Western Neocolonialism:


The Contemporary Rape of Africa


by The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society

and the Institute for Positive Global Solutions


Link for Citation Purposes: https://bwwsociety.org/journal/archive/the-on-going-rape-of-africa.htm


Wild-eyed Globalists see Africa as theirs for the taking. As a maniacal predator may view an innocent child, the Globalists see Africa as fresh fruit upon which they believe they have the inalienable right to feast.


Neocolonialism has long been a subject of scrutiny in relation to its exploitative practices in Africa. For centuries Africa has been the victim of colonization, and today the contemporary manifestations of neocolonialism and its impact on the African continent continue. From nation-breaking in North Africa, leaving open slave auctions thriving in previously prosperous and stable Libya, to France's recent bombing of the freedom-seeking Niger, the abuse of Africa continues and intensifies.


There are myriad deceptions through which the so-called "International Community" continues to exert economic and political control over African nations, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation that echoes the colonial past, all dressed up as "aid" and "peacekeeping" using the lipstick of the exploitative IMF, World Bank and any number of underhanded, deceptive NGOs.


To understand the contemporary rape of Africa via neocolonialism, we must first acknowledge the historical context. The West's colonial past in Africa laid the groundwork for the exploitation that continues today. The effects of colonial policies, such as resource extraction, forced labor, and cultural erasure, continue to shape the power dynamics between Western states and their former colonies.


Neocolonialism primarily manifests through economic exploitation. Many African countries are trapped in a web of unequal economic relationships with the West, characterized by neocolonial economic agreements that favor western corporations. These agreements often impede African nations' development by prioritizing western economic interests over local industries and perpetuating dependence on the West.


One prominent example is the French control over the CFA Franc, a colonial-era currency used by several African nations. This arrangement, enforced by France, limits the economic sovereignty of these nations, leaving them vulnerable to French monetary policies and restrictions.


The natural resources of Africa, ranging from minerals to agricultural products, have long been a target of Western economic interests. Western multinational corporations extract these resources, often securing favorable contracts and minimal local benefits. This resource extraction perpetuates poverty, environmental degradation, and economic disparities, leaving African nations deprived of their own wealth.


Neocolonialism also extends to political interference in African affairs. Western nations often back autocratic regimes and interferes in local elections to protect their economic and strategic interests. This behavior undermines democratic processes, stunts political development, and contributes to ongoing instability in the region.


The United States and France both maintain a significant military presence in Africa under the pretext of counterterrorism operations and peacekeeping missions. However, this military presence has raised concerns about the perpetuation of neocolonialism through military control. The deployment of western troops without sufficient consultation with African nations further reflects the power imbalance and undermines African sovereignty.


The Role of Neocolonialism in Underdevelopment:


The continued neocolonial exploitation perpetuates vast socio-economic disparities, hindering the development of African nations. It stifles local industries, prevents technological advancements, and perpetuates a cycle of poverty, marginalization, and dependency. The uneven power dynamics between France and African nations hinder self-determination and impede progress.



The contemporary rape of Africa through neocolonialism underscores the urgent need to address the persistent exploitation of African countries. Recognizing and dismantling the economic, political, and military structures that perpetuate neocolonialism is essential for African nations to regain control over their resources, economies, and governance. It is a collective responsibility to support African nations in their efforts to break free from the chains of neocolonial exploitation and create a more equitable and just future.


However, both long and recent history have shown that Africa must reply on herself and unite on her own and only trust those powers, such as Russia and China, who have helped rather than exploited them. The alliance of African nations must help those nations which are still ruled by puppets to de-colonize, throw off the puppet governments and install their own democratically-elected leaders. They must develop a strong and intimidating defensive force and be ever-prepared to vigorously throw off any attempted invasions by the so-called "International Community", whether that threat comes subtly and underhandedly via NGOs or by invading armies.