
activity and inter-human relations; Creativity in all fields of life, searching
for new ways in different fields of activity, fantasy combined with intellect and to be open to New and to
Changes; Active engagement worldwide to help the weak members of society, as
children, ill, enabled and old individuals, animals; To give children better chances by sponsoring
their education; Deep understanding and help to poor people, poor children to
come out of misery; Mental synchronicity between people working creatively in
projecting and elaboration of solutions; Humanity`s free will is always
preserved; These people solve problems in accordance with Universal Harmony;
Engagement for survival of Mankind, Nature, Planet. Virtues of Holistic, Harmonic, and
other Humans
are fundamental positive opinions, are the base of thinking and feeling, of
living behaviour and activity. When Human has more different Virtues his Mental
Level is higher, and in consequence his development and help to others is
broader. 1.2 Human Mental Influence on Reality Thinking and Feeling It is known
that already old cultures [1], more than about 30000 years old, developed a new quality in human
harmonizing creativity, appearing in that time. In the time of harsh and disharmonic
life conditions, some individuals needed a sort of counter-balance, to express
their feeling to one-self and to share it with others. Only
a few individuals, out of mean stream, started painting on cave-walls. The
paintings show animals and their beauty. These were the first remains not
needed for everyday living. But, by this activity they have changed the Usual Thinking and Feeling, and
contributed to new, more positive development of all. They have changed the own
Reality and that of others. Water of good quality is needed for any
form of life on earth. Drinking water that comes from certain fountains has
been found able to ameliorate or even heal illness. Through
the history many individuals had a vision, the intuition, of the general
healing influence of water. For
instance, there is the well known picture “The Fountain of Youth” (1546) from
Lucas Cranach the elder, showing transformation of ill and old people and of
disturbed nature, in to healthy and yang people in nice surrounding on the
other part of the picture. This process is shown symbolically by ill people
going through the water of the fountain and be healed. We discussed very interesting experiments done by Masaru Emoto [1]. In numerous experiments [6]
he exposed water to
positive or negative human mental influence. Positive thoughts and feeling of
Human Being caused the water to crystallize in a nice crystal structure, of
high order. Negative Human feeling or thoughts produced disharmonic order in
water, resulting in bad ordered crystals, if crystals at all. Universal
Harmony is the Creator of the Natural Multidimensional Laws that govern the
changes and processes in the organic and inorganic world, the Memory of solid and fluid matter and
order/disorder phenomena [1]. The cleaning
of polluted water by mechanical removing the pollutant, as it could be found in
streamlets, rivers, ponds and lakes, even in tap water, was not sufficient,
because the accumulated Information of the pollutant is the content of its Memory,
and is not cleaned up by such a procedure. Only positive Human Thoughts cleaned and
improved successively the quality of water. This means, the
energies/frequencies of Human Thoughts and Feelings are high enough to clear
the negative Information contained in water. The Water is an obvious example for
importance of Positive Human Thought and Feeling. Negative Thoughts and Feelings cause illness, getting
old, even death, are activities disturbing Mankind and nature. On this place, we recall to mind the successful
healing with Homoeopathy, i.e.
healing only with Information (as energy, or frequencies) of different
substances high diluted in water and not with substances itself. Positive Human
Thinking is necessary to apply the Information contained in solution. Similar, Placebo
Effect is based also on positive, the Nocebo
Effect on the negative Human Thinking and Feeling. 1.3 Self-Reprogramming Self-Reprogramming
is necessary to avoid negative influence from Mass-Consciousness (negative
Paradigms) and to develop positive activities. Human body consists mostly of water.
The other fact is: the Human Being is a Creator. Therefore, Individuals, depending on their Mental Level,
can exchange by Self-Reprogramming own negative Opinion, Thinking, Feeling and
Behaviour in positive ones. The Humans can create own new,
positive or negative Reality, and influence the Reality of others and of the world. Negative slogans, opinions, expectations and behaviour, thinking, and
emotions coming from Mass-Consciousness,
remain in
Sub-Consciousness. By positive Self-Reprogramming
this Ballast can be cleaned from Sub-Consciousness. Intention and Principle Certainty [3] are
necessary for Self-Reprogramming. Now the positive opinion, thought and
emotions are anchored in Sub-Consciousness and are able to exchange
negative Paradigms to positive ones. Only on this manner, the Human Being
feels Absolute Liberty and is a positive Creator. Holistic and Harmonic Humans, in The General-Consciousness, can be attacked
with negative energies from the Mass-Consciousness. In this case they
defend successively
by Self-Reprogramming. Moreover, they help
the people in Mass-Consciousness
to exchange
the negative Paradigms of Mass-Consciousness into positive Paradigms
of General-Consciousness. Generally,
Thoughts and Feelings have positive or negative energy. Negative Paradigms,
i.e. negative thoughts and feelings, are dangerous for the individual itself,
resulting in his illness, getting old and even in his death. It
is well known from the history, and from present time, how disturbing is the
influence of individuals with negative thinking, feeling and doing for the
society and nature, even for development of Mankind and for the whole planet. The
MQE development to higher mental level and the Self-Reprogramming of every
Human Being, and consequently of Mankind as the whole, is of vital importance
for the future of all. From this aspect, the importance of Holistic and
Harmonic Individuals, with their positive Mental Power and possibility to
change the Thinking to a positive one (Self-Reprogramming) – is obvious. Therefore, it is necessary that every Human Being
should be conscious of his own Power, positive or negative. The Difference between MQE and Self-Reprogramming: MQE is the development of the
Ethic/Moral attributes (Virtues, above), and Self-Reprogramming is the positive
exchange of Paradigms saved in Sub-Consciousness. 1.4 Mental Level, Brain
Waves and Exchange of Paradigms Mental Level of the Human Being is characterized by the Virtues,
projected to the three-dimensional-space. We compare Mental Level of the Human Being with their Brain Waves. The
Brain Waves are not the projection to the three-dimensional-space; they are
measured in this space. Beta-Waves: 38 down to 13 Hz, Alpha-Waves: 12 down to 8 Hz,
Theta-Waves: 7 down to 4 Hz, Mental
Level and Brain Waves In the range of higher frequencies, of Beta-Waves, the brain is
restless, and oscillates from ca. 38 down to 13 Hz. This is the region of the Mass-Consciousness, of Humans with negative
feeling, thinking, and activity. Especially, frequencies near to 38 Hz: Individuals are susceptible for
influence of negative energies, and usually are caught in the
Mass-Consciousness. Generally, this is the region of the Minority (rich people, the
exploiter), the most negative Individuals and their groups. This is also the region of one part of Majority
(poor, exploited people), Minority-of-Majority,
which is negative as Minority. Their brain frequencies are near to highest
values. Especially, at somewhat lower frequencies of Beta-Waves, near to 13 Hz,
the Majority of Mass-Consciousness has chances to positive and faster
development by MQE. The Human being in this state is not a Creator, with the exception: the
Individuals in Majority can after a dangerous accident, or with the help of
Holistic Individuals, jump for a short time, in the higher state of Creation
(Theta-Waves). - In the range of Alpha-Waves
(12 down to 8 Hz), the brain oscillates somewhat quiet. In this range the
Individuals have a higher Mental Level. Meditation is possible, especially near
to 8 Hz. For a short time, and with the help of Holistic Individuals, jump in
the higher state of Creation is possible (Theta-Waves). At these frequencies the Human Being can defence oneself from the
negative influence of Mass-Consciousness. Especially, frequencies nearly 8 Hz: Generally, this is the region of
Harmonic Individuals. - At lowest frequencies, in the
range of Theta-Waves (from ca. 7 down to 4 Hz), Human brain oscillates
slowly. This is the state of Creation. Holistic and Harmonic Humans in
General-Consciousness, in state of Universal Love, are Creators and Act with
Love. Possibility
for one Individual to Reach Different Frequencies, or to Attain Different Brain
Waves The lowest reachable frequencies of an Individual depend on his Mental
Level, but the Mental Level does not depend on Brain Waves. This means: When Humans, for instance Holistic, have highest Mental
Level, have General-Consciousness, and are in Theta-State – they can also have
all Brain Waves, up to Beta-Waves, because they belong not but can live also in
Mass-Consciousness. Humans having lower Mental Level generally cannot reach frequencies
lower than they already have, but only higher. Lower frequencies they can only
attain by MQE. Paradigm
Exchange The Holistic and Harmonic Individuals in Nods of the Network, or
General-Consciousness, have the Theta Brain Waves, and can also live and work
(influence) in Mass-Consciousness. Because they live in low frequencies and can also jump in all higher
frequencies, they can help Individuals in Mass-Consciousness (high
frequencies), and so help to the positive development of society. Only in the state of positive Creation (high Mental Level, low
frequencies of Theta Brain Waves) is possible to exchange the Paradigms to
positive ones. This
means, Paradigm exchange is a Creation Act. Besides from Holistic and Harmonic Individuals, the Creation state,
exchange of Paradigms, can be reached also from Individuals in
Mass-Consciousness, by a jump in General-Consciousness, for a short time. Help
of Holistic Humans, un accident, and also negative influence of
Mass-Consciousness – all this play an important role for the possibility to
jump for a short time out of Mass- in General-Consciousness. 1.5 Absolute Liberty There are different aspects of Liberty of the Human Being. Here we
discuss not all types of Liberties, even though all are important for general
feeling to be free. We discuss the Absolute Liberty. - Absolute Liberty is one of
the most important feelings of Human Being. Absolute Liberty depends on Human
Mental Level. In Mass-Consciousness Absolute Liberty cannot be attained, because of
low Mental Level, negative Paradigms, and also of hard living conditions of the
most people. Absolute Liberty is usually prevented by negative influences on
people in Mass-Consciousness. Absolute Liberty is a quality of Holistic Individuals in
General-Consciousness, in accordance with the Universal Harmony, out of Mental
Duality, in Open System with free development, Feeling to be absolutely free,
without restrictions, or fear. Absolute Liberty gives the Feeling to belong to
Mankind, to Nature and to Cosmos. Absolute Liberty gives the Feeling of
Universal Love. The feeling of Absolute Liberty makes possible to be the
Creator and be able to live in Creation-State, to work with Intention and
Certainty. Holistic Individuals can live also in but belong not to
Mass-Consciousness. Therefore, the negative influence of Mass-Consciousness can
exist, but because of their high Mental Level, Holistic Human defend them self
immediately. - Individuals can have Absolute
Liberty as born, and during a short time of childhood, but after that time they
usually lose the Absolute Liberty. This is caused by the negative influence, of
society in Mass-Consciousness, even of parents, which all changed and disturbed
child`s feeling to be free. The most children, at the latest in school, develop
all characteristics necessary to be Majority- or Minority-Members in
Mass-Consciousness. Therefore, the most important Intention in the life of many Individuals
and groups will be to attain again this feeling of Absolute Liberty, important
for Human free life and free activity, and therefore for free society. How not to lose the feeling of Absolute Liberty, or to gain it again,
is important theme of teaching children, discussed in [5] and in this work in “Paradigm
for Development of Children”. 1.6 The Key to
Changing Socrates: “The key to Changing lies in focusing all energy not on combat the Old, but on creating the New.” - This Wisdom is very old, but
in the present one should think deep about the meaning, contained in it. The confrontation was always the wrong solution. The Love, based on
Universal Harmony, contained in communication of people, is the strongest
positive Energy. The people have forgotten this wisdom through history, and only in the
last time and in the present, some Individuals have again the similar thinking,
as cited above, because the Mental Quantum Evolution of Mankind is advanced. The reason for oblivion, through history till to the present, lies in
negative influence on Mankind, of all sorts of faith, believe and convictions,
of groups or organizations, with their might and power. Dark periods were numerous in the history of Mankind (Slavery, Middle
Age, Wars), and already at the present in some parts of the world. The reason for oblivion of the most people lies also in their bed
living conditions, fear of uncertain future, hunger, wars, the feeling not to
be free. In such living conditions, and under different negative influences, was
and is difficult to think and decide as a free individual. - Mental Evolution never
stagnates during the whole “old time”, only advanced slowly to the future, with
different velocities. The situation in society changes now even more rapid. The
MQE development of Mankind is rapid, in spite of Disharmony in some parts of
the world. The people
will now exchange the own negative Paradigms and that of society in positive
ones, through Action with Love. - The General-Consciousness, and
consequently also the Holistic and Harmonic Humans with their high Mental Level,
belong not to three-dimensional-space, but they live in this space. Therefore,
they can help people to come out of Mass-Consciousness. On this way they can
influence positive on society, economy, everywhere, and on temporary
disharmonic situations in the world. 1.7 Paradigms - A Paradigm is a model,
an example, a fundamental opinion, the way of life in one society. A Paradigm
is the base of thinking and behaviour, firstly of an Individual, and in
consequence, of the society he belongs to. For instance, Ethic/Moral can be the Paradigm of a mentally developed
individual or society. We define Duality as the state in which energy of
positive and negative thoughts and emotions fight for predominance. Therefore,
we call it Mental Duality [5]. A Paradigm is the mental product of people living in the
three-dimensional space, in
Mental Duality, and can be Positive or Negative. Therefore, Paradigms exist only in
three-dimensional-space, in Mental Duality. One Individual can have different Paradigms, some positive and some
negative. Changing the basic thinking in a field means exchanging the Paradigm.
Such exchange postulates an Open System, or change of members into another
society, for instance from Mass-Consciousness into General-Consciousness, which is an Open System. - The societies, contained “in
the society of Mankind”, are positive or negative, in the sense of
improvement of the life conditions for all people. This is the fundamental
criterion for positive or negative judgement upon a thinking and doing. The MQE changes people, and then the people exchange Paradigms,
therefore the Paradigms depend on MQE development of Individuals. For instance, the Paradigm of people interested only in their own
profit is negative. - Paradigm is also the basic
thinking in a certain field of Human activity, as for instance in science,
where it exchanges in another Paradigm with the MQE of scientists, and with
development of the experimental and theoretical findings and results of
research. 1.8 “Projection of Reality” Here we discus not the Personal Reality, but the Realities of processes
going on in the three/four-dimensional space and in higher dimensions. - “Projection of Reality” is the Projection of the process in
high-dimensional space, i.e. from Reality (Hidden World [2]), onto the
three-dimensional-space – in the space of Mental Duality and into the Closed
System. The General-Consciousness is a
Network nourished and based by Universal Harmony. From this, the Duality, and
therefore Paradigms do not exist in General-Consciousness. Virtues of Holistic and Harmonic
Individuals are always only positive, i.e. in Reality. Individuals only continuously further develop more Virtues, as a base and principles for
living in all dimensions. - The Stagnation in Mental
Evolution of Individuals does not exist, because Mental Evolution is based on
Universal Harmony. The velocity of development depends on already achieved
Mental Level; for higher Mental Level velocity of development is higher. Holistic Individuals develop their
Mental Level to infinity, out of three-dimensional-space, into Reality, into
space where we cannot think about this process and cannot understand it, but
only anticipate it (Hidden World [2]). We understand only the Projections, of Processes in Reality on the three-dimensional-space,
the “Projection of Reality”. 2. Problem People and Important People for Exchange of Paradigms 2.1 Exchange of Paradigms The Paradigm, as defined, changes not, but exchanges with one other
Paradigm. - Negative Paradigms: Minority in Mass-Consciousness lives and acts with
negative Paradigms to gain profit, without taking care of others. Positive Paradigms: Holistic and Harmonic Human
Beings, in General-Consciousness,
are positive Creators. They exchange the Paradigms qualitatively, to positive
ones. Only
on this way, based on Universal Harmony and for good of all, a positive
development of society is possible, and the positive future of Nature and
Mankind is assured. Positive Thinking and Feeling are the Source for
Positive Exchange of Paradigms. - Exchange of Paradigms of the Whole Society: Holistic People obtained
holistic characteristic already by the birth [5]. Holistic People help others,
to change their way of life, dictated by Paradigms of Mass-Consciousness. This
means, they teach others, for instance Harmonic Individuals, Pioneers, and the
waking up Individuals from Mass-Consciousness [2]: how can be liberated from the influence of
Mass-Consciousness: By qualitative exchanging of own negative Personal Paradigms in
positive ones. On this way gradual general change of the whole society is
possible, and is going on. The Birthright on better and healthy life for
all, without hunger, and the possibilities to get the right education – will be fulfilled. - Exchange of Personal
Paradigms to Positive, i.e. Qualitative
Exchange, is identical to Self-Reprogramming of Individuals from influence of Mass-Consciousness. This process of Self-Reprogramming
follows the MQE of Individuals and is only successful by attaining more Virtues. Such Individuals change by Self-Reprogramming their negative Thinking and Feeling, to positive, and
consequently the development of society to positive. Conditions to Exchange the Paradigm are Many-Folded - We cite Socrates again: “The
key to Changing lies in focusing all energy not on combat the Old, but on
creating the New.”
- Universal Harmony is contained in
Every Human Being itself. Universal Harmony is the Creator. Therefore every Human Being can be a Creator too, if
reached an enough high Mental Level. Then is he able to create his own life,
and influence the exchange the Paradigms of society. Such Humans are Holistic
and Harmonic, being in General-Consciousness. In reality,
still in the present the most people have lower Mental Level, and are in
Mass-Consciousness. Therefore, Exchange of Paradigms is from this
point of view, somewhat complicated (below). - The Creation Act is always positive, brings The New, and Mankind
further in positive future. The Creation
Act is, for instance, the exchange of Paradigms in new ones, containing
completely new opinion of individuals and therefore also of society. The moment of
Creation, the Creation Act, is in General-Consciousness, in the Network, equal
to instantaneous and complete clearness of feeling, thinking and knowledge. Negative Creation does not exist. Each negative development of
society, for instance “The System” (below), Wars, Plutocracy, and so on, is
only the repetition of negative developments, and could be found in history. It
is not “The New”, and negative for Mankind and Nature. - The
Individuals in Mass-Consciousness, in Closed System, can exchange the own
Paradigms, but only when they jump mentally out of the
three-dimensional-space, out of Mental Duality and out of Mass-Consciousness. At this, they jump in Creation-State, in an
Open System, in General-Consciousness, having Theta-Brain Waves. This means,
jump in a special Mental State, in an Open System, with feeling of Absolute
Liberty, where qualitative changes are possible. We named this State –
Creation-State. The probability for a jump depends on already
achieved Mental-Level, on positive influence of Holistic Humans as help, and on
life conditions. - In the Creation-State, each
individual, as for instance, the artist, scientist, or others, create their
work; this means, they tread new paths. The duration
of the Creation Act can be short, as an idea, or longer as a vision – therefore
Creation State. The Creation Act is always a Qualitative Act. A new work is
born, the paths are new and better, and should have importance for the future
of society. After work done in jump state, the
Individual usually belongs again to three-dimensional-space, to mental Duality.
The difference is now a somewhat higher Mental Level of such Individual in
Mass-Consciousness. The Feeling of Absolute Liberty makes possible to be the Creator
and, to live in continuous Creation-State, i.e. in General-Consciousness.
- Usually, poor people are
caught in bed life conditions, and in Mass-Consciousness, in a Closed System,
and in Mental Duality. Therefore, in this case, the jump in the Creation State
is possible, but has low probability. 2.2 Mental
Quantum Evolution and Paradigms Exchanges The Mental Level of Mankind increases with MQE,
following Natural Law for flow of
processes everywhere to higher order [1]. Exception:
Mental Evolution, can temporary suffer Disharmony in development; and the increasing velocity is somewhat variable,
depending on Mental Evolutions of Individuals and Groups, and on negative
influence from Mass-Consciousness. Such Stagnation
in development is by prolonged duration dangerous for individuals and for
society. The danger is higher if the Mental Level of Individuals and their
groups is lower. Usually, the Individuals, or groups, find back to
Mental Evolution, and when not, then they vanish. The reason for vanishing: MQE
is for each individual a continuous process, what means life, stagnation would
mean death. Disharmony, a short interruption in positive and
harmonic development of society, as it is shown through history, was an impulse
to clear up the society: By exchange of Paradigms, or vanishing of negative
individuals, groups, and governments with disturbing activities. Low Mental Level: Problem-Individuals for Exchange of Paradigms - Low
Mental Level, Mental
Duality, Closed System, negative Thinking and Feeling, slow development, poverty,
fear, but also unlimited rapacity – are the characteristics of different groups
of people in Mass-Consciousness.
The brain in this low Mental State is restless, and oscillates in the range of
Beta-Waves, from ca. 38 down to 13 Hz. - Negative
Paradigms have roots in Mass-Consciousness.
This means, such Paradigms are the base for enlarging of profit of rich
individuals or groups, inconsiderate of others. Negative
Paradigms are rigid and very persistent, since they are the Paradigms of people living in Mental Dualism,
in a Closed System. The change of Negative Paradigms of the Mass-Consciousness,
when is conducted without any jump in quality, is Quantitative – the Paradigms are further
negative. - The Problem-Individuals, in
Mass-Consciousness, can be divided, depending on
their Mental Level, in two main groups,
Minority (Exploiter) and Majority (Exploited People), and in under-group of
Majority: Minority-of-Majority. These groups have different goals. - Minority (Exploiter) in the Mass-Consciousness: In the Minority Individuals have the lowest Mental Level and are
interested only in own profit, money and might. They have more than enough for good living, but their rapacity for
money and might has no restriction. The Minority have very low chance to come out of Mass-Consciousness, because their violence against
others is their Character. Their brain oscillates in the region of Beta-Waves, near to highest
measured values, ca. 38 Hz. The Minority has a very low probability for
exchanging of negative Personal Paradigm to positive. When some change happens
then is usually persistent negative: profit, money and might will increase. Continuous
development of Mental Level, Mental Evolution, is based on Universal Harmony,
and means Life. Therefore, Stagnation in this development does not exist. Exception: The Stagnation can exist only
in Mass-Consciousness at lowest Mental Level. Stagnation is a negative
“process”, and means death. Therefore, the Stagnation is the cause for
vanishing of the persistent negative Individuals and groups, the Minority, at
lowest Mental Level. These individuals and groups will vanish, because their Stagnation or
negative development, are opposite to Natural Low for flow of processes
to higher order in nature and society. As the present development of society and economy (“System”, below)
shows that the Minority disturbs them self, caused by their own living. - Majority (Exploited
People) in Mass-Consciousness: The
Majority is divided in two groups, the main group
Majority and Minority-of-Majority group. Both groups differ in
quality of their Characters, on their Mental Level. These two groups have different goals. - Minority-of-Majority
group is negative as Minority is, because their violence is their own Character. The difference to
Minority: they are poor people. They have low Mental Level and their brain frequencies
are near to highest measured values, ca. 38 Hz. It is a fact
seen in different parts in the world, in history and in the present: The Minority-of-Majority Individuals are poor, and under influence of
Minority, and for money, they turn over in handy man of Minority, with high
violence against own people. This Minority-of-Majority
group together with Minority is the disappearing part of society. - The main group Majority (Exploited People) shows
positive potential for development: The Majority has
the chance to come out of Mass-Consciousness by MQE. Opposite to Minority and to
Minority-of-Majority, the violence is coming from causes outside of their
Character. Generally, the main group Majority is
interested also in money, but for getting job and food. The Majority contains a
large variety of people with different opinions, different social states and
goals, but never to make “money from money”, as the Minority Group does.
Therefore, their brain oscillates in the region of Beta-Waves, at frequencies
lower than 38 Hz. The Majority in Mass-Consciousness can only slowly elevate
their low Mental Level, through their whole life, or over generations through
history. A jump in Mental Level is sometimes also possible, perhaps after a
dangerous situation in life. The individuals in Majority are
usually caught in fear of living conditions, and in, from Minority imposed
opinion, “that it must be as it is”. This group is in the present one cause more for slowly
disappearing of Minority: Majority in the present increases their Mental Level,
and therefore cannot be exploited as in the past. This process will accelerate
in future. Mental Level in Middle Region: Unstable State - In
the middle region of Mental Level the brain is somewhat quiet, and oscillates
in the region of Alpha-Waves, from ca. 12 down to 8 Hz. These frequencies belong to Mass-Consciousness
down to somewhat near General-Consciousness. In this region of Alpha-Waves, higher
frequencies near to 12 Hz, belong to Majority (main group), with higher Mental
Level as in Beta-Waves. The lower frequencies, near to 8 Hz, near to
Theta-Waves, belong already to Harmonic Individuals. - In
this Alpha region the increasing of Mental Level is faster the higher the
achieved Mental Level is, or the Virtues are more numerous. So, development to higher Mental Level
can be done rapid, or during the whole life. In the Alpha region, near to 12 Hz, the Probabilities for qualitative
exchange of Paradigms are in Unstable
States, depending on achieved Mental Level, living conditions and intensity of
Mass-Consciousness influence on the Individuals. This means, that the Individuals, in Majority,
in these states still cannot overcome the influence of the Mass-Consciousness. Because their Mental Level is maybe
not high enough, such individuals can succumb to influence from
Mass-Consciousness, act out of fear of future, and are on the end however
caught again in Negative Paradigms. Otherwise, when the Majority develops to somewhat higher
mental level,
than the Probabilities to overcome the influence of the Mass-Consciousness is
higher than 50% (Unstable State), and the Majority can qualitative exchange their
negative Paradigm in positive ones. This region,
of possible qualitative Paradigm Exchanging from Negative to Positive is
continuous, with falling possibility of negative influence from
Mass-Consciousness. High Mental Level: Holistic and Harmonic Individuals Exchange
the Paradigms of Society to Positive – They are the Carrier of the Future - At very high Mental Level,
Human brain oscillates in the region of Theta-Waves, from ca. 7 down to 4 Hz.
This is the state of Creation. - In this region, Holistic and Harmonic Humans
increase by Mental Quantum Evolution the number of Virtues. Holistic Individuals in
General-Consciousness have, already from the birth, a high mental level, and
change it continuously to higher values, to infinity, because there cannot be
stagnation. Holistic Individuals have in the present the highest Mental Level, help others, rapacity
does not exist, and they work for positive future of All. Harmonic Individuals change their
somewhat lower mental level, continuously by MQE. - Holistic
Humans live also in the three-dimensional-space, in
Mass-Consciousness, i.e. live in the world with Mental Duality, in a Closed
System – but they belong to General-Consciousness, to an Open system. Holistic
Humans have numerous Virtues and therefore they belong not
to Mental Duality.This means,
Holistic Individuals live in but belong not to Mental Duality, to
Mass-Consciousness. - Holistic
Humans, and partially also Harmonic people depending on their Mental Level, can
exchange Paradigms by Creation Act. They
can help Individuals in Mass-Consciousness, in Closed System, to exchange
quantitative their Negative Paradigms in less Negative ones. Moreover,
they can mentally initiate a jump of Individuals in Mass-Consciousness, for a
short time, into State of Creation, from Closed in an Open System, to
qualitative exchange their Paradigms. - Holistic
and Harmonic Individuals can be attacked from Mass-Consciousness [2] by
negative thoughts, emotions, opinions, but with their Virtues they can defend them self. The influence from Mass-Consciousness has no more success at this high
Mental Level. People with high Mental Level, as Holistic and Harmonic Individuals,
are in General-Consciousness and live in sense of Universal Harmony with
Absolute Liberty, Love, positive Thinking and Feeling. The
Holistic Individuals have so high mental level that they can live without any
fear, in feeling of Absolute Liberty. They are helping with Love to others and
to Nature to positive future. Development of the Mankind follows
Mental Quantum Evolution. Only positive Human groups develop the society to
higher mental order. Disturbing Individuals, groups and
organizations, disappear, destroy them self – as the Natural Process in Open
System dictates. This process reflects already on society and economy
(“System”). 2.3 Unconditional Necessary Base for Exchanging Paradigms Positive
exchanging of negative Paradigms is only possible through Individuals high
developed by MQE. Holistic
Individuals with highest Mental Level, in the General-Consciousness,
have all necessary characteristics for the exchange of Paradigms. Their
Virtues, Life and Activity are based on Universal Harmony and on the Principle
Certainty and Affirmation of Life [3, 5].
Empowerment, Self-Love, and Intention they
have, are also indispensable. Holistic Individuals have only positive Thoughts, Words and Feelings. Otherwise, without such characteristics, and with low Mental Level, Individuals
stay caught deep in Mass-Consciousness.
influence of such Individuals on himself and on society can be dangerous, as we
know from history and from the present. The
change in human Thinking from negative to positive is the cause for positive
creations of own life, positive development of society, economy and culture.
This development is already proved in the past and even more in the present. Exchange of existing Negative Paradigms to Positive,
of Individuals and of society, is for positive future life unconditional
necessary. 3. Types of Paradigms 3.1 Generally Important Paradigms 3.1.1 Positive-NO-as-Personal-Paradigm – is in the
Present one of the Most Important Paradigms for Future. Paradigms
of people belonging to the Minority part of the Mass-Consciousness are
negative, and disharmonic. They influence the larger part, the Majority, which
have also Negative Paradigms, caused by fear and bed living conditions. Only
positive people, Holistic and Harmonic Individuals, can exchange negative
Paradigms, as necessary condition to develop positive living for all. More and
more of this type of people exist in the present. Holistic
and Harmonic Individuals help individuals in Mass-Consciousness, in Majority, to
understand their bad situations, and show the possibilities to overcome Mass-Consciousness, to overcome conformity. They show the importance of deep understanding the
positive worth of the Thought and the Word NO. They show the importance to say: “NO” and “It Is
Enough”, and to act after that. To act without any Compromise! To
use word NO in positive sense means: The Individuals and parts of society
decide unconditional, without compromise, no more suffering. They apply this
Positive-NO-as-Personal-Paradigm with Action with Love. Otherwise, apparently
unsolvable problems need disharmonic times to be solved. This
Positive-NO-Paradigm agrees with opinion: “The key to Changing lies in focusing
all energy, not on combat the Old, but on creating the New”. Compromise Compromise
is not contained in Real Democracy. In
Real Democracy all people are in harmony. They decide what is good for all, and
not, as in Absolutism, for interests of only some groups. A
society working without Compromise means that the best solution of a problem,
worked out in Harmony, is positive for development on all fields of Human
activities, and so that nobody and nothing is neglected. Partial
positive and partial negative solutions, contained in a Compromise, retard the
development of Mankind, are dangerous and sometimes disturb it. We discussed
this danger [2]: The Minority propagates the compromise as dogma that people
must live with Risk, to attain
prosperity. First of all, who’s Risk and who’s prosperity? This is a lie from
the very rich, the investors and profiteers of lucrative projects or
enterprises, like an unsafe chemical plant (Bopal) or a nuclear power plants. For instance, the accidents in the nuclear energy plants: of Windscale, Great Britain
(1980 and 1957), Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1979), Chernobyl, Ukraine (1986), of
Sellafield, Great Britain (1986), and of Fukushima Dai-Ichi Japan, 2011) –
showed that apparently highly improbable concatenations of problems happen and
have horrible consequences for inhabitants, bed living and unhealthy conditions
for broad mass of population, animals and nature. The
investors and profiteers play the Risk down, and do not help the victims of the
radio-active material, originating from the catastrophic accident in the
nuclear plants. Generally,
Risk and Rest-Risk everywhere, when can be avoided – must be done so, and if
not possible – the whole enterprise should be forbidden, because dangerous for
human health and life, and for environment. One should act without Compromise, and say NO. The Liberation of Personal Consciousness
changes the negative word NO in a positive one, when it is applied on tyranny
and slavery of any sort. In consequence, personal liberation from Mass-Consciousness is
the result. This liberation makes possible everybody’s Personal-Paradigm-Exchanging. Therefore, positive development of
society is assured for the future. The Signs for “Agony” of Totalitarian Systems Till
recently it was easy for Minority to have the might over the Majority of
people, because negative Paradigms of the Mass-Consciousness were predominant. The
Personal Positive Paradigms were rare in the past. In
the last time, during about the last thirty years, and in the present, more and
more Individuals develop Personal-Positive-Paradigms by MQE. This
process and the Positive-NO-as-Personal-Paradigm understand the Minority in Mass-Consciousness, as
a dangerous development for survival of their ruling. Therefore,
the Minority’s massive reaction on this situation is the sign of the evidence
for their “agony”: Misuse of
psychiatry, as a weapon, in every Totalitarian
Regime, where people and their new liberal ideas are going dangerous for
them, is well known [7]. To
lock a sane human in the psychiatry is an especially corruptive form of
repression, because the means of medicine are used for punishment, and because
it is a serious violation of human rights, by delusion and swindling. The
Modern Psychiatry is a breeding ground of corruption, because all
non-conformity is declared a mental decease. This can be seen from the new
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders [7]: here they define a
new mental disorder, they call “ODD” (“Oppositional Defiant Disorder”) and it
stands in a row with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnosed
in lively children, that is also an invented decease, but who’s inventor Dr.
Leon Eisenberg has admitted it on his death bed. Psychiatrists
combat ADHD with psycho-pharmaceutics, with heavy side effects for the
children. The same is done in the case of “ODD”-“patients”. Such
a behavior of the psychiatry runs the whole Medicine down, because operating
with drugs, having partially very heavy side effects on people. With
other words, only persons who follow the “common herd” are normal. Here is seen
that the ruler fear the “New”, new ideas or inventions, which could be
dangerous for their ruling, or only for their profit. Is
it possible that Nikola Tesla, or Alexander Graham Bell and other inventors and
scientists have been mentally ill, because their ideas seem to some people
foolish? In
the present one can recognize over the world a lot of such signs of “agony” in Totalitarian Systems, or
similar ones, because a growing number of Individuals and groups change own
Paradigms in positive ones, say NO!,
and act for liberation from systematic suppression, harass and impoverishment. 3.1.2 Cosmic-Law: Equal Birthright for All We already discussed the Birthright [5] owing to suffering of a great
part of Mankind, Animals and Nature, caused by the arrogance of power and
inconsiderate rapacity of the Minority in Mass-Consciousness, based on theirs
Negative Paradigms. The part of Majority, with negative Paradigms, and negative opinions
about social life, indoctrinated from
Minority, are also guilty on suffering of people and animals, on disturbing
of nature. When a Human Being is born –
he has a Birthright to live free, to decide by himself all owing to his Life.
He has a Birthright to Live. After Cosmic Law, neither foreign person, or parents, nor society or
government is allowed to decide on his Life. This Law, the Birthright, was through history and in the present
continuously broken, in all facets of living. Toys as a Weapon Toys
have been before some weapons, tanks, guns, bombes, soldiers, and so on. A
short time after the Second World War such toys have been banished from
children rooms. The Toys of that time have been constructing cranes, workers,
bulldozers, cars and houses. Now
the Minority from Mass-Consciousness had found a way to bring the war again in
the children’s rooms by computer games. These started as many fold combat plays
against aliens and, in the last time, also against soldiers looking human. This
is again preparing the children for a war, when they grow adult. There
are now also games for adults, besides football and baseball on television. All
these computer games for adults have two consequences for the player: First,
the time spent for the play or game is lost for consideration about the
reality. Secondly, the player loses the relation to reality and starts to live
in the play. Further on, there is a high risk of addiction; especially if the
players have difficulties in real life, they have a direct run away from
reality. In
Mass-Consciousness give the subject the fundamental food and occupy his thought
with something trivial and irrelevant, makes the ruling easier. Even the old
Romans have known and practice it: “Panem and Circenses”. Negative Paradigm of Society and their Rulers Two
World-Wars were examples how the negative thoughts and feelings can influence
and get the Majority of people to resonate with the same feelings and thoughts.
first preparation for a war was done by the rulers and the media: The
implantation of hatred in own people against the nation to be attacked. After
this conditioning, it was possible to attack the other nation, or nations,
without further explanation. The
same system of “conditioning” people for a conflict was done even in the
stone-age. In indigene populations it was done by war-dances and alcoholic
beverage. Now
implantation of hatred in people is more difficult, because nations come nearer
to each other through globalized information and the people have a higher
mental level than before. The
Globalization of education, and the deeper understanding of the mechanism of
governing, and being governed, immunizes people against many of the ruler’s
lies. They say NO for going into army, to kill others and excepting to be
killed. Only
people indoctrinated by some religions for instance, and radicalized, are still
susceptible for going into an armed conflict, kill others and excepting to be
killed. But,
they all have the Birthright for life. In
the present more economic sources of conflicts exist than before. These are
mostly about resources, import or export restrictions, but can escalate to an
armed conflict, because of good profit for the arms industry. EDITOR”S NOTE: Due to the length of this paper,
it is being presented in two segments. The remaining segment, Part II, will be
presented in the subsequent January-February 2015 issue of this Journal. – JP 6. References [1] Dr. Jasna
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