Sustainable Development in Africa:


Innovating Organically for Mankind and Planet Earth in the Decade of Action

by Dr. Amos Aziakpono Obi, Principal Innovator and Strategic Director

Hetaved Skills Academy & Networks International

Delta State, Nigeria


Link for Citation Purposes:


Nowadays, the world is in a cross-road economically, socially and environmentally. And the critical issues affecting the economies of the world especially Africa, are the challenges of chronic and endemic poverty, hunger, climate change, injustices, restiveness and massive unemployment leading to increasing violent extremisms. These vices no doubts, are largely due to abuse, lack of innovations and neglect of the abundant natural resources and the environment.


But the question that is begging for answer is: What are the best permanent ways and options available to cure these ills and promote a robust CIRCULAR economy among countries and states in Nigeria, Africa and the world today?


 No doubt, technology based economy through Information and computer technology, has been largely prescribed by many authorities and is still being deployed in many countries around the world with lots of progress. However, in view of the massive level of ignorance and the challenges of power shortage to drive the technology bases economy, we are force to look out for other best and most practicable options that is in line with for instance, the Africa cultural/traditional background and in alignment with the UN Global Goals- Goals 1-NO POVERTY, 2- ZERO HUNGER, 8- DECENT WORK OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, 9- INDUSTRY,INNOVATIONS ND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11-SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES,  12-RESPONSIBLE COMSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION and 13- CLIMATE CHANGE.


Thinking in this wise therefore, it will be the best to innovate on a robust Global best practices for the Africa economies through a critical and new look at the various organic options with opportunities offered through innovations in environmental oriented green enterprises to complement digital technology entrepreneurship.


For instance, it has been estimated that if  40- 60 percent of  investment flowing  from the world into Africa is channeled into infrastructural resources towards developing green based technologies economy, Africa could experience massive development socially, economically and environmentally in the shortest possible time. 



Building and advancing on the template of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals or the 2030 Agenda, which has the potentials to naturally key developmental programs into the global platforms that could drew in a lots of advantages, partnership/ support and investments. But to start with, what are the SDGs and their potentials in bridging the developmental gaps in our world today?.

Recall that On 1st January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development were adopted by world leaders in at an historic UN Summit- officially came into force. And it was agreed by all world leaders that over the next fifteen years, 2015-2030, all countries were expected to mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. Thus, while the world and our leaders have entered a voluntarily and mandatory commitment towards the conservation of life, equality for all and sustainable environmental development, which is indeed a breath-taking journey of global transformation, as termed the 2030 Agenda, we must need to inculcate and mobilize the youths, student, women and the  academic community into the global goals programs through innovations in nature and environmentally friendly projects for economic transformation and empowerment against poverty, hunger , social injustices and climate change.  


This is considered very vital and urgent because, in spite of the splendor of the historic moments, and the wonderful 17 proposed global goals, it is now very obvious that the Sustainable Development Goals- (SDGs) needed to have visible grass-root touch and be more flexibly linked to the common stakeholders/right holders of the world populace. Today, this link is somehow missing perhaps due - on one hand, to the sophisticated nature and language of the UN documents as well as the processes of transmitting the Global vision to the world populace.  


The SDGs represents some of the smartest interventions the world has ever had. And actually, the SDGs with their broader vision of 169 targets with an all comprising mandates are supposed to be interlinked with every other goal and relate meaningfully to the current social economic structures and concepts. Life is a complex multidimensional phenomenon and so must be our solutions to conserving it. But the most urgent question are: How are the SDGs going to be addressed and applied in terms of practical poverty and hunger eradication, Inequalities and injustices eradication, Industries and Infrastructural Innovations provision through a organic science based entrepreneurship scheme? And most importantly, how are they supposed to represent practical solutions for Education, Entrepreneurship for jobs creation, climate issues and communication challenges of our time?  And here lies the relevant of this topic: Innovating organically for mankind and planet earth in this Decade of Action for the SDGs


INNOVATIONS IN ORGABIC SCIENCE BASED PRENEURSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN ENTERPRISES, is supposed to be designed and aimed at turning the natural resources into local sustainable businesses.



Africa and Nigeria in particular, no doubt, present abundant opportunities in the areas of the human, landed and natural resources needing attention and new approaches through innovations in organic science based entrepreneurship.


The Africa large land mass estimated at 30, 212, 000 square kilometers representing 22.3 percent of global total land area  though degraded in most countries need to be cured and restored  through organic  technology innovations for traditional and commercial agricultural production that could boast food production for human and animals sustenance.


This is particularly true in the areas around many states in Nigeria. Thus, re-focusing and redirection on how to turn our degraded and wasteful lands into usefulness could bring about a total turn-around in economic development. It has been estimated for instance that the total employment effect of the restoration economy ranges from 10.4 –to- 39.7 millions jobs per USD 1 Million invested.


And to further set this into present realities and perspective, the oil and gas industry could only support approximately 5.3 million jobs per USD 1 Million invested. In this context, it is further suggested that restoring just 12 percent of degraded agricultural land could boast smallholders’ income by USD 35-40 Billion per year and feed 200 million people in Africa per year within the next 15 years which is in accordance with the mandate of the 2030 Agenda- the UN SDGs.


Africa again, according to Dr. Walter Williams, Professor of economics at George Masson University, who wrote and said, “In terms of natural resources, Africa is the world’s richest continent”. If then Africa is well endowed above other continents of the world in terms of human, natural and mineral resources, why should the situation of the African continent remain in perpetual impoverished state?


We could change the narrative for better through innovations in ORGANIC BASED SCIENCE PRENEURSHIP Projects. All that is mostly needed now is for the world to re-direct and re-focus their investment drive in Africa into innovations to harness the abundant and large water bodies, expansive landed property, sands, forest, and other natural resources for a robust green economy and we could have a better and sustainable Africa.


Apart from the economic benefits, the global challenge of climate change could be easily checked through massive investment in practicable organic green enterprises. With a re-focus efforts and innovations in such practices like: Organic Green projects, Eco-tourism ventures and innovations in Digital technology/Social Enterprises formation, climate change could be easily checked.



Apart from the general and detail studies on the UN SDGs- Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, the project and submission for considerations, consist of various aspects of practical Innovations in



 such as:

1-Innovations in Horticulture,- (Ornamental plants production)

2-Innovations in Floriculture (Flowers production),

3-Innovations in Pomology-(Fruits Production),

4-Innovations in Olericulture- (Vegetable Farming),

5-Innovations in Permaculture –A holistic approach through-Organic Farming, Agro forestry, integrated farming, Sustainable Development and Applied Ecology),

6-Innovations in Green House Farming,

7-Innovations in Earoponics soilless farming,

8-Innovations in Hydroponics soilless farming,

9-Innovations in Aquaponics soilless farming,

10-Innovations in Heliculture- Snail farming

11- Innovations in Aquaculture (Fish farming and Animal Husbandry–

Fish farming with other forms of traditional agriculture in small and large animal farming for domestic and commercial purpose without harming natural processes. 


Here, we have some  potent innovations- like the Patented HETAVED Organic Floating Fish Feed and Organic Liquid Fertilizers for example  that could be harnessed to scale up a revolution in  communal and profitable aquaculture, vegetable and hydroponics farming  among small holders  farmers in every state and regions. And this could open up thousands and millions of green economic ventures to empowering the people- women and youths in particular.



The various ecotourism destinations in the continent and states like: Cultural Heritage and Festivals, the Park, Hotels and other tourism sites across the continent could be highlighted, promoted and exposed as means of advancing the SDGs and achieving sustainable development/economic growth and thereby attracting global patronage, partnership and investments.



This presentations, also includes innovations in digital technology infrastructures and entrepreneurship for massive youths and students empowerment. With these, if well implemented, Africa and Nigeria in particular could be relieved from the crunches of climate change, hunger and endemic poverty with incessant youth’s restiveness and violence extremism.


Some specific areas needed to be mentioned here, which form part of the Innovations in Green and Digital entrepreneurship on E-SKILLS FOR DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP for massive youths and women training and empowerment as Digital and Social Entrepreneurs include: 


1--ICT and Digital Technology Entrepreneurship Education through our well designed LEARNING-WORKING and EARNING Training, Mentoring and Empowerment programs


2--Digital writing and publishing- See practical example at:


3--Website and BlogSpot Creation, Promotion and Monetization, Please, see our example at:


4--E-commerce Entrepreneurship---Typical example at


5--Digital Entrepreneurship Education


6--Freelancing and E-consulting Entrepreneurship


7--Digital Marketing


8--Social Media Entrepreneurship


9--Affiliate Marketing




11—INNO-NATIVE Designs and local contents promotion


12-- Innovation contest and pitching practicum/ Hakathons etc.


13—Creating and monetizing of YOUTUBE channels- Through this, students and youths could be trained as partners with Google and benefits from the   youtube scheme and economic potentials. Again, see our examples at:


D- Other soft skills and capacity building on innovations and entrepreneurship with basic hard skills like caterings, agro-biz schemes, educational projects and leadership/management should be well inculcated to participants to broaden the horizons of interest and investment/engagement opportunities.


We have captured thousands of areas in Organic based Science Entrepreneurship skills acquisition for youths and women training, mentoring and empowerment in our blue-prints and manuals titled: SKILLS FOR SDGs-PRENEURSHIP- on how to turn the Global Goals into local sustainable businesses, POST COVID-19: THE MASTER BLUE-PRINT FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY,  as well as the Course of Studies on INNOVATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN ENTERPRISES which are now being used and offered globally but could be accessed online at:


Again, refer to this project and programs global endorsement for universities worldwide at:



In our search for a new society and the efforts at redefining sustainable and balance living, perhaps we must begin by looking for best examples from other cultures.


And in this case, there is no better example of such a culture than that of the NAVAHO, who were taught to live in harmony with Mother Earth, Father Sky and with the many other elements such as: man, animals, plants and insects and to see that “living in harmony with the universe and all living creatures on Earth gives a clean soul.” Thus, the most significant reflection and profound question now is: When is it legitimate for humans to exploit, harm, and destroy living things and the environment that every species depends upon? Hence, our theory of change is based on holistic, organically integrated and sustainable development approach through rediscovery and harnessing the natural environment and resources through INNOVATIONS IN GREEN, DIGITAL AND SOCIAL ENTERPRISES in harmony with nature, man and the ecosystems.


Thus, apart from the direct effect of militating against poverty, hunger, social injustices and climate change, the programs and schemes has the potentials benefits of:

-Making every implementing state in Nigeria and regions in Africa an SDGs Hub and with the targeting of attracting more of the UN presence and support.

-The program also could be used as a spring board for attracting new investments opportunities through direct contacts with relevant SDGs investors’ friendly global bodies which are ready for strategic partnership with private and public bodies.

-This program could be use as a catalyst to stimulate and promote grass-root industrialization through Local Government and Communities based ORGANIC SCIENCE BASED  PRENEURSHIP economic projects establishment in line with competitive advantageous resources, location and expertise.


- This program could serve as a new vista of opportunities to train and empower thousands and millions of youths/students and women for new alternative employment and income opportunities as innovators in GREEN, DIGITAL AND SOCIAL enterprises innovators, thus drastically reducing social vices like arm robbery, prostitution, kidnapping and violent extremism.


Note Before: The author, Dr. Amos Obi, being an Endorsed Global STI and Meaningful Business- MB100 Innovator for the UN SDGs,  is readily available as a consultant and expert services provider on organic science based sustainable project at: e-mail or Whatsapps at: -2348030899694

This write up is extracted from the book on: Organic Production Systems for Sustainable Living by Dr. Amos Obi, and could be accessed at:


Based in Oleh/Ozoro,  Delta State, Nigeria   Dr. Amos is an Inventor, Social Entrepreneur and Creative Writer.  Academically, Amos is a versatile academic with vast studies and practical exposures in Pharmacology, Science Technology, Computer/ Digital Technology and Theology.

Of most recent, Dr. Amos has been name among the 100 Meaningful Business Globally for the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda by the Hottopics International at:

Amos has been Awarded Eminent UN Peace Ambassador during the UN International Day on Climate Change for Peace 2019 by the International Association of World Peace Advocates in recognition of his efforts in promoting peace and the UN Sustainable Development Goals- SDGs toward achieving the 2030 Agenda.