The 3-Dimensional Icosahedron Periodic
By Dr. Chong Soo Han, Department of and Dr. Sunah Kim Han, Department of Mathematics, Gwangju, Korea Editor’s Note:
Offering a quite interesting mix of science and philosophy, the authors of this
paper present a new way of perceiving the Chemical Periodic Table. Whether we
hail from the hard sciences, the arts and letters, the humanities or other
fields, we have all, at one time or another, encountered the Periodic Table.
Presented here is a paper edited for the layperson, giving a new visual twist to what, prior to now, had always been
illustrated in 2-dimension. Since ancient
times humans have wanted to transform materials, thus the early refinement of
iron, the creation of brass, and so on. In their quest to transform known
materials of their era, the ancients conceived the idea of elemental materials,
from which a compound material was created. Thus, it was correctly thought,
that if such a compound could be physically or chemically divided into its elemental units that
the material could be reconstructed into a different compound. The ancients
thus strove to identify the elements, and settled on the four elements of soil,
water and air and fire. About 350 BC, the Greek philosopher and
mathematician, Plato, believed that the universe could be explained from the
viewpoint of mathematics and he proposed five elements corresponding to five
perfect solids. The perfect solids are the tetrahedron (consisting of four
sides, each an equilateral triangle), the cube (six sides, each a perfect
square), the octahedron (eight sides, each an equilateral triangle), the dodecahedron
(12 sides, each an equilateral pentagon) and the icosahedron (20 sides, each an
equilateral triangle).
The five perfect solids
In the modern era the theoretical ‘fifth element’
is no longer a topic of consideration. However, we know that in previous
centuries and previous millennia scientists in both the Eastern and Western
cultures believed that five elements explained the universe. As to why this
belief in the existence of five elements was predominant -- regardless of place
or culture -- in the ancient and pre-Einsteinian eras, it is interesting and
perhaps pertinent to note that we also have five fingers, thus perhaps leading
to a sort of intuitive belief in the five-element concept. If we consider that
perhaps Plato had a transcendental cognition of the elements of the universe,
this could be the basis for his theory of the ‘magic’ element Aether,
which he believed was dodecahedron-shaped or possibly
another perfect solid of a shape which can be placed inside a dodecahedron. Although Plato believed that Aether has characteristics similar
to other perfect solids, he had difficulty in describing Aether in relation to
the other perfect solids, because at that time the Greeks believed that the
water element was sphere-shaped. Thus the icosahedron -- as the solid with a
shape most similar to the sphere – was related to water, while fire was related
to the edged tetrahedron, soil to the stable cube and air to the unstable
octahedron. Plato may have had only a transcendent cognition that Aether might
relate to a perfect solid, but without visualized evidence he could not relate
it to the solid in opposition to the common belief of the era.
Following this line of
thought -- and taking note of the fact that the dodecahedron has the same
symmetry as the icosahedron -- the authors of this
paper conceived that, as a mathematician,
Plato conceptualized
the inside of the dodecahedron mathematically.
An icosahedron can be generated from the lines which form the centers of the
faces of the dodecahedron (see illustrations, right). A mathematician would say that the dodecahedron and the
icosahedron are ‘duals’, as are the octahedron and the cube. Inversely, a
dodecahedron can be formed inside an icosahedron with the same method.
Similarly, a tetrahedron can be formed inside a larger tetrahedron; this arrangement
is referred to as a ‘self dual’. This means there is a possibility that, after
recognizing that the supposed ‘fifth element’ corresponded to a solid
consisting of 20 faces, Plato conceptualized an icosahedron inside a
dodecahedron. In 1871, the Russian chemist Mendeleyev organized the chemical
elements known at time into eight families on the periodic table.
Mendeleyev's periodic table (1871) At present, we know that there are 18 families
and two f-block families; correspondingly, we know that the chemical elements
can be classified into 20 families, thus relating to the 20-sided icosahedron. IUPAC periodic table of chemical elements (2007)
If we
contemplate two facts, one can find a similarity between the fifth element
relating to the 20 faces of the icosahedron and the 20 families of the modern
periodic table. In the other words, there is a possibility that, from his transcendental
meditation about Aether, Plato may have
intuitively known the element has 20 faces. Subsequently, modern chemists found
20 families in the elements from the viewpoint of chemical properties. Considering the above, we know of the 20 faces
in the icosahedron for Aether from the transcendental meditation of Plato, and modern
science divides the currently-known elements into 20 families. Conceptualizing what follows requires a jump in one’s thinking.
We are parts of the universe and our nature is the same to that of the
universe. This means that if one opens one’s mind philosophically, departing
from the viewpoints of traditional education and preconceived ideas, one can
see the nature of universe. This is the basis of meditation in Buddhism. In the
authors’ knowledge, Kant thought about this matter and he mentioned ‘the
transcendental knowledge’. Many inspirations of great scientific discovery are
achieved in this manner; in fact, Albert Einstein once said that he developed
his Theory of Relativity by visualizing himself sitting on a photon as it
dashed through space. The authors of this paper posit that Plato (and along
with him, Mendeleyev) also had a brilliant clarity of mind, enabling him to
visualize the structure of chemical elements. This brings us to a fundamental
philosophical question: “Can one find a thing which does not exist in the
features of the icosahedron 3-D periodic table are as follows: 1. We can touch it. This
stimulates one’s interest in the elements, relating to chemistry as well as to science
in general, from young children taking their first look at chemistry to
professional scientists teaching the subject. 2. In the basic model, the
f-block elements are located in their correct position1. There
are many symmetry operations2 in the icosahedron. When one is
playing with the 3D periodic table, one’s spatial perception is greatly
enhanced. 3. One can handily
rearrange the periodic table depending upon one’s particular interest or experimentation. This is
the authors’ proposal for the next generation of chemists, teachers and
students. The authors posit that future generations will be able to change the
chemical properties of the elements and, correspondingly, they will change the
location of the families on the faces of icosahedron. This change, however,
does not mean they will be able to change the elements themselves as the
Alchemists attempted. In conclusion, the authors of this paper
believe that if there are other intellectual living things in the universe,
they too will begin their journey of scientific discovery with the recognition
of five perfect solids3 and the periodicity
of chemical properties4 of the elements. We believe
they will group the elements into a periodic table as Mendeleyev did. And
finally they will make 3-D icosahedron periodic tables to teach science to their
children. Footnotes:
This figure below serves
as a visual summary of the paper:
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