Chemistry: Alternatives to Atomic Energy and Oil By
Professor Dr. h.c. Randolph Riemschneider[1] Berlin,
Germany Life BWW Fellow Prof R Riemschneider divides the
alternatives to atomic energy and oil into two categories: technologies already
developped and the ones still to be developed: Plate 2. The author has a
critical attitude towards atomic energy and urges alternative sources of energy.
- The editor The subject “energy sources” confronted the author in the second world
war (1943) for the first time, during
his work in one of Germany’s seven hydrogenation plants (RUHRÖL GmbH, Bottrop)
for recovering petrol, middle oil, heating oil, extract coal and others;
by-products were propane and butane gas, phenol, and sulphuric acid (1). It followed, with the opening of the atom age during the end of the war,
the confrontation with the subject “atomic energy as a new - more or less
interesting - energy source” in the immediate post war period, in At the suggestion of the editor of the daily newspaper “THÜRINGER VOLK”,
the author wrote 1945/46 articles on “Atomic energy” and “Heavy water” (after
the dropping of the two atom bombs in Prompted by the articles[2]
about energy questions in the "THÜRINGER VOLK", the "VOLK und
WISSEN" publishing house approached the author with a contract to write
two brochures, illustrated as far as possible, on "Sources of energy"
and "Sun spots". The author delivered the 27-page manuscript
"The enigma of the sun spots" with 11 illustrations in 1947, then the
manuscript "The earth is its own biggest power plant", 14 pages
without illustrations, at the end of 1949. But “VOLK und WISSEN” broke the contract much to the disappointment of
the author and did not publish the brochures due to political circumstances.
The author had changed in early January 1950 from the Humboldt University in
EAST Berlin to the newly founded Free University in WEST Berlin; the Cold War
had already begun, with West Berlin - which was an enclave surrounded by East
Germany - being blockaded by the Soviet occupying power for a year in 1948. Nowadays, approximately 55 years later, many Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
plants are world wide working in spite of the danger involved and in spite of
all warnings. Plate No 1 :
Known NPP catastrophies, worldwide 1957 and 1980 in 1969 in Switzerland the catastrophy
in Lucens 1979 in 1986 in 1986 (26.4) in UdSSR the catastrophy in 1989 in Estland
the catastrophy in Vandellos 1992 in 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004 in *The radioactivity In consequence of the How many more Chernobyl
catastrophies must happen before mankind will come back to their senses! When
will we separate ourselves from the atomic energy especially since there are alternatives
to atomic energy and oil? (Plate 2). If only for reasons of self-preservation, we do need to abandon atomic
energy as soon as possible. Without suspecting it - without even thinking about
it - part of the world's population is constantly in danger from the nuclear
reactors in operation at the moment, insofar as it would probably be difficult,
if not impossible, in the event of a worst case scenario like Chernobyl or
worse, to "find" people who were ready to work at the open reactor -
even in a dictatorship, as in 1986 - and voluntarily sacrifice their lives to
close it. There is, at present, no space beneath any operational reactor that,
in a catastrophy, would enable it to be dropped into the depths and be
"buried". Bringing sufficient protective suits to the non-predictable scene of
such a disaster in a short space of time would probably also present problems -
and working in protective clothing requires training. Well known are the
problems which reactor IV of the Chernobyl NPP still causes today and will
cause them in the long future, too. An atomic catastrophy of the Chernobyl kind
will never end, let us only think of
the long half-life periods and changes of the isotopes and also the expensive “
hoodproblems“ and not to forget the cancer diseases which many helpers and
inhabitants of the area still suffer from. In view of this situation, the author fails to understand why the Nobel
Prize for Peace 2006 was awarded for a project that is based on atomic energy. The Greens, who were in government in We can all only hope that great efforts are made as soon as possible to
replace atomic energy with these three sources of energy. No cost should be
spared to find a solution to the energy problem in this direction. Luckily, use
of solar energy and hydrogen is making progress in many countries - think, for
example, of hydroelectric power and the large solar power plants due to be
connected to the grid in Portugal and in particular California in the coming
years, not to mention many other private and public initiatives. Due to the
danger of earthquakes, in California there is not a single NPP. This we should
always bare in mind when speaking of clean and safe energy. Plate No 2: Alternatives to atomic
energy and to oil (gas)* I. Technology developed: SOLAR ENERGY solar celle, hydrogene PLANT
bamboo, corn oil, sugar cane (ethanol)** GEOTHERMAL ENERGY direct
or indirect use heat METHANE ICE methane SILANES (6) silicon
hydrides (Si > 6) Geothermal energy and methane ice are
practically unlimited resources: “Das größte
Kraftwerk der Erde, ist die Erde selbst” (geothermal
energy), a small brochure, written by the author 1949 for the publishing
house „VOLK UND WISSEN“ (2). Methane ice under the oceans has been discovered in estimated quantities of 12
quintillion tons (more than all known reserves of petrol, gas carbon together
worldwide). There is already a methane ice pilot plant near * and coal, water, wind ** in Comments to Plate 2: geothermal energy
and methane ice - geothermal energy The author has already made some comments on geothermal energy in (3) "Addendum: Oil crisis" which are
supplemented below: In his 1947 article "The earth is its own biggest power plant"
(2) and the brochure of the same title written for the VOLK und WISSEN
publishing house in 1949, the author postulated: "Regions with volcanic activity, like Solfatare in 1) Drilling to a certain depth in areas with suitable strata, where the
energy can be stored as hot water or steam in cavities; hot, salty water is
then pumped to the surface; the heat extracted is fed into a district heating
system, and the cooled water is pumped back into the ground. The salts in the
water might possibly cause some problems. 2) Other, though considerably more expensive possibilities: The result of discussions with befriended engineers was that water ought
not to be pumped from the depths to produce heat for use, but rather that a
closed circuit should be set up between two bores at different depths -
preferably close to each other (some hundreds metres difference) in suitable
rock, e.g. granite at a depth of 3-4000 metres. Water was to be pumped into the
deeper borehole to create excess pressure that would penetrate into the
fissures present in the surrounding rock and cause them to crack, thus linking
the two boreholes. The cold water pumped in from above absorbs heat from the
rock and transports it upwards via the upper borehole. - methane ice (methane hydrate, methane clathrate, frozen natural gas): Methane ice would have the formula CH4 + 5.75 H2O,
i.e. 5.75 mol H2O to 1 mol methane. Methane is stored in frozen
water, the water molecules surrounding the methane completely (interstitial
compound = clathrate). Methane ice with a density of 0.9 remains relatively stable up to 18oC:
1 litre of solid methane ice contains 168 litres of CH4. According
an article on the internet (4): Methane ice forms on the floor of oceans, where the pressure is
high enough and the temperature low enough. The estimated twelve quintillion
tons of methane ice binds more than twice as much carbon there as in all proven
reserves of petroleum, natural gas and coal worldwide. A BOJANOWSKI writes in
(5): Expeditions by the research ship "Sonne" discovered large
deposits of methane ice in the Indian and Methane ice could soon satisfy all the earth's entire energy needs. A
pilot plant is running near Dangers from methane for the climate do, however, urge caution. References: (1) R. Riemschneider, Angew. Chemie B 19, 92-93 (1947) (2) R. Riemschneider,
“Das größe Kraftwerk ist die Erde selbst”,
in: THÜRINGER VOLK, 1947; revised and extended 1949 to a 14-page brochure
for VOLK UND WISSEN, (3) R. Riemschneider,
“Re-reading 66 Years Chemistry” with aprox. 1500 citations (own publications,
lectures, lab reports, patents), PROJECT I-XXVI and Vita (in preparation) here: PROJECT III 2 ”addendum oil crisis” (4) (5) A BOJANOWSKI: (6) cf (3) PROJECT III 4,6. [1] Address for correspondence: D-14001 BERLIN, Postfach 1164, Germany [2]
The articles were well-paid, which
was useful in view of the high prices for food on the black market. And other
articles followed: "Contact insecticides" (the author's own research
at the time), "Sun spots" (peak of sun spot activity in those years)
inter alia. Based on the publications in the "Thüringer Volk", one of
the members of the editorial staff of the magazine "KOSMOS" - part of
the Franck'schen publishing and bookselling house - approached the author and
then put him in contact with its editorial committee. The article "Heavy
water" appeared there 1946, in somewhat altered form, as did some other
essays. [ BWW Society Home Page ] © 2006 The BWW Society/The Institute for the Advancement of Positive Global Solutions |