Universal Harmony

Mental Quantum Evolution


by Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic

Scientist and Artist

Berlin, Germany

Formerly: Scientist at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, and Artist


by Dr. Hinko Cackovic

Scientist and Artist

Berlin, Germany

Formerly: Scientist at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, and the Technical University, Berlin, Germany



We are grateful to our parents:

Jelena Loboda Zrinski (Zrinski), Artist (Dramatist, Prose Writer and Poet), and

Prof. Peter Loboda, Artist (Sculptor),

Emma Cackovic (Habermann), and Walter-Viktor Cackovic, Engineer,

for given love, their wonderful and exemplary life.



At the present time all is interrelated with each other in the world, essentially by the interest of people for general world problems. Complex problems of life, science, art, technology, economy and generally of society can be satisfactory solved only by inventiveness and fantasy. Human narrow specialization is no more the right way to solve problems in any field; moreover, the narrow specialist is injurious at any level. The creativity and interdisciplinary working are necessary conditions for further development in all fields of human life and work. This tendency is evident already in the present, since many people broaden their interests, change their way of life, thinking and knowledge.


Considerations contained in this work are based on personal life, work and experience [1, 2], on the life and activity of our parents, on general world situation and its changes. The driving force for processes in life, human activity and nature, Universal Harmony [3, 4], is the main theme of this work. Universal Harmony is to be understood not only as a nice and harmonic feeling – but as an impulse for creating the work and the driving force in the background of all processes. 




Art in Palaeolithic Period


      The art works from Palaeolithic period, more than about 30000 years old, represent a new quality in human harmonizing creativity, appearing in that time. First time in history one individual created an art work, the first known sculpture till now, Venus of Hohlen Fels (Germany), more than 35000 years ago. Then, over long periods of time, other individuals follow, with known art works: sculpture “Lion-Man”, 32000 years old, found in a cave in Hohlstein-Stadel near Ulm (Germany), and Venus of Willendorf (Austria), 26000 – 24000 years, cave-paintings in Ardèche-Wally (Cauvet-Cave), 33000 – 30000 years, and from Altamira (France), 18000 – 13000 years old. The beauty and the sense of these old art works have influence even on present aesthetic feeling. 


      Obviously, since only relatively few sculptures and cave-paintings are witnesses of artists’ creation through out the Palaeolithic period, creativity as harmonizing process was the mental privilege of individuals in that time and not a general phenomenon. Nevertheless, it happened. In the time of harsh and disharmonic life conditions some individuals needed a sort of counter-balance, to express their feeling to him self and to share it with others.


      The harmonic feeling, during creation and observation of art objects, and during communication with others by these art works - was necessary for the further mental evolution of human species.



Creativity in Art


      Art development through history attends processes in human life and society of small groups, but now over the world. Since art creation, following intuition, is a mental development of every single artist, it is a personal disharmonic or harmonic answer to these processes. This means, disharmonic expressions of one artist, or an art-period, heal over time into harmonic ones, as society does.


      Moreover, in disharmonic world situations always pioneers exist, generally in every field of human activity, with their harmonizing work being in advance of its time, and so help to heal the existing disharmonic state in the world. Through these pioneers art development is not only attendant to, but also influences the processes in society.


      In this work we focused the attention on our art work, since we like to give considerations from our live, work and experiences. Art work (sculptures, relief, paintings, photo-art and collages) is given in detail in the autobiographical section. Our art works are the answer to existing processes in life, in nature and in the world, are life-affirming and are created following intuition in the searching for beauty and harmony, for peace and freedom, and for dialog and cooperation. The complex view, on the work in art and science and on society, has given us the understanding and the deep insight in creation processes, and we learned the Universal Harmony as the driving force in behind. We got the understanding about interrelations between all fields of human activity, and about networks in nature, society, in inorganic and organic world.



Creativity in Science    


Our scientific research contains various methods of investigation, different states of matter and various materials. Fields of investigation are: Physics, chemistry and physical chemistry. The work is interdisciplinary; intuition and fantasy are important. Such an approach enabled us to a broader scope of insight into the processes in matter and revealed the background of these processes.


We developed new theoretical and experimental investigation methods and new physical instruments, with the intention to get broader and more precise experimental results. Scientific works are dealing with investigations of various phenomena on matter after different physical and chemical treatments. Our investigations are concerned with physics and physical chemistry of synthetic and biological (brain membranes) long-chain molecules, new polymer liquid crystals, metals, metallic alloys, reactions on the crystal surfaces, complex metal/non-metallic systems, and different states of matter, as crystalline, paracrystalline, liquid crystalline, isotropic, amorphous state, and its mutual and fluent transitions.


Our Experiments on Complex Materials


      (1) Mechanically treated matter: Stretched polymer material showed distinct behaviour [5], accelerated with rising temperature. The consequence is release of strain, accompanied by some subsequent states of order. Healing of a crystal structure can be done below the melting temperature. If a crystal structure is highly disturbed it would only need longer time to recover. So, the re-crystallisation from melt, i.e. going through total chaos, is not necessary.  


Self-ordering of matter interlinks order within microstructure (crystallites, i.e. small crystalline regions) with order of macrostructure (network built by crystallites as nodes). It improves the macrostructure by temporary disordering the microstructure: Better ordering of the network is accompanied by roughening/disordering the crystallite surfaces, followed by ordering of the surfaces again. In consequence a better order on both levels was established.  


      (2) Experiments were made with material mechanically treated by affine deformation [6]. (Affine deformation changes only the shape, but not the volume.) Such a material, by slowly rising the temperature almost up to melting point, re-transformed back in the original shape and volume. It has been made evident also that this transformation takes place down to molecular dimensions. The material has memory of the macroscopic shape before mechanical treatment. This memory is only lost in the melt, for a longer period of time.


      (3) Experiments [7] with solid (solution crystallized) polymers, when melted, show that centres of crystallization are preserved in the melt at least for some time. Upon cooling, the previously crystalline domains re-formed. In this case, the same re-forming is established again by memory on near neighbours on the molecular level. This memory can be destroyed by mechanical treatment in the molten state.


      (4) Reactions at the surface of mono-atomic and alloy single crystals, reactions at the surface from atomic to complex – revealed more new aspects of matter.  

      Our experiments [8] on Pd-Cu alloy show the rejection of foreign atoms (sulphur) from the single crystal, after drastic changes of the surface microstructure firstly. Increasing temperature speeds up this process.


      The “intention” of the material is to release bulk elastic strain energy, produced by solute foreign atoms. The release starts when in the alloy-crystal-matrix the volume and the surface region act together to enable self-organization of the surface. This unique cooperation starts with the segregation process of sulphur atoms, accompanied by surface roughening and partial disordering. Process continued further in direction of Cu segregation into the subsurface and in changing the (1x2) Pd surface structure into (1x1). Ordering the surface in larger such Pd (1x1) surface domains, containing about 20 lattice cells, enable sulphur atoms to build commensurate ones on top. The sulphur c(2x2) over-layer fits perfectly on the Pd (1x1) surface lattice. It was not a simple expulsion of sulphur from the crystal matrix, but cooperation with sulphur to release the strain and minimize the surface tension by growths of a commensurate sulphur over-layer.


      The alloy crystal reached a higher order by this volume-surface cooperation, even through changing the lattice cell of its surface layer.



      Complex materials, as synthetic or biological long-chain molecules, show interdependence of processes, as order/disorder phenomena in the atomic, molecular and colloidal dimensions, and mutual dependence of order between them. This interdependence is shifted in time and extended over some dimensions in the structure, from single atoms or molecules to large crystalline domains.


      The memory is part of the network in open systems. The nodes of the network are built by near neighbour molecules in molten state, or by small crystalline domains in solids. In experiments, memory has been found to prevail in the molecules which interconnect several adjacent crystalline domains in strained material (exp.1, 2), or in the binding forces of adjacent molecules in material being in equilibrium (exp.3).

      Generally, the network is an important feature of nature and society, bearing the harmonic force for healing the system.


      Structural disharmony, as for instance foreign atoms cause in single crystals, heals through a harmonization process. Rejection of foreign atoms out of the crystal volume goes through roughening and disordering of the surface, as necessary preparing processes to rich a higher harmonic state of order of the whole system, including the foreign atoms integrated into the surface. Self-preparing of the structure in atomic dimensions at the crystal surface enables volume processes in future, linked over some dimensions and shifted in time.   


      Harmonization always controls the processes in microscopic or macroscopic dimensions, i.e. processes in open systems flow from disharmonic, or from state of lower order, to a state of higher order.


Water as an Information Bearer


      After experiments of Masaru Emoto [9], water is an information bearer; it has a memory of all it was in contact with. As such, it is a nice indicator for the purity of nature.

      Water has the ability to react on sound and words, even written. Moreover, water changes its structure in liquid state when exposed to positive or negative human mental influence.

Since a human being consists mostly (about 2/3) of water, the influence of positive or negative thinking and living situations on him is obvious; not only through the influence of other persons, but also by own feeling and thinking (self-healing and self-destroying).  


      To reed out the memory of water, it was frozen and the crystals were examined under microscope (Masaru Emoto experiments). Frozen crystals of spring water are nice and harmonic in form, and on the other side, disharmonic, more or less chaotic crystals indicate pollution, as it could be found in streamlets, rivers, ponds and lakes, in the see, even in tap water.


      The cleaning of polluted water, for instance tap water, by mechanical removing the pollutant is not sufficient, because the accumulated information is the content of its memory, not cleaned up by such a procedure. 

      Only direct influence on the information can successively improve the quality of water. The information can be cleaned by circulation in nature through vaporizing, rain and till coming out of the earth as spring clean water. The wonderful, positive result of experiments made by Masaru Emoto indicates the possibility of healing the polluted water also by human mental harmonization, i.e. over-writing the accumulated information. Such experiments are already successfully done in Japan.  



Universal Harmony


General Flow of Processes  


      Having courage for change, we broke down the common barriers of thinking already long time ago, and clearness of understanding processes going on justified our conclusions.

      Our work based on a global view “Art, Science and their Creative Interaction” shows the necessity to understand the creation process better. Art and science are not opposite fields, since creativity, imagination, fantasy, ethic and aesthetic are necessary for both. The act of creation in both fields is identical. Moreover, the moment of creation is general and independent of a specific field, on highest level, with instantaneous and complete clearness in the network of feeling, knowledge and thinking.


      Our research reveals something existing in background of processes in nature, so that only describing by physical laws is not sufficient for a deep understanding. The satisfying answer can not be obtained by mechanical thinking; only feeling and imagination together with thinking reveal clearness of understanding, as we have shown by unity of art and science.

      Considerations about driving forces also in human life and activity, and in society are based on hints we got through out our work and life. The result is the insight into the background of processes elsewhere.

      Worth mentioning is the known self-healing process in injured nature, without interference from outside. Even human self-healing process was not completely understood till now, but after deep insight in the background of processes now it becomes more and more understandable.


      Changes happened everywhere in the past time mostly through chaos and collapse before the New could start. Decay of old cultures, even disappearing of nations, is well known in history. The new human being breaks common barriers in solving problems and leaves the usual tracks leading in chaos and destruction. Now, more and more, with the substance of his thoughts and feeling, and through love and creativity he forms a new positive development everywhere. The quality and quantity of changed people grow to such extent that going through chaos now is not needed to form the New, because the Old can be transformed peacefully. 

      The Old must be firstly brought to instability before changing in the New. Already stagnation causes disharmony. It is generally shown that Disharmony has low probability to be stable in open systems, but it is necessary for healing the system through transformation.


      Disharmony in human life and activity, in nature and society, just everywhere, is only a temporary state, while the Self-Ordering prepares the states of higher order. During a time-limited state of Disharmony, Universal Harmony is the driving force for a flow of processes everywhere in open systems, in direction to a higher order. Because the reached higher order, after a prolonged time means Stagnation, i.e. Disharmony, the Universal Harmony causes a constant flow of processes to new higher orders, necessary for positive development everywhere.


      The healing processes in inorganic and organic world are analogous: 

      In our example, the alloy crystal (exp. 4) healed its disturbed structure, caused by foreign atoms, through the cooperation of not only different parts of the whole crystal, but also by the foreign/disturbing atoms. Similar, the cooperation between micro and macrostructure in complex materials (experiments 1-3) is the base for healing the whole structure.

      An analogous healing is possible in society through cooperation of a growing number of positively thinking and feeling individuals in different parts of society. Pioneers always exist, in all fields of human activity, with their harmonizing work being in advance of its time. They inspire others to heal the existing disharmonic state in the world and influence advances in society.


Mental Quantum Evolution


      Universal Harmony is the driving force for peoples Mental Quantum Evolution (MQE). MQE is responsible for a new general development in society and culture, for survival of species and nature, and is characterized by the tendency of profound Mental Transformation of the present and future generations. Fact is that in the past only few individuals undergo MQE and were pioneers in new feeling and thinking, but in the present the MQE becomes more and more a general phenomenon.


      MQE - inspires necessary characteristics of a human being to be an open system, able to change.

      MQE - changes individuals to be conscious mind of their mental power and of personal freedom to live the life as they dreamed it, without others being hurt.

      MQE - changes individuals into responsible ones for own life and for all occurrences in the world, since feeling and thinking now break barriers and people free them self out of the stereotype. The level of responsibility depends on mental development of each individual and on his personal possibilities.


      Qualities reinforced by Mental Transformation:

      Love for life, life-affirming feeling, thinking and activity, and having the courage to dream – make possible to find positive solutions for every problem. Love for him self, for living on earth, for nature and all living beings – is the most important condition for a better future.

      Interest, inquisitiveness, thirst for knowledge, developing intuition, learning all over the time - are the base for fearless life.

      Significant is the tendency to new science fields and technologies and to new forms of expression. The most important aspects of this tendency are synthesis of science and art, and unity of human scientific-technical with aesthetical and ethical development, preventing the scientific and technical abuse of nature and violence on living beings and nature.

      Ethic and aesthetic part of human living and activity change profoundly, evident by growing respect for all living beings. Now more people have the intention to protect the nature and preserve species, showing general responsibility for our planet. From profound importance is cooperation between nations on all economic levels and by assistance for self-help.  

      Creativity in all fields of life, searching for new ways in different fields of activity, fantasy combined with intellect and to be open for changes - are necessary to open a broad view on existing problems and solving them.

      Self-evident characteristics are compassion for other people and whole nature, honesty, fairness, cooperation, and intention for peace and freedom.

      Active engagement worldwide to give children better chances by sponsoring their education is the base for better future for all. The most important condition for children development is the quality of parent life and love, even more important than any other influence.

      Mental synchronicity is needed in a group of people, working creatively in projecting and elaboration of solutions. Communication and solving problems by cooperation are integral parts of society’s progress.

      The humanity’s free will is always preserved; people solve problems positive in accordance with Universal Harmony. Otherwise, as it is known through history, the free will without Universal Harmony leads to disharmony and chaos generally, till Harmony is established again.


Best Chances for the Future


      Universal Harmony is responsible for changes and processes in organic and inorganic world, science and technology, in art, society, in human feeling and thinking by MQE, just for positive changes everywhere.

      In self-organisation of the matter Universal Harmony is the driving force in background of all processes in direction to higher order.

      Universal Harmony is the background of all processes in open systems, and can not be described by any formula mathematically, can not be proved with any physical method - only the consequences everywhere show the reality of this force.


      The Universal Harmony is the general driving force, even the generally valid force at all. This creative force is in the human being itself and in nature, and acts through the human being, in accordance with his free will, and through nature.


      The goal of all new developments worldwide is to improve the world, in which we live and the world in future, for living and future generations. This means a globalisation of fair chances for all people, concerning education, nutrition, and availability of water, housing and energy. To reach this goal - the cooperation between people in different parts of the globe and of societies is the necessary base.

         The whole life on earth is influenced by peoples feeling, thinking and doing. Working in agreement with Universal Harmony, and by cooperation, more and more people change disharmony or crisis in economy, society, just everywhere - into best chances for future.



About the Authors:


Jasna Loboda-Cackovic and Hinko Cackovic both have dual careers as scientists and artists, giving them a unique perspective on the world and on life. A brief autobiographical section about each author is presented below:


Art and Science

Searching for New Ways

      Wide ranging interests already from infancy we continued later on by searching for new ways and working in multidisciplinary fields - concerning our new developed expressions in art, different and new fields in science and technology, and various aspects of human living and activity. Our creative activity in sculpturing, drawing, painting, photo-art and in science is also influenced by literature, theatre and music, and is characterized by the global view “Art, Science and their Creative Interaction” [10, 11].    


Creativity in Art 

      Our projects, as Parallel World, Hidden Worlds, Another Reality, Transformation, Pressure, Deformation, Against the Wind, Traces, and also Dreams, Dance, Music - search into different aspects and problems of life, and broaden the message of the art work.


Art-Works of Jasna Loboda-Cackovic

      Works of Jasna Loboda-Cackovic include new creations in sculptures, relief, drawings, collages, paintings and photo-art [12]. 

      Some principals of creation: Variations in forming, with putting accent on the surface of the sculpture, and on empty or full volume; Connection to surrounding, by changing the meaning of the two and three dimensionality in forming; Bringing the importance of dialog between particular own works in the two or three dimensional forming; Widening the forming using own works as players on a stage, temporary, or retained in one moment of a play by photo-art. 

      Usually the message defines the proportions and dimensions of the work. In opposite, as a way of unusual forming, real volume of the sculpture changes in a virtual one - by not adequate, but wished and necessary, apparently disharmonic disagreement between message and volume. Such forming reinforces the harmonic irradiation of the art work.

      Another method of new forming in sculpturing and drawing/painting, as a complex scope of expression, is “Fracture or Cut and Rebuilding as a Principle of Forming”, developed in the 80th [13].  By this method new aesthetic relations are built from fragments after fracture or cut of an already finished own work (sculpture, relief or painting), and a new volume in sculpture, or new surface of picture are created. The alteration process from duality to unity is contained in the work. The rebuilt sculpture contains evidently the whole process of creation, so the performance is not lost. Time is as the fourth dimension incorporated.   

      The fracture/cut in forming is a disharmonic process, necessary to express complex problems and preparing the solution in rebuilding by Harmony as the driving force. So, in spite of firstly fracturing or cutting, rebuilding is a life-affirming process. This method of forming is the answer to existing processes in life and in the world, when completely new ways bring clearness in viewing on these processes.    


Art-Works of Hinko Cackovic

      Hinko Cackovic developed his own style in photo-art and collages [14]. New aesthetic spaces, through the fusion of art and science are formed in sculptures, built up by physical instruments and machines.

      In photo-art the reality is transformed with fantasy, visualisation and through special selection of light and shadow, by special cut outs and points of view on the reality. By this way, twilight zones are revealed, as Hidden Worlds from macro to micro, with fluent boundaries between them. By photographing an object is changed, it undergoes a mutation to an art object. It is the similar process, which undergoes a pile of things on a table when it is painted as a still life; it is transmuted to an art object, it starts a different, a new life.

      Immaterial Photography, as his own style [15], is developed by painting with light, as the most subtle painting way, where not objects but only the light, changed by going through them, is photographed. As such, it is also Concrete Photography.

      The attraction of attention to beauty of objects and their message, for instance in Hidden Worlds, are caused by Harmony as the driving force in creation process. These concealed worlds change the reality into a dreamlike one or loose the former sense and get a new one with different aesthetic and emotional qualities.


Two-Artist Group JasHin

(Jasna Loboda-Cackovic & Hinko Cackovic)

      The group was established 1997 [16]. Works of the group are collages, photo-art and volume-collages [17].

      Both artists follow an own and new way of performing. The resulting innovative work of JasHin is obtained through the dialog of unchanged works from each artist, performed by harmonization as the driving force in the creation process. The sculptures, relief, drawings and paintings from Jasna Loboda-Cackovic stay in dialog with photo-art and machine-sculptures from Hinko Cackovic. Such dialog changes the former expression of the separate works and shows many-sided interpretations, containing completely new messages.

      The condition to create a new work is the synchronicity in imagination, projecting and elaboration of both artists. Totally free creation at each common work reveals potency of fantasy and imagination.





[1]     Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic: Life and work have been included in numerous biographical directories from: The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society, California, USA; American Biographical Institute, North Carolina, USA; International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England; Marquis Who's WhoR Publications, New Jersey, USA; Intercontinental book and publishing CO. LTD, Canada; Brigitte Schellmann, Berlin, Germany; Arte factum Verlagsges.mbH, Germany.


[2]     Dr. Hinko Cackovic: Life and work have been included in Who’s Who Books: Marquis Who’s WhoR Publications, New Jersey, USA; International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England; American Biographical Institute, North Carolina, USA; Intercontinental book and publishing CO. LTD, Canada; Biography Today, New Delhi, India; Distinguished & Admirable Achievers, Biography Treasury Series, Delhi, India; Verlag Brigitte Schellmann, Berlin, Germany; Arte factum Verlagsges.mbH, Germany.


[3]     The International Einstein Award for Scientific Achievement, commemorates and celebrates the life and the work “Science, Art and Universal Harmony” of

Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (2009).


[4]     The International Einstein Award for Scientific Achievement, commemorates and celebrates the life and the work “Science, Art and Universal Harmony” of

Dr. Hinko Cackovic, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (2009).


[5]     J. Loboda-Cackovic, R. Hosemann and W. Wilke, Röntgenkleinwinkel- und Dichtemessungen an verstrecktem und getempertem linearem Polyäthalen, Kolloid Z. u. f. Polymere, 235 (1969) pp. 1162-1171; J. Loboda-Cackovic, R. Hosemann and W. Wilke, Kernresonanzuntersuchungen an verstrecktem und getempertem linearem Polyäthalen, Kolloid Z. u. f. Polymere, 235 (1969) pp. 1253-1260; H. Cackovic, R. Hosemann,

J. Loboda-Cackovic and W. Wilke, “Kristalartige” Ketten (α-Typ) in der “amorphen” Phase des linearen Polyäthylens, Kolloid Z. u. f. Polymere, 235 (1969) pp. 1287-1288;

J. Loboda-Cackovic, R. Hosemann and W. Wilke, Nematic to Smectic Transition in Linear Polyethylene, J.Materials Sci., Letters, 6 (1971) p. 269; J. Loboda-Cackovic, R. Hosemann and H. Cackovic, Superstrukturänderungen beim Tempern von linearem Polyäthylen, Kolloid Z. u. f. Polymere, 247 (1969) pp. 824-829; R. Hosemann, J. Loboda-Cackovic and

H. Cackovic, Two Types of Recrystallization Process During Annealing of Stretched Linear Polyethylene, J. Polymer Sci., Symp. No. 42 (1973) pp. 563-576.


[6]     R. Hosemann, J. Loboda-Cackovic and H. Cackovic, Affine Deformation von linearem Polyäthylen, Z. Naturforsch., 27a (1972) pp.478-484; R. Hosemann, J. Loboda-Cackovic and H. Cackovic, Affine deformation of linear polyethylene during stretching and affine transformation to the original shape in the liquid state, J.Materials Sci., 7, Letters, (1972) p. 963; J. Loboda-Cackovic and H. Cackovic, Die affine Deformation und die Vernetzungen in verstrecktem und danach bestrahltem Polyäthylen, Kolloid Z. u. f. Polymere, 250 (1972)

pp. 511-517; R. Hosemann, J. Loboda-Cackovic and H. Cackovic, A New Type of Liquid Crystal, Ber. Bunsenges. Physikal. Chemie, 77 (1973) pp.1044-1047.


[7]     O. Phaovibul, J. Loboda-Cackovic, R. Hosemann and F. J. Baltà-Calleja, Detection of “Memory” Effects in Polyethylene by Magnetic Susceptibility, J. Polymer Sci., Polymer Phys. Ed., 11 (1973) pp.2273-2282. 


[8]     J. Loboda-Cackovic, Segregation processes in PdCu(110) and the effects of sulphur impurity on surface composition and microstructure from annealing, Vacuum, 48 (1997)

pp. 913-923.


[9]     Masaru Emoto, Book “Messages from Water”, Editor: Hado Kyoikusha Co., Ltd.


[10]   Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic: Honours in recognition of Outstanding Contribution toArt, Science and their Creative Interaction”: “The Da Vinci Diamond”, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (IBC) (2004); IBC Lifetime Achievement Award (2006); IBC Salute to Greatness Award, lifetime (2007).


[11]   Dr. Hinko Cackovic: Honours in recognition of Outstanding Contribution to

Art, Science and their Creative Interaction”: “The Da Vinci Diamond”, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (IBC) (2004); IBC Lifetime Achievement Award (2006); IBC Salute to Greatness Award, lifetime (2007).


[12]   Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic: - Art works are presented at Exhibitions in Germany, Austria, France, Monaco, Switzerland, Croatia, Luxembourg, from 1968, and Internet galleries, from 1998; Permanent presentations: Gallery for Sculpture (Bildhauergalerie Plinthe), Berlin, 1987-95; Paintings in Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany,

from 1987; Internet galleries: Cyber Museum wwwARTchannel (www.art-channel.net),

from 1998, and Virtual Gallery “artgala”, 1998 – 2008.

- Art works are presented in professional Books, Journals, and Catalogues, from 1985. Some of them: In Journals: Der Künstler Nr. 1-7, 1988-1990; Kunstblatt Nr. 1 and 2,

1995 (Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany); Kunst-aktuell, Nr. 9, 1995;

Kunst-aktuell Art-Frankfurt, 1996; Kunst-aktuell Nr. 2, 1999 (Arte factum Verlagsges.mbH, Nürnberg, AfV); Meisterwerke zeitgenössischer Kunst, 1998 and 2000 (AfV); Meisterwerke - Künstler unserer Zeit, 1999, 2001 and 2002 (AfV); Baden-Journal, Germany, Nr. 3/4, 2008; LiveMagazin, Germany, Nov./Dez., 2008; In Books: Allgemeines Lexikon der Kunstschaffenden in der Bildenden und Gestaltenden Kunst des Ausgehenden XX. Jahrhunderts, Band 3, 1993 (AfV); Dokumenta Artis, 1995 and 1999/2000 (AfV);

2000 Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century, 2001 (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, IBC); Modern Artists 3D-Art, 1996 (AfV); Meister Bildender Künste Band 3, 1997 (AfV); Preprint “Meister Bildender Künste, Band 4”, 1999 (AfV); The First Five Hundred at the new millennium, 2000 (IBC); KünstlerKompendium, 2004 (AfV).

- Prizes for art work, from 1989. Art awards include: Euro gold medal, Art and Culture, Exhibition Zürich, Switzerland, 1989; Euro Art Plakette, Exhibition Paris, France, 1989;

3 Prizes, Exhibitions, Berlin, Dresden and Baden-Baden, Germany, 1993, 1994, 1995; Sculpture Prize, 5th Open Art Prize, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 1995; Sculpture Prize, International Virtual Internet Art Competitions, Forschungs-Instituts Bildender Künste, Germany, 1998, 2000, 2001; magna cum laude for the Oevre at the Virtual Internet Art Competitions, Jean-Gebser-Akademie, Germany, 2002/2003, 2004/2005.


[13]   Dr. Jasna Loboda-Cackovic: For instance, Work-Catalogue, Sculpture, No. 567, 12.1986, First Exhibition + Catalogue: Berlin, FBK 1987, Book: Meister Bildende Künste,  Bd.3, 1997, p.129 (AfV); Work-Catalogue, Sculpture, No. 580, 7.1986, permanent presentation: Berlin, Bildhauergalerie Plinthe, 2.1987 – 3.1990; and Work-Catalogue, Sculpture, No. 647, 7.1987, permanent presentation: Berlin, Bildhauergalerie Plinthe,

3.1990-10.1995, Book: Meister Bildende Künste,  Bd.3, 1997, p. 130 (AfV).


[14]   Dr. Hinko Cackovic: - Art works are presented at numerous Exhibitions in Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, from 1991, and in Internet galleries, from 1998; Permanent art presentations: Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany, from 1991; Cyber Museum at wwwARTchannel (www.art-channel.net), from 1999, and Virtual Gallery “artgala”,

1998 – 2008.

- Works are published in Catalogues, professional Journals, from 1992, as Kunstblatt Nr.1 und 2 (1995) (Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany); Kunst-aktuell, Nr. 2 (1995),

2, 3 (1999), 6, 7-8, 9, 11, 12 (2000), 1, 5, 6, 11 (2001), 12/2001-1/2002, 3 (2002) (Arte factum Verlagsges.mbH, Nürnberg, AfV); Meisterwerke zeitgenössischer Kunst (1998, 2000); Meisterwerke - Künstler unserer Zeit (1999, 2001, 2002); Baden-Journal, Germany, Nr. 3/4, 2008; LiveMagazin, Germany, Nov./Dez., 2008; and in Books as „Allgemeines Lexikon der Kunstschaffenden in der Bildenden und Gestaltenden Kunst des Ausgehenden XX. Jahrhunderts“ Band 4 (1996) (AfV); Modern Artists 3D-Art (1996);  „Dokumenta Artis“ (1995, 1999/2000) (AfV); 2000 Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century, 2001 (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England); Preprint, Meister Bildender Künste (Band 4) (AfV); KünstlerKompendium, 2004 (AfV)..

- Prizes for art work, from 1994. Art awards: Two Euro Art Prizes, Exhibitions, Germany: Dresden and Baden-Baden, 1994, 1995; Prize for Photo-Art, 5th Open Art Prize, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 1995 and prize „Phoenix“, International Virtual Internet Art Competitions, Forschungs-Instituts Bildender Künste, Germany, 1998, 1999/2000, 2001; Prize and magna cum laude for the oeuvre at the Virtual Internet Art Competitions,

Jean-Gebser-Akademie, Germany, 2002/2003 and 2004/2005.


 [15] Dr. Hinko Cackovic: For instance, Work-Catalogue No. 238, 12.1997, Exhibition „MILLENIUM“, permanent presentation: WWWARTchannel, OMS Online-Microsystem GmbH, from 1999; Work-Catalogue No. 399, 7.1999, in Art-Journal: Kunstmagazin KUNST-aktuell, No. 6/2001, cover page and p. 26 (AfV); and Work-Catalogue No. 470, 8.1998, Exibitions organized by Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany, from 2008..


[16]   JasHin: For instance, Work-Catalogue, Collage, No. 1, 8.1997; Work-Catalogue, Collage, No. 2, 8.1997, preprint Meister Bildender Künste, Bd.4 (AfV); and Work-Catalogue, Collage, No. 52, 12.1997, art book: Dokumenta Artis 1999, p. 16 (AfV); and Work-Catalogue, Volume-Collage, No. 166A, 1.2000, Preprint, Meister Bildende Künste, 

Bd.4 (AfV).


[17] JasHin: -Art works are presented at Exhibitions in Germany, France, and in Internet Galleries from 1998; Permanent art presentations: Paintings in Gallery Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden, Germany, from 2005; Internet gallery, Cyber Museum wwwARTchannel (www.art-channel.net), from 2000; Virtual Gallery “artgala”, 1999 – 2008.

- Works are published in Catalogues, professional Journals, as: Kunst-aktuell No. 2 and 3 (Arte factum Verlagsges.mbH, Nürnberg, AfV), 1999; Baden-Journal, Germany, Nr. 3/4, 2008; LiveMagazin, Germany, Nov./Dez., 2008; and in Books: Dokumenta Artis (AfV) 2000; Preprint, Meister Bildender Künste, Band 4 (AfV); art calendar (MAAZ - Medien Advertising Ziese, Nürnberg): Meisterwerke - Künstler unserer Zeit, 1999 and 2001  and Meisterwerke Zeitgenössischer Kunst, 2000; KünstlerKompendium, 2004 (AfV).

- Prizes for art work: International Virtual Internet Art Competitions, Forschungs-Instituts Bildender Künste, Germany, 1998; magna cum laude for the Oevre at the Virtual Internet Art Competitions, Jean-Gebser-Akademie, Germany, 2002, 2002/2003, 2004/2005;




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